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Using Page scroll to id with the Divi Builder plugin

A quick guide for using “Page scroll to id” WordPress plugin with the Elegant themes Divi Builder plugin on your WordPress site.

In WordPress admin, go to SettingsPage scroll to id. Change the Selector(s) option value to:


Scroll down to “Advanced options” section and enable (check) “Prevent other scripts from handling plugin’s links” option.

and hit Save Changes.

By adding the element selector above, we instructed the plugin to handle all links that have a hash (#) in their URL.

Divi Builder plugin allows us to enter an id value for each section/module we want (via the CSS ID field). This is very handy as a)we don’t need to create our id targets manually and b)makes links highlighting easier and more precise.

In your post/page editor, click the settings icon for the module you want to add a target id

Switch to Advanced tab

Scroll down to find the CSS ID field and enter the id value you want (e.g. my-id)

Click Save & Exit.

When ready, click Update (or Publish) to save your post.

Now, any link you create with URL #my-id (or any id value you entered in the CSS ID field previously) will scroll smoothly to that target. You can create standard/plain links in the post editor, custom links in your menu, links via “Page scroll to id” toolbar icons or shortcode etc. All kind of links will work as long as they point to an existing target id in your page(s).

Notes & extras

If you use the DIVI theme and you want to disable the theme’s smooth scrolling feature on your menu links, you can add the class et_smooth_scroll_disabled in your menu links items (“CSS Classes” optional field).

Divi WordPress Theme

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  1. Maciej
    Posted on July 17, 2024 at 18:56 Permalink


    I try to make it work on DIVI-based website. Does it work with the pages/links or just with custom links? How to add (for the instance #my-ID) to links like this one?

    I set earlier my-ID to CSS ID section like mentioned above in the guide but I have no idea how or where to add #my-ID to the page KEFIRY, so after click on KEFIRY menu item it goes to KEFIRY page and scrolls down to my-ID section (actually its Produkty Janaturalnie: KEFIRY, passing by large top banner).

    Thanks in advance for any help 🙂


    • malihu
      Posted on July 18, 2024 at 14:23 Permalink


      On your menu, the link URL should be:



      And on the “KEFIRY” page, you should add the my-ID to the CSS ID field of the element you want.

      Does this help?

      • Maciej
        Posted on July 19, 2024 at 12:53 Permalink

        Hello again,

        Thanks for your previous answer.
        Anyway when I try to edit direct link (in the page edit) which is (in this example)
        and I want to add
        when i press OK to change the link – it changes by automate to

        What should I do in this case. I don’t want to create custom links, only edit the existing direct links on page edit.

        Thanks again in adv. for any clues.

        • malihu
          Posted on July 19, 2024 at 14:18 Permalink

          No problem 🙂
          Can you add the link without the site root like below?


          Does it still remove the hash (#)?

          • Maciej
            Posted on July 19, 2024 at 14:57 Permalink

            Unfortunately it still does.

            /kefiry/#my-ID (when clicked OK to accept changes still removes # and replaces path like mentioned above i.e. /kefiry-my-id/
            I have no idea why. In Advanced Options I also checked (like in your DIVI GUIDE) “Prevent other scripts from handling plugin’s links (if possible)”

        • malihu
          Posted on July 19, 2024 at 15:31 Permalink

          I see. Can you post a screenshot with the link editor panel?

        • malihu
          Posted on July 19, 2024 at 21:31 Permalink

          Hey thanks for the screenshots.

          What you’re trying to change is the Page’s URL/slug which cannot have a hash in its value!

          I’m not sure what exactly you need to do but entering in the browser address bar the URL will scroll the page smoothly to the element with CSS ID my-ID in that page (

          Does this make sense?

          You don’t change the Page URL/slug.

          You may want to check plugin’s tutorial and especially creating the links:

          Let me know 🙂

          • Maciej
            Posted on July 20, 2024 at 16:52 Permalink

            Ok, I’m probably too dumb to make it work 🙂
            So if I can’t change the slug – how can I add #my-ID to the existing links which are (of course) links to the pages created earlier by automate. I don’t want to create Custom links. Where should I add this #my-ID to existing links then? 🙂

        • malihu
          Posted on July 22, 2024 at 02:15 Permalink

          You need to create custom links. This is needed with or without the plugin. I’m not sure what “automate” is and what kind of links it creates but you can’t add a hash (#) to an existing link URL as the hash is part of the actual URL. The only way to modify existing links in your page is by javascript (i.e. develop and add an extra js custom script for your specific case).

          • Maciej
            Posted on July 22, 2024 at 22:58 Permalink

            Ok, that clarifies all. Thanks a lot again for your patience, especially in my case 🙂

  2. Maximilian
    Posted on October 20, 2022 at 23:38 Permalink


    If I use a Divi Menu Module in a page, is it possible to make the plugin work for those menu items too and not only the default divi header menu.

    Thanks in advance,


  3. Marshall
    Posted on June 20, 2022 at 20:09 Permalink

    Hi! I am trying to use this plugin with a one page Divi site as per the instructions from Elegant Themes:

    The problem is that because the site is one page, none of the links are highlighted as they should be when scrolled to or clicked. The only one that becomes highlighted is the “home” link — the rest don’t react.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

    • malihu
      Posted on June 20, 2022 at 21:18 Permalink


      Did you add the highlighted class(es) (.mPS2id-highlight) in your CSS?

      Can you post your site/page URL so I can see what happens?

  4. erik
    Posted on May 24, 2022 at 18:21 Permalink

    hi there

    Thanks for the wonderfull plugin.
    I have a weird problem with it.

    The plugin works for all links, except for the mobile menu on the homepage. Desktop menu on the same page works. mobile menu on other pages works. its just the mobile menu on this one page that wont execute the script.
    im using divi builder

    Cant figure out whats wrong. help would be highly appreciated.


    • malihu
      Posted on May 24, 2022 at 23:18 Permalink


      I’ve just tested your page on mobile and the menu works as expected (i.e. the page scrolls smoothly to the target when clicking the hamburger menu links). Did you fixed the issue or?

      In addition, go to plugin settings and enable the “Verify target position and readjust scrolling (if necessary), after scrolling animation is complete” option. This is because your page length and target(s) position changes while the is being scrolled because of the lazy-loading images. Enabling the option should fix this.

      • erik
        Posted on May 25, 2022 at 04:20 Permalink

        hi malihu,

        Thanks for your very fast reply.

        Thats is so weird. The menu isnt working on my phone browser or any desktop browsers.

        I have enabled the
        “Verify target position and readjust scrolling (if necessary),

        this option was the whole reasen i installed the plugin in the first place . eaxtly to solve the lazy loading.

        So, on your device tha page scrolls, but also not to the right place?

        Can it be a caching problem somewhere?

        • malihu
          Posted on May 25, 2022 at 05:42 Permalink

          Isn’t working at all? Can you check if you need to clear/flush your site’s cache and use a private browser window to check your page?

          • erik
            Posted on May 25, 2022 at 07:22 Permalink

            I did all that, didn’t help.

            I disabled the cdn plugin, that made some difference, but still not the desired behaviour.

            I solved it for now with linking the menu item to a http link instead of the https link where the page is loading.
            That made the link at least go to the right position, but no scrolling, thats is fine for now

            So it seems the problem is with mobile menu links that direct to the same page.

            Is this right behaviour?


        • malihu
          Posted on May 25, 2022 at 16:03 Permalink

          It still works for me (i.e. mobile menu links scroll the page smoothly). What mobile device are you testing it with?

          Also, all the link in your mobile menu point to https, not http as you described(?)

          The page I’m testing is:

          • erik
            Posted on May 25, 2022 at 20:15 Permalink


            for some reason it started working as expected..

            it might have something to do with the jetpack plugin, cdm and cache. i uninstalled it.

            everything working as expected now

            thanks for your help

        • malihu
          Posted on May 26, 2022 at 03:24 Permalink

          You’re welcome 🙂

          It sounds like jetpack caching was causing this. Jetpack should have an option or button to clear/flush the cache.

  5. Billy
    Posted on February 16, 2022 at 12:54 Permalink

    Thanks very very much! The plugin with this settings works with Divvi like a charme!

    You really saved my day.

    • malihu
      Posted on February 16, 2022 at 18:39 Permalink

      Awesome! You’re welcome 🙂

  6. Michael
    Posted on June 14, 2021 at 22:17 Permalink

    I can’t get it to scroll smoothly – it just jumps. Suggestions?

    Click the “down carat icon”



    • malihu
      Posted on June 14, 2021 at 22:49 Permalink


      The down arrow icon is not a proper link (anchor tag) with an actual URL/href. It’s a div element with a custom js function attached to it.

      The plugin works strictly with links/anchor elements.

      Can you create or wrap the down arrow icon in an actual link with a URL of #gallery-begin?

      • Michael
        Posted on June 15, 2021 at 22:04 Permalink

        That worked. Thank you.

  7. Francisco
    Posted on April 26, 2021 at 02:33 Permalink

    i do everything to customize in divi but the label section didnt show up…
    i named every section in ID css and nothing.. can you help me with that ?

    • malihu
      Posted on April 26, 2021 at 14:30 Permalink

      I’m not sure I understand the issue. What do you mean by “label section”?
      I checked your page and there are no links pointing to anchors/sections within the page.

  8. Abner
    Posted on June 12, 2020 at 22:30 Permalink

    hi, it takes 2-3 mouse wheel clicks for it to scroll to the next section. Anyway to get it to scroll from just 1 mouse wheel click? thanks

    • malihu
      Posted on June 13, 2020 at 13:32 Permalink

      I need to see your site/page in order to help.
      Do you use lazy-loading for your site images?

  9. Reily
    Posted on April 30, 2020 at 12:42 Permalink

    Hi, I’ve followed the instruction but it doesn’t scrool smoothly, instead it jumps direclty to the section I want. Pretty harshly I would say

    • malihu
      Posted on April 30, 2020 at 22:35 Permalink


      Please post your site URL so I can check what happens. Otherwise it’s impossible for me to help.

  10. Ada
    Posted on April 11, 2020 at 15:14 Permalink

    Hi, thanks for this great plugin! I’m just wondering, is this possible to achieve the smooth scrolling effect not only by clicking on anchor links but on scrolling the mouse wheel?

  11. Chris Lewandowski
    Posted on April 8, 2020 at 08:27 Permalink

    Thank you so much for putting this together and for creating this documentation! I really wanted this to work, but it seems Divi didn’t want to participate. I referenced this article and seems there is a toggle switch to make the scroll work:

    • malihu
      Posted on April 8, 2020 at 12:25 Permalink


      Go to “Page scroll to id” settings and enable “Prevent other scripts from handling plugin’s links” option.

      This way you disable Divi smooth scrolling (with all its issues) and let “Page scroll to id” do its thing.

  12. Pete
    Posted on July 9, 2019 at 13:54 Permalink

    Hi, every time i try to scrool via mouse wheel, the whole section jumps a bit and then scrools to the next element.

    What can be causing this?

    Kind Regards,


    • malihu
      Posted on July 15, 2019 at 10:56 Permalink


      Not sure if you fixed this but it works fine for me.

  13. JIm
    Posted on June 3, 2019 at 06:07 Permalink

    Just not working. Trying to follow your very easy directions. I am in a production or Staging mode/hosting on a GO Daddy server. Would that make a difference? Using a CSS ID on each module (10 stacked sliders). I have the the CSS ID like this: barn-restorations and the link url in custom-links as /#barn-restorations. Using the yellow background menu part way doen the page. Do you use the full url of the page or with the full slug as I pasted in? Or can you simply do /#barn-restorations. I am aon a deadline trying to make somthing on this page work. ANy help would be appreciated and compensated. Thanks. Jim

    • malihu
      Posted on June 3, 2019 at 15:21 Permalink

      You can use any kind of URL you want (full, relative-root, hash only etc.).

      When you use full URL, like you do in “Barn Restorations” link, you have to make sure that the link URL matches exactly the URL you see in browser’s address bar.

      For example, your link URL is:

      but your page URL is:

      This will not work, as the link URL does not include the URL parameters ?et_fb=1&PageSpeed=off.

      The link works when you visit the page:

      If you want it to work on the page URL you posted (with the URL parameters), you need to change the link URL to:

      or simply:


      Hope this helps

  14. Allen
    Posted on February 3, 2019 at 14:02 Permalink

    Hey so I am currently having issues with the plugin, sometimes it will work for a while and sometimes is stops working right when i insert the anchor id url. once i save and exit the visual builder and view the page, those sections go blank or black, the block elements are there, however it’s blacked out and not viewable.

    Have you had this issue before?

    • malihu
      Posted on February 3, 2019 at 20:17 Permalink

      Haven’t had this issue before. Can you give me an example?

      When you say “when i insert the anchor id url”, what do you mean? Insert the id value in CSS ID field? If yes, what value do you insert?

  15. so jeong
    Posted on November 6, 2018 at 12:06 Permalink

    Divi theme

    Prevention scripts from handballing plugin’s links (if passible)

    Not Applicable


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