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How to close mobile menu when using Page scroll to id plugin

In order to auto-close an opened mobile menu when links that scroll the page are clicked, you’ll need to add some extra javascript in your page or theme template.

This issue is not a problem that comes from “Page scroll to id”, as the plugin has no control over the mobile menu a site is using. The same problem would happen even if you were using other similar plugins or no plugin at all (e.g. the page would “jump” but the mobile menu would still be opened). This issue comes from the fact that most mobile menu scripts do not auto-close the menu, when menu links are clicked, simply because most developers forget that a link might point to an anchor within the same page.

Using Page scroll to id with Elementor Page Builder

A quick guide for using “Page scroll to id” WordPress plugin with Elementor Page Builder on your WordPress site.

Page scroll to id for WordPress

Page scroll to id is a fully featured WordPress plugin for creating links that scroll the page smoothly to any id within the document. The plugin replaces browser’s “jumping” behavior with a smooth scrolling animation, when links with href value containing # are clicked.
It provides all the basic tools and advanced functionality for single-page websites, in-page navigation, back-to-top links etc. with features like: adjustable scrolling animation duration and easing, link and target highlighting via ready-to-use CSS classes, vertical and/or horizontal scrolling, scrolling from/to different pages etc.

Page scroll to id

Page scroll to id is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that enables animated page scrolling to specific id within the document. The plugin replaces the default browser behaviour of “jumping” to page sections when links with href value containing hash (#) are clicked, by smoothly animating the page to those sections. You can use it for simple back-to-top links or complex, single-page website navigation and features include: adjustable animation speed, advanced animation easings, vertical and/or horizontal scrolling, ready-to-use classes for links highlighting etc.
