Page scroll to id for WordPress
Page scroll to id is a fully featured WordPress plugin for creating links that scroll the page smoothly to any id within the document. The plugin replaces browser’s “jumping” behavior with a smooth scrolling animation, when links with href value containing #
are clicked.
It provides all the basic tools and advanced functionality for single-page websites, in-page navigation, back-to-top links etc. with features like: adjustable scrolling animation duration and easing, link and target highlighting via ready-to-use CSS classes, vertical and/or horizontal scrolling, scrolling from/to different pages etc.
- Get started
- Basic tutorial (text)
- Basic tutorial (video)
- Plugin settings
- Plugin shortcodes
- Knowledge Base – FAQ
- Get/download plugin from WordPress repository
- Changelog
- Previous versions
Get started
The plugin works by “connecting” links with href/URL in the form of #my-id
to sections/elements within the document with an equivalent id attribute value (e.g. <div id="my-id">...</div>
). Clicking such links will scroll the page smoothly to their target id position.
Get started by creating or setting-up your links. The plugin is enabled by default on WordPress Menu links (created in Appearance → Menus), so you can start adding custom links and set their URL to the id/target you want to scroll to (e.g. #my-id
, /page/#my-id
You can use id values that already exist in your theme or you can create your own id targets using plugin’s “Insert Page scroll to id target” button in wp post visual editor or the [ps2id]
shortcode (e.g. [ps2id id='my-id'/]
To create links within your content, use plugin’s “Insert/edit Page scroll to id link” button and/or shortcode (e.g. [ps2id url='#my-id']link text[/ps2id]
) in wp post visual/text editor.
To enable the plugin on existing links, add the ps2id
class or the m_PageScroll2id
rel attribute to them, making sure the link’s href/URL value contains a hash (#
) with the id of the section you want to scroll-to. In addition, you can simply add your links CSS selector (e.g. .menu-item a
, a[href*='#']:not([href='#'])
etc.) in “Selector(s)” field in plugin settings.
To highlight your links (or targets), use the classes provided by the plugin in your theme’s stylesheet or custom CSS. The default highlight class is mPS2id-highlight
but you can set your own in the “Classes & highlight options”. For example, to style the highlighted link (the link whose target element is considered to be within the viewport), you could add in your CSS:
background: #ff0;
.menu-item a.mPS2id-highlight{
background: #ff0;
for highlighting custom menus links only.
If you have a fixed-positioned/sticky menu which overlaps your target’s content when page scrolling is completed, insert your menu CSS selector or a fixed pixel value in the “Offset” field. For example, inserting #navigation-menu
will offset the scroll-to position according to the height/width/position of the element with id navigation-menu
. In the same manner, setting the “Offset” value to 100
will offset page scrolling by 100 pixels.
Plugin settings
- Use the Selector(s) field when you need to instruct the plugin to handle specific links. The value(s) should be anchor tags (
, i.e. links) in the form of strings that represent ways of choosing elements in the DOM (i.e. CSS selectors).
Each selector is separated by comma, so multiple selectors can be defined as:selector1, selector2, selector3
etc.The default selector value is
, meaning the plugin handles all links that have a valid hash value (e.g.#id
) in their URL.
The default selector value prior to version 1.6.3 of “Page scroll to id” isa[rel='m_PageScroll2id']
, meaning the plugin handles by default all anchor elements (a
) withm_PageScroll2id
rel attribute value.Other selector examples could be:
(links that contain#
in their href/URL attribute),a[href='#my-id']
(links with href attribute value:#my-id
(links with class:className
).To enable the plugin on any link that has a hash (
) in its URL, inserta[href*='#']:not([href='#'])
as a single selector.Other default selectors which the plugin is applied automatically include the class
(actual selectors:.ps2id > a[href*='#']
). This means that any link with a hash in its URL/href (e.g.#my-id
) which has the class or is contained (direct children) within an element with the classps2id
will be handled by the plugin automatically.To exclude specific links from being handled by the plugin (e.g. special tabs, accordions, toggles etc.), use the selectors are excluded field by adding the element selector(s) you want (separated by comma). The default excluded selectors value is set to:
a[href^='#tab-'], a[href^='#tabs-'], a[data-toggle]:not([data-toggle='tooltip']), a[data-slide], a[data-vc-tabs], a[data-vc-accordion], a.screen-reader-text.skip-link
which excludes most links that are used for toggling elements, tabs, accordions etc.You can add your owns electors to exclude by separating each one with comma (,), for example:
a[href^='#tab-'], a[data-toggle], a.some-class, .tabs a
The option “Enable on WordPress Menu links” (enabled by default) enables the plugin automatically on custom links created in WordPress Menus.
Scroll duration
- Scroll animation duration (i.e. scrolling speed) in milliseconds (1000 milliseconds equal 1 second). Lower values equal faster scrolling.
“Auto-adjust scrolling duration” option (enabled by default) lets the plugin fine-tune scrolling duration/speed according to target and page scroll position. This normalizes the animation duration in order to avoid short-distance scrolling taking too long (e.g. a page scroll of just 100 pixels will last shorter than the value specified in “Scroll duration”).
Scroll type/easing
- Scroll animation easing type (i.e. the way the animation progresses at different points within its duration).
You can set different easing types according to page scrolling state: one that is applied when the page is idle (no scrolling currently running) and another that applies while page is scrolling (when a link is clicked while the page is animated/scrolling).
Enable “Force scroll type/easing” option when there’s conflict with outdated easing libraries added by themes or other plugins.Scroll duration and easing demo
Scroll behavior
- Always scroll smoothly when reaching the end of the page/document option adjusts scroll-to position so it does not exceed document length. For example, when scrolling to a target element that is at the bottom of the page, the scrolling animation stops smoothly at bottom of the page instead of “breaking” at an earlier point.
Enable Stop page scrolling on mouse-wheel or touch-swipe option if you want to stop page scrolling when the user tries to scroll the page manually (e.g. via mouse-wheel or touch-swipe).
Enabling Verify target position and readjust scrolling (if necessary), after scrolling animation is complete option, will auto-correct scrolling if the target’s position was changed while the page was scrolling. This event will fire one time only after scrolling animation is complete. This option is useful when document’s length changes according to scroll (for example when a menu becomes sticky after scrolling down the page and its previous state space gets zero).
Enable “Extend target position verification and scrolling adjustment for lazy-load scripts (images, iframes etc.) and changes in document’s length” when dealing with lazy-loaded images and iframes, changes in document’s length etc.
Page layout
- Set page scrolling direction (i.e. restrict scrolling) to top-bottom (vertical) or left-right (horizontal) accordingly. For both vertical and horizontal scrolling select auto.
This option does not transform your theme’s templates layout (i.e. it won’t change your theme/page design from vertical to horizontal).
- Offset scroll-to position by x amount of pixels or by selector. The offset value can a be a positive or negative number (indicating pixels), or a matching set of elements in your html (selector). For example, setting the value to
will stop page scrolling 50 pixels before reaching the target.
If you need to offset scrolling according to the height (or width) of some element (e.g. according to a responsive/sticky navigation menu), insert the element’s selector in the Offset field. For example, if you have a top fixed/sticky menu with idnavigation-menu
, set the offset value to#navigation-menu
in order to stop page scrolling below it and avoid the menu overlapping your content.To set different vertical and horizontal offsets (e.g. when Layout is set to auto), add comma separated values in Offset field, e.g.
(vertical offset 100 pixels, horizontal offset 50 pixels).The plugin offers selector expressions in order to define more advanced offset values. Examples:
- :fixed and :sticky expressions – Offset by element with id “some-id” and CSS position fixed or sticky:
Assuming vertical layout, the value above will offset scrolling according to the height of#some-id
element (i.e. the element that has idsome-id
), but only when this element CSS position is fixed or sticky (i.e. when element is sticks to the viewport when scrolling the page). This is useful when for example you have a navigation menu that is sticky/fixed only above a specific viewport size (e.g. only on desktop). - :height() expression – Offset by element with class “some-class” and height equal to 100 pixels:
The value above will offset scrolling according to the height (on vertical layout) of.some-class
element (i.e. the element that has classsome-class
), but only when this element height is exactly 100 pixels. - :width() expression – Offset by element with id “some-id” and width greater than 800 pixels:
The value above will offset scrolling according to the height of#some-id
element, but only when this element width is greater than 800 pixels. This is useful when having responsive navigation menus. For instance, you might have a responsive top sticky menu that switches to a “hamburger” menu when viewport is 800 pixels wide or less. Assuming the menu is as wide as the page/viewport, you’d only want to apply its height as offset when its width is greater than 800 pixels (i.e. when it’s not “hamburger” menu). Adding:#your-menu-id:width(>800)
as the offset value will do exactly that. - Multiple expressions – Offset by element with id “some-id”, CSS position fixed and height between 50 and 100 pixels:
The value above will offset scrolling according to the height of#some-id
element, but only when this element CSS position is fixed and its height is anywhere between 51 and 99 pixels.
The plugin can generate automatically a hidden element that can be used as the offset selector. If you enable Auto-generate #ps2id-dummy-offset element option, you can use the
as the “Offset” option value and then in your CSS by giving it a height equal to the amount of offset you want.For example, say you want to have an offset of 100 pixels on desktop and 50 pixels on smaller screens (i.e. mobile). You should enable the Auto-generate #ps2id-dummy-offset element option, set the value
in the “Offset” option field and add the following to your CSS:#ps2id-dummy-offset{ height: 50px; } @media only screen and (min-width: 768px){ #ps2id-dummy-offset{ height: 100px; } }
- :fixed and :sticky expressions – Offset by element with id “some-id” and CSS position fixed or sticky:
Highlight selector(s)
- The matching set of elements (i.e. selectors) handled by the plugin, that will be eligible for highlighting. The value(s) should be anchor tags (
, i.e. links).The plugin highlights by default all the links it handles. Using this field, you can specify which links should be highlighted and exclude the rest.
For example, assuming you have various links that scroll the page (e.g. menu links, back-to-top etc.) and you want only the menu links to get highlighted, you could insert:
.menu-item a[href*='#']
Classes & highlight options
- The plugin adds special classes to the links and the target elements it handles when the following happen:
- When a link is clicked, it gets the
You can change this class name to your own and you can use it in your CSS to style the clicked link. For instance:.mPS2id-clicked{ background: #ff0; }
- When a link’s target element is within the viewport (i.e. visible on the screen), the link gets the
class and the target element gets themPS2id-target
You can change these class names to your own and you can use them in your CSS to style the highlighted link and target. For instance:.mPS2id-target{ background: #ff0; }
.mPS2id-highlight{ background: #ff0; }
In addition, the plugin will add the above highlight classes with the
suffix (e.g.mPS2id-highlight-first
) in order to differentiate multiple highlighted elements. This is useful when you need to style only the first or last of the highlighted links or targets in your CSS.
For example, if multiple links are highlighted at the same time, instead of using.mPS2id-highlight
in your stylesheet, you could do:.mPS2id-highlight-first{ background: #ff0; }
An alternative way of restricting highlight to a single link/target and prevent multiple elements from being highlighted at the same time, is to enable Allow only one highlighted element at a time.
There are times when you need to keep at least one element (e.g. a menu link) always highlighted. Enable Keep the current element highlighted until the next one comes into view option if you need such functionality/behavior and your template/page is laid out in a way that at certain scrolling points there are no target sections visible on the screen (no links highlighted).
Enable Highlight by next target option when your target elements have zero height/width to improve highlighting behavior. This option is useful when you add id targets in your content via plugin’s buttons or the
[ps2id id='some-id'/]
shortcode, as it extends the scrolling range at which an element stays highlighted. - When a link is clicked, it gets the
Links behavior
- If you want the link’s URL hash value (e.g.
) to appear in browser’s address bar when it’s clicked, enable Append the clicked link’s hash value to browser’s URL/address bar option.The plugin has the option to scroll from/to different pages enabled by default. This means that when you click a link which points to a target id on another page, you’ll still get the smooth scrolling effect which will happen immediately after that page is fully loaded. If you want to delay page scrolling, use the delay for scrolling to target on page load field and enter how many milliseconds after the page is fully loaded, the scrolling will take place.
Enable different pages scrolling on all links option enables the above functionality on any link pointing to a target id on another page (even if those links are not handled by the plugin). In other words, entering a URL in the browser’s address bar in the form of
, will always scroll the page smoothly to the#my-id
target (without the need for having such link in your page).If you’ve set link-specific offsets (e.g. via HTML
or shortcode’soffset
attributes) and want to use this value (instead of the general offset) when scrolling from/to different pages, enable Use element’s custom offset (if it exists) when scrolling from/to different pages option.When scrolling from/to different pages, the target’s id value is appended on the URL in browser’s address bar. This is the default browser behavior. If you want to remove this value from URL bar, enable Remove URL hash when scrolling from/to different pages.
Disable plugin below
- Set the viewport/screen-size in pixels, below which the plugin will be disabled. The value can be
For example, insert1024
to disable plugin’s functionality when the viewport/window width is 1024 pixels or less. Insert1024,600
to disable plugin when viewport width is 1024 pixels or less and viewport height is 600 pixels or less.
Please note that the values entered will match CSS media queries.Leaving the field value empty or
(default) disables the option.
- Check Display widgets id attribute in order to show the id attribute of each widget in Appearance → Widgets. This is a convenient way of finding existing id values in order to use them as links targets.
You can also create your own id targets in widgets via the “Page scroll to id target” widget.Enable insert link/target buttons in post visual editor activates plugin’s buttons in WordPress visual editor toolbar. You can use these buttons to insert links and id targets in your content.
Advanced options
- If another plugin or a theme script handles page scrolling and conflicts with “Page scroll to id”, try enabling Prevent other scripts from handling plugin’s links option. This option attempts to remove (on-the-fly) javascript click events by other scripts from the links. Please note that this might not work on some themes or plugins, as it depends on the way those scripts are attaching the link events.
You may set a specific selector for the option above using the Prevent other scripts from handling plugin’s links selector(s) field (it’s recommended to set a specific selector when using the “Prevent other scripts from handling plugin’s links” option).Enable Normalize anchor-point targets to normalize/reset the CSS properties (height, line-height, border etc.) of anchor-point targets.
Enable Encode unicode characters on links URL when having links with encoded unicode characters (e.g. on internationalized domain names) in their href/URL (for proper highlighting of links).
wp-config options
define('PS2ID_MINIFIED_JS', false);
constant (permanent global variable) in wp-config.php to select which script files will be loaded on the front-end by the plugin. Adding the above in wp-config.php instructs the plugin to load the non-minified/development version of its scripts.
Build pages visually on the front end of your website
You’ve never built a WordPress website like this before. Divi by elegant themes is more than just a WordPress theme, it’s a completely new website building platform that replaces the standard WordPress post editor with a vastly superior visual editor. It can be enjoyed by design professionals and newcomers alike, giving you the power to create spectacular designs with surprising ease and efficiency.
Learn more about Divi
Plugin shortcodes
Plugin’s [ps2id]
shortcode can be inserted directly in WordPress post editor (as with any WordPress shortcode) in order to create links and id targets in your content.
Link shortcode
[ps2id url='#some-id']link text[/ps2id]
- url (required) – Link URL
[ps2id url='#some-id']link text[/ps2id] [ps2id url='']link text[/ps2id] [ps2id url='/page/#some-id']link text[/ps2id]
- offset (optional) – Link-specific offset (bypasses the general offset value in plugin settings)
Offset scrolling by 100 pixels
[ps2id url='#some-id' offset='100']link text[/ps2id]
Offset scrolling by the height (or width for horizontal layout) of the element with idnavigation-menu
[ps2id url='#some-id' offset='#navigation-menu']link text[/ps2id]
Offset vertical scrolling by 100 pixels and horizontal scrolling by 50 pixels
[ps2id url='#some-id' offset='{"y":"100","x":"50"}']link text[/ps2id]
- class (optional) – Link custom class(es)
You can give the link one or more custom classes (separate multiple classes with space).
[ps2id url='#some-id' class='class-a']link text[/ps2id] [ps2id url='#some-id' class='class-a class-b']link text[/ps2id]
You can change the scroll duration/speed of the link (bypass the general scroll duration value in plugin settings) by adding a special class in the form of
) withVALUE
indicating the scroll duration in milliseconds (lower duration equals faster scrolling).
[ps2id url='#some-id' class='ps2id-speed-400']link text[/ps2id] [ps2id url='#some-id' class='ps2id-speed-1300 class-a class-b']link text[/ps2id]
- aria-label (optional) – Link aria-label attribute
[ps2id url='#some-id' aria_label='Some text here']link text[/ps2id]
Target id shortcode
There are 2 target shortcodes:
[ps2id id='some-id'/]
[ps2id_wrap id='some-id'] your content... [/ps2id_wrap]
You can use the wrapper target ([ps2id_wrap]
) when you need to wrap content in a target id (same as adding an id attribute to some content). Doing this gives you better control over the highlighting of associated links.
In addition, wrapper target allows you to include other shortcodes within its content, e.g.
[ps2id_wrap id='some-id'] content... [ps2id url='#another-id']link text[/ps2id] more content... [ps2id id='another-id'/] content... [/ps2id_wrap]
- id (required) – Target id
[ps2id id='some-id'/] [ps2id_wrap id='some-id'] your content... [/ps2id_wrap]
- target (optional) – The element that’ll be considered as the actual target for highlighting
This can be useful when you need better highlighting for target elements that have zero dimensions.
The associated link will scroll to#some-id
element but will be highlighted as if its target is the next adjacent div (the div immediately following#some-id
[ps2id id='some-id' target='#some-id + div'/]
The associated link will scroll to#some-id
element but will be highlighted according to#another-id
[ps2id id='some-id' target='#another-id'/]
Previous versions
- 1.7.8
- 1.7.7
- 1.7.6
- 1.7.5
- 1.7.4
- 1.7.3
- 1.7.2
- 1.7.1
- 1.7.0
- 1.6.9
- 1.6.8
- 1.6.7
- 1.6.6
- 1.6.5
- 1.6.4
- 1.6.3
- 1.6.2
- 1.6.1
- 1.6.0
- 1.5.9
- 1.5.8
- 1.5.7
- 1.5.6
- 1.5.5
- 1.5.4
- 1.5.3
- 1.5.2
- 1.5.1
- 1.5.0
- 1.2
Development version:
Pages: 1 2
It seems that after my last WordPress theme update my toggle or tab links to specific accordion items don’t automatically link and open or go to that particular tab like it use to although I thought those were excluded already with the Page scroll to id plugin setting. You could see some examples in my Commercial Standard Offer Program page (accordion) or Contractor Portal page (tab).
It seems there is a conflict now with the Page scroll to id plugin with website theme update. I was wondering if you could look into this issue? Do I need to exclude other specific selectors?
Thank you
Can you tell me which tab link is not working? When I test your page clicking the tabs works as expected (the tabs are already excluded from the plugin).
Do you mean that it does not open the correct tab when going directly to say
?If yes, try going to plugin settings and disable “Enable different pages scrolling on all links” option. Save changes, test and let me know.
Yes, the tabs worked correctly again when I disabled “Enable different pages scrolling on all links.” The tab you linked goes slightly lower than the tab header but the other tabs if you open a new browser tab and use links below don’t open the tabs and scroll a lot further down the page:
The WordPress themes developers said about the Page scroll to id plugin to “Look for options related to smooth scrolling or anchor link behavior that might be conflicting with the theme’s functionality.”
I’d like to keep using this plugin as it seems it’s the only way to have my anchor links from the homepage go to the correct locations and offset the sticky header.
I thought the exclusions a[href^=’#tab-‘], a[href^=’#tabs-‘], a[data-vc-tabs], a[data-vc-tab] would work as well but something else may be happening in the background. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
Thanks for the feedback. Try enabling “Verify target position and readjust scrolling (if necessary), after scrolling animation is complete” option in plugin settings and let me know.
Thank you. I tried that setting and it didn’t change. I also tried enabling “Extend target position verification and scrolling adjustment for lazy-load scripts (images, iframes etc.) and changes in document’s length” and that didn’t fix it either. I’ve been trying to exclude various selectors that I think may be associated with the tabs on that page but I can’t seem to find the right one or it’s not working. Any other possible solutions are appreciated, thank you.
Is the option “Verify target position and readjust scrolling (if necessary), after scrolling animation is complete” currently enabled? Can you enable it and let me check your page again?
Also, add a small delay on scrolling to target on page load. In plugin settings add the following to the “delay for scrolling to target on page load” field:
Along with the above we might need to add a couple of extra javascript in your template. Let me know when ready so I can check it and provide the code if needed.
OK, I updated those settings. One other thing that I noticed is also the accordions don’t link and open directly like they used to. For example, this accordion item doesn’t open automatically when linked directly like it use to after the theme update and plugin issue:
Thank you for looking into this!
OK. The accordions don’t work for the same reason tabs don’t work. Leave the plugin settings as they are now. We need to add some extra js code in your template in order to make the tabs and panels work correctly with the plugin.
Try adding the code below in your theme/child-theme functions.php:
function ps2id_custom_script(){ wp_register_script( 'ps2id-custom-script', '', array('jquery', 'page-scroll-to-id-plugin-script'), '', true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'ps2id-custom-script' ); wp_add_inline_script( 'ps2id-custom-script', '(function($){ var _hash=location.hash; $(function(){ var tabs=$(".vc_tta-tabs-list"), panels=$(".vc_tta-panels"); if(_hash){ if(tabs.length || panels.length){ var tab=tabs.find(".vc_tta-tab a[href=\'"+_hash+"\']"), panel=panels.find(".vc_tta-panel a[href=\'"+_hash+"\']"); if(tab.length) tab.trigger("click"); if(panel.length) panel.trigger("click"); } } }); })(jQuery);'); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ps2id_custom_script' );
Let me know when ready
Yes, I pasted the js code and the Commercial Incentives and Contractor Benefits tab links are directly linking to those sections and opening now, thank you!
I tried the accordion direct link as well:
It seems the accordion links aren’t quite working yet to automatically open but they do go to the location of the accordion section. Thanks again for looking into this! You’ve been really helpful.
Change the line
line in the script from:wp_register_script( 'ps2id-custom-script', '', array('jquery', 'page-scroll-to-id-plugin-script'), '', true );
wp_register_script( 'ps2id-custom-script', '', array('jquery', 'page-scroll-to-id-plugin-script', 'vc_accordion_script', 'vc_tta_autoplay_script'), '', true );
Let me know
Yes, that worked! Thank you so much for all your assistance! This plugin and your support has been a great experience.
Glad I helped!
Hi again,
I was curious if lets say since we got the right tab to open at the right location now with the JS, would it be possible to set it so that a link to click open that tab would now open at the top of the webpage instead of directly under the Commercial Incentives tab open position?
Thank you
Hey, do you have such a link to test it?
Yes, you can try this button link:
This is from a button on that webpage that goes to the Contractor Portal page and Commercial Incentives tab open. So instead of that link landing to right underneath the open tab I would like to see if I can make the link open to the top of that webpage with the Commercial Incentives tab open. Your time is much appreciated.
Thank you
I’m assuming that the links you want to scroll to the top are the accordion pagination bullets. You simply need to change the code to:
function ps2id_custom_script(){ wp_register_script( 'ps2id-custom-script', '', array('jquery', 'page-scroll-to-id-plugin-script', 'vc_accordion_script', 'vc_tta_autoplay_script'), '', true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'ps2id-custom-script' ); wp_add_inline_script( 'ps2id-custom-script', '(function($){ var _hash=location.hash; $(function(){ var tabs=$(".vc_tta-tabs-list"), panels=$(".vc_tta-panels"); if(_hash){ if(tabs.length || panels.length){ var tab=tabs.find(".vc_tta-tab a[href=\'"+_hash+"\']"), panel=panels.find(".vc_tta-panel a[href=\'"+_hash+"\']"); if(tab.length) tab.trigger("click"); if(panel.length) panel.trigger("click"); } } $("a[data-vc-tabs][href*=\'#\']:not([href=\'#\'])").on("click",function(){ setTimeout(function(){ $.mPageScroll2id("scrollTo","top"); },1000); }); }); })(jQuery);'); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ps2id_custom_script' );
This will scroll the page to the top after the accordion is opened and scrolled by its script.
Let me know if this is what you need.
Sorry, I meant for example I have a Learn More button on this webpage on the right column there and I linked it to I was wondering if possible for that button and other links from other pages could link to the Contractor Portal page and directly open that Contractor Incentives tab for example but also scroll to the top of the Contractor Portal webpage. Similar to the new code you added but it would be a link from a different webpage that would go to that Contractor Portal tab’s top page.
Thank you
I see. Try this:
function ps2id_custom_script(){ wp_register_script( 'ps2id-custom-script', '', array('jquery', 'page-scroll-to-id-plugin-script', 'vc_accordion_script', 'vc_tta_autoplay_script'), '', true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'ps2id-custom-script' ); wp_add_inline_script( 'ps2id-custom-script', '(function($){ var _hash=location.hash; $(function(){ var tabs=$(".vc_tta-tabs-list"), panels=$(".vc_tta-panels"); if(_hash){ if(tabs.length || panels.length){ var tab=tabs.find(".vc_tta-tab a[href=\'"+_hash+"\']"), panel=panels.find(".vc_tta-panel a[href=\'"+_hash+"\']"); if(tab.length) tab.trigger("click"); $.mPageScroll2id("scrollTo","top"); if(panel.length) panel.trigger("click"); $.mPageScroll2id("scrollTo","top"); } } }); })(jQuery);'); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ps2id_custom_script' );
Unfortunately the new code didn’t work in scrolling to the top of the webpage after tab open linked from a different webpage. No worries and thank you for all your assistance! We decided to just link some of the other buttons to the main contractor portal webpage link without the direct tab link. Thanks again!
OK. Change the code to:
function ps2id_custom_script(){ wp_register_script( 'ps2id-custom-script', '', array('jquery', 'page-scroll-to-id-plugin-script', 'vc_accordion_script', 'vc_tta_autoplay_script'), '', true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'ps2id-custom-script' ); wp_add_inline_script( 'ps2id-custom-script', '(function($){ var _hash=location.hash; $(function(){ var tabs=$(".vc_tta-tabs-list"), panels=$(".vc_tta-panels"); if(_hash){ if(tabs.length || panels.length){ var tab=tabs.find(".vc_tta-tab a[href=\'"+_hash+"\']"), panel=panels.find(".vc_tta-panel a[href=\'"+_hash+"\']"); if(tab.length) tab.trigger("click"); if(panel.length) panel.trigger("click"); setTimeout(function(){ $.mPageScroll2id("scrollTo","top"); },1000); } } }); })(jQuery);'); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ps2id_custom_script' );
Yes, that worked! Thank you. Just one thing I was wondering if possible we could not have the accordion links do the top page scroll (Ex: and only have the tab links (Ex: do the top page scroll? Sorry, you’ve helped me a lot and I appreciate your time, thank you.
No problem
In the code, change line:
if(tab.length) $.mPageScroll2id("scrollTo","top");
It worked, Malihu! Thank you!
Kalispera ! Fainete pos den leitourgei sto home page…
Από ότι βλέπω θα χρειαστείς να κλείνεις το μενού και για το desktop site, οπότε ο κώδικας πρέπει να είναι:
<script> (function($){ $(window).on("load",function(){ $(document).on("click","#navbar-mobile .menu-item .__mPS2id",function(){ $("#navbar-mobile a[class*='offcanvas-close']")[0].click(); }); $(document).on("click","#menu-onepage-menu .menu-item .__mPS2id",function(){ $("").trigger("click"); }); }); })(jQuery); </script>
Hi There,
I’m struggling to get the Plugin to work correctly so it scrolls to the correct ID. At the moment it always scrolls past it and then back again. I have a feeling this is due to lazy loaded elements on the page.
See screen recording below:
I’ve enable the option
‘Extend target position verification and scrolling adjustment for lazy-load scripts (images, iframes etc.) and changes in document’s length’
but it doesn’t seem to make any difference.
Please can you help me understand if I’m doing anything wrong here or if it’s an error with the plugin?
Our site is built using Oxygen Builder (V4.8) and we’re using Page scroll to id (V1.7.9).
Any help would be highly appreciated!
You’ll find the web address to the page in question here:
You’re not doing anything wrong. The issue happens because of the lazy loaded images. The 2 options you enabled is the correct way to deal with this as it re-adjusts the position after the images are fully loaded, so the user ends up in the correct place.
This said, there’s another script handling the scrolling so go to “Page scroll to id” settings and enable “Prevent other scripts from handling plugin’s links” option and set the “Prevent other scripts from handling plugin’s links selector(s)” field to:
Save changes and let me know so I can check if it worked.
The scrolling past the target and back at it is not really avoidable unless the placeholder for each lazy-loaded image has a fixed height. The issue with lazy-loaded images and page scrolling to anchors is always present even if you don’t use the plugin. You can check it by temporarily deactivating “Page scroll to id” and testing your link(s). You’ll see that it ends up in the wrong place.
Hey Malihu,
Thanks so much for your help with this, it’s really appreciated.
I’ve now made those changes to both the live and staging site, so please check.
One other question, if I define all the heights for the images will this resolve the scrolling past the target and back behaviour?
OK I just checked it and the other script has been bypassed, so the options worked as expected.
Yes, if you defined the heights for the images it should solve the issue.
Hi, I am using page-scroll-to-id-for wordpress in combination with elementor and hello theme and everything works well.
I want to start the scroll animation automatically: When the page has loaded, it should scroll smoothly to a certain #id (without clicking a menu or link).
Can you give me a hint?
Thank you in advance,
This is the current state of my page (I am still experimenting):
I want the page to start scrolling automatically after load as if I clicked on (scroll down).
Is there an easy solution?
Thank you in advance,
Hello Walter,
You can do this with few lines of javascript. Add the following to your theme/child-theme functions.php:
function ps2id_custom_script(){ wp_register_script( 'ps2id-custom-script', '', array('jquery', 'page-scroll-to-id-plugin-script'), '', true ); wp_enqueue_script( 'ps2id-custom-script' ); wp_add_inline_script( 'ps2id-custom-script', '(function($){ $(window).on("load",function(){ var idToScroll="#werke"; if($(idToScroll).length && !window.location.hash){ setTimeout(function(){ if(!$(window).scrollTop()) $.mPageScroll2id("scrollTo",idToScroll); },100); } }); })(jQuery);'); } add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'ps2id_custom_script' );
Let me know if it works
Alternatively, if you always want the the page to auto-scroll to the target, even if the user has already scrolled the page, you don’t need the extra javascript. You can simply add the class
to the target element you want to scroll to (in your case the#werke
element).Dear malihu,
thank you so much for this information. The simple solution with class ps2id-auto-scroll does exactly what I wanted – as you can see here:
I didnt try out the other solution using javascript/functions.php.
Best greetings from Vienna, Austria
If the class works for you, you don’t need the javascript solution.
Thanks a lot for the feedback and donation!
Hi there,
I am using the plugin in combination with WP Bakery. I followed the instructions given here:
It sort of works, but for some reason on page load it is automatically scrolling the page. For the WP Bakery part, it happens whether I use a button, a plain html link, or the shortcode for the plugin. Is there something I am missing?
Don’t worry about it – my mistake was that my browser was not properly refreshing
This code still works and there is no problem?
Not sure which code you’re talking about(?)
This is a working WordPress plugin.
This is exactly what I needed. Thank you
Hi, I’m trying to use your plugin, before I added the plugin clicking a button would jump to the section I want now after adding the plugin it only scrolls back to the top when the button is clicked. I have tried searching the forum but can’t seem to find out why I’m having this issue.
Any help would be greatly appreciated thank you.
Please post your page with the issue and which link(s) to click to test this so I can check what happens. Usually, you need to match your link’s URL with the URL you see on the browser’s address bar, e.g. make sure you use http/https, www etc.
Page is as follows
Link is any one of the book birthday now buttons
There’s an error in your document’s HTML which causes the issue (among others). The document begins with:
<!--<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> -->
It should begin with:
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en">
i.e. for some reason doctype and html tags got commented resulting in invalid HTML. Correcting this will fix all related issues.
Let me know
That’s perfect.
Thank you so much!
i am using Essential Grid on a container, i insert it using shortcode, Looks like it does not recognize it’s length/height, so all the above menus get active much earlier. Any idea how to solve that?
i have tried these:
Allow only one highlighted element at a time
Keep the current element highlighted until the next one comes into view
Highlight by next target
but without effect.
Instead of using the shortcode or target blocks, give the overall/wrapper container the ID you want. Does Essential Grid provide an ID field for its elements?
Hey there,
I created onepage homepage. I used “pAge to Scroll id” to help me with navigation. When you scroll down, the area you are scrolling over, automatically changes its background color in the menu. So far that is working. The only thing, thats making it look not as nice is, that once you scroll the active menu item’s background disappears. When you stop, then its coming back.
I tried all settings and checkboxes, decreased the animation time to 1ms….
Nothing seems to work.
If checked the checkbox on this setting of course:
Keep the current element highlighted until the next one comes into view (i.e. always keep at least one element highlighted)
Here is a Video I made to show the issue
Hope some has an idea for me, so that the active menu item background color stays the same, until I reach a new section….. also turn off any kinf of animation.
Looking forward hearing from you
I forgot to add the Video that I made:
I also forgot to mention the standart CSS I added in Divi:
Maybe someone can spot the probleme there already?
html #page-container .et_pb_fullwidth_menu ul li a.__mPS2id.mPS2id-highlight {
transition: all 50ms linear!important;
html #page-container .et_pb_fullwidth_menu ul li a.mPS2id-highlight {
transition: none !important;
background: rgb(206,174,114) !important;
padding-left: 20px !important;
padding-right: 20px !important;
padding-top: 20px !important;
padding-bottom: 6px !important;
max-height: 63px !important;
Looking forward hearing from you
Please check my reply in your post in plugin’s support forum and let me know:
Dear reader, I am using your page-scroll-to-id to scroll down from the logo to the beginning of the text on every page, since our logo is a bit ‘high’.
Now, I made it work on every page, but the ‘homepage’ does not want to work. When you enter the website url it does not scroll, afterwards if you push the ‘home’ button on the menu it does scroll, Somehow the home page does not have a place where I can refer to the page-scroll-to-id spot on the page. Would you know how I could fix that?
If my question makes any sense, I hope you can help me find the spot where I can also assign the home page to scroll to the right spot. Thank you in advance! best regards, brandt attema
The URL for the homepage should be:
If you enter the URL above, the page will scroll to the content. This URL should also be on the logo itself.
Let me know if this helps
now it’s working. Sorry for my long mail.
One question?
Can i change for example the font-color? or only the background?
Thanks for your reply.
Sorry, can’t find your email. Can you describe the issue or resend it?
Hi there,
I am using your plugin and it’s great – but for some reason, when scrolling to anchor links from another page, the content flashes before it takes effect and looks quite bad.
I have tried setting delays and all sorts off stuff, but nothing seems to fix it.
I removed all my custom JS and CSS but that didn’t help either.
I can’t post the URL in here but I could in an email.
Thanks in advance!
I’m really sorry – I should have searched this forum first. I added that js code you posted to someone else to the footer and it worked.
Thanks so much
No problem. Glad you found the solution
I’m using the shortcodes and the target is always highlighted, even before the link is clicked. The link and target are on the same page, if that matters. How do I prevent a target from being highlighted until its link is clicked?
The highlight you see most likely comes from the theme. Can you post your site/page URL so I can check it?
I’ve only set the targets for “bounce rate” and “funnel” so far — both are highlighted all the time:
Thanks for your quick response!
The highlight feature of the plugin highlights the targets when they are within the viewport (while the page is being scrolled), not when they get clicked. That’s why they seem to always be highlighted (they are within the viewport).
To have the target sections on different background only when the links get clicked you need to add some extra javascript in your page/template. Can you do this?
If yes, you can add for example the following in your theme/child-theme footer.php right above the closing body tag:
<script> (function($){ $(function(){ $("body").on("click",".__mPS2id",function(){ var $this=$(this), $href=$this.attr("href"), $idx=$href.indexOf("#"); if($idx !== -1){ $(".mPS2id-target-clicked").removeClass("mPS2id-target-clicked"); var $hash=$href.substring($idx + 1); $("#"+$hash).addClass("mPS2id-target-clicked"); } }); }); })(jQuery); </script>
I can also give you a PHP code if you want to add the script in your theme/child-theme functions.php.
Let me know
If/when you add the custom script, you can then use the class
in your CSS to style the target:.mPS2id-target.mPS2id-target-clicked { background: #ff0; }
Just remember to remove the .mPS2id-highlight CSS you’ve added.
Thank you so much for your help! This works perfectly.
You’re welcome, glad I helped!
Hi all:
I’m using the css offset option to try to set a different offset on smaller screens. It does not appear to be working at all…so I change the height in pixels but there is no change.
This client is very picky. Is there a fix for this issue?
@media only screen and (max-width: 1200px) {
#ps2id-dummy-offset {
height: 100px !important;
Go to plugin settings and set the “Offset” option value to:
Save settings, test and let me know.
The plugin is not working on iPhone. Was showing my client and he has an iPhone 13. Are there any settings I can change to fix this? or is this a bug?
Works on Android and other desktop bowsers tested.
The plugin is platform agnostic and works the same everywhere. I checked your page and you need to change your link’s URL in order to match your web server configuration which requires the trailing slash. So, you need to change your link “Quick Quote” link URL from:
and it’ll work as it should.
Let me know
The Scrolling Offset setting doesn’t seem to be working.
No matter what figure I put in there, the scroll result places the page at the place I want, but not a little bit lower on the page, that I desire.
I am sure it used to work before, as I remember using the Offset setting sucessfully.
Sorry, I checked my page style and it was using blocks.
I have adjusted the block with a offset and it is now OK.
Thanks for a great plugin.
I read the earlier comment about flashing before the smooth scroll begins. I added the js snippet as advised, but I still seem to be experiencing the “flash.” I love this plugin and really want to keep using it. But is there anything else that can be done about this? Thanks in advance.
It seems that your web server redirects all non-www requests to the www subdirectory. Simply add the
part in all of your links URL. For example, change your “Jazz Stuff” link URL from:
Perfect! Worked like a charm. Thanks so much for the help.
You’re welcome
Thanks for the feedback.
I have a menu with more then 10 items and it’s overflow:hidden. My question is how to jump to hidden items by scrolling page. at this moment hidden menu items not showing correctly.
This functionality will need custom javascript development (I’ve done similar things for various websites). If you’re interested and want me to give you a quote, send me an email
can you check your email please
Is it possible that when a visitor enters a page that the scroll will be activated and passes the header?
Best regards, Fred.
It’s possible with a few extra javascript lines. Can you add custom js to your theme/template? If yes, post your page/site URL so I can give you the code to add.
Thnx, I have allready solved it with another javascript for scrolling.
Greetings Fred.
I already deactivated the plugin but still getting this error Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading ‘length’)
at w (page-scroll-to-id.min.js?ver=1.7.7:2:14272)
at page-scroll-to-id.min.js?ver=1.7.7:2:20475
Please advise. Thanks
I just tested your page (
) and I don’t see the console error. Perhaps it was a caching issue?Love the plugin!
Getting a weird flashing / jump effect sometimes.
For example, if I got to
and scroll down to the bottom of the page and cilck ‘sign up now’, it’s meant to take me to the home page and then scroll down to the pricing block, instead it kind of flashes before scrolling, or even scrolls down twice.
Please help!
Scrolling to a different page can be tricky as it depends on a lot of things (CSS, page layout, caching, browser engine etc.) and sometimes is not as exact or accurate as when scrolling within the same page.
Can you add some extra javascript to your template? If yes, the following code should probably fix the issue.
You can add the script below in your theme/child-theme footer.php right before the closing body tag (
). Alternatively, you can add it in a custom javascript field if your theme (or some other plugin) provides one (without the script tags!).<script> (function($){ if(window.location.hash){ var elem=$(window.location.hash); elem.css("display","none"); $(window).on("load",function(){ elem.css("display","block"); }); } })(jQuery); </script>
Let me know if this helps
Hi. Apologies for the late response, I’ve been away at the beach!
I’ve added the script and it does appear to be a little better, though the flashing does still occur.
But definitely an improvement, so many thanks for that.
If you have any other suggestions, it’d be great to hear them.
No problem. You just need to place the script further down the code. This is because you’re loading the jQuery library later.
How did you add the script? Can you move it after jQuery library inclusion (e.g. in the footer.php like I described)?
This worked for me! Thank you!
Issue was that the page would load right to the section that is defined. But then the animation would start and scroll back to the defined anchor.
Manos and other good people My site is still under development.
Plese forgive my english and forgive that im probably absolute morron.
Top Menu on my site was a dark grey one. Now when i replaced my default site menu with cuscutom links.
All of my menu is light grey. I know thats a default behavior of clicked links wp twentyseventeen.
But I would like to my menu stay the same color as it was before. (clicking menu does not affect color).
How to prevent link color change in this particular part of site.
I will be greatfull for any clues
Have great day everybody
Can you post your site URL? It’s impossible to tell you what CSS rules to apply without seeing your menu.
Im an idiot i watch your tutorial video carefully now everything is clear as day.
Sorry for bother you.
Have a great day
No problem
Let me know if you need more help.
Love your plugin. I have a very long page and when a link to bottom section is click the scrolling is way too fast and ugly. I like to use the plugin for the offset feature and would be happy to turn off the scroll and just have the page fade in (I can do that part). Is there way to turn off scrolling for ‘far distances? or completely?
Or is there a Javascript code snippet just to set the offset without the plugin?
Thank you very much for your time!
Hello Janet,
You can set the “Scroll duration” option in plugin settings to
. This will effectively disable scrolling animation (i.e. the page will jump to the target).Let me know if this is what you need.
I love your plugin and have used it on many of my sites, but for some reason, it’s not easing like it should (no real smoothing at all) on this new install of WordPress. can you help? thanks!!!
Your web server uses SSL (https). Just change your links URL from http to https. For example, change “THE GANG” link URL from:
and everything should work. Let me know.
Hello, I have an issue, an error screenshot (
The cause screenshot (
Explanation: the parameter should be a string, but an array is given.
Could you fix it, please?
This is a known issue which is already fixed in plugin’s development version (see link below) and will be fixed in the next plugin version (1.7.8).
If you don’t want to wait for the next version release, you can use the development version and update to version 1.7.8 when it becomes available (as you normally do).
i have a small issue. on the main page the plugin works perfectly.
But when i am on a sub page like
and i click on the menu any links (except: home & sub-menus)
it does not jump back to the main page.
i am using costume links with #myanchhorID in the menu
cause if i use the full link (like, the mainpage doesnt scroll, it first reloads the complete page, and then scrolls from the top to the anchor point.
any idea?
Hi Simon,
It seems there is another script affecting the links with absolute URLs like
(this script may be part of the theme).Try to use the root-relative URL in your links, meaning that instead of
, start with a simple/
which defines the domain root.For example, change your “Releases” link URL to:
and it’ll work from any page.
You can do this for any page, like
etc.AMAZING! Works like a charm!
Thank you soo much.
Just sent you a Donation to get a Coffee!!!
Thank you! Glad I helped
I had been using the page-scroll-to-id plugin on my website without any problems.
My website went down and when I contacted BlueHost, they said my page-scroll-to-id plugin was casuing a conflict and needed to be disabled.
Any suggestions on if/how I can reactivate this plugin without crashing my BlueHost hosted website?
Thanks for any suggestions.
I’ve never got any issues with BlueHost (or any other hosting tbh).
You need to ask them or find what the error was.
Also if you changed something before your site went down.
Does reactivating the plugin cause the site to go down? If yes, what error do you get? Is PHP debug enabled?
I can not reactivate it, when I try I get the following error message:
We were unable to switch the status of Page scroll to id. Please try again.
Could there be a conflict becasue I am also using BeTheme?
I had been usingJetPack to monitor my site usage right before my site crashed.
Could the conflict be realted to JetPack?
Can’t say for sure (I’ll try making some tests).
Can you try the following?
Firstly, delete “Page scroll to id” in wp admin plugins page.
Download plugin’s development version:
Upload and activate it.
Let me know if it works.
Thanks for the suggestion.
I think the problem is a conflict with BeTheme.
I will have to figure out another solution.
Same on my website, if I updatet to PHP 8.0. I solved problem same way.
updating to version 1.7.7 caused an error – so there is a bug on your update.
I downloaded and replaced it with the previous version 1.7.6 – and it solved the problem.