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jQuery custom content scroller


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Set scrollInertia option parameter to 0 (zero)

        scrollInertia: 0
  • There's an object generated by the script which lets you know how scrolling events where last triggered. The object returns "internal" (default) for events triggered by plugin script or "external" for events triggered by other scripts (e.g. via the scrollTo method).
    You can access the object like this:"mCS").trigger

        //last scrolling event was triggered by scrollTo method
        //last scrolling event was triggered by the user
  • You can use mouseWheel:preventDefault option parameter:

        mouseWheel:{ preventDefault: true }

    This will affect mouse-wheel scrolling. There's no option for touch, as depending on the device, page layout and zoom level, it can easily render the page/rest of the content unusable.

  • To update the content on elements that already have custom scrollbar(s), you need to add/append the new content inside the .mCSB_container element (instead directly to the element you called mCustomScrollbar function).

    //scrollbar initialization 
    //at some point later on (within another script, function, ajax call etc.)
    $(".content .mCSB_container").append("

    new content...

    "); //or targeting a specific .mCSB_container element (usefull with nested scrollbars) $("#mCSB_1_container").append("

    new content...

  • This is done via CSS. You can edit directly jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css or overwrite the rules in your own stylesheet. The buttons classes are mCSB_buttonUp and mCSB_buttonDown. By default, the arrow images are set using CSS image sprites, meaning that all themes arrows are contained in a single file: mCSB_buttons.png.

    To change the dimensions of the buttons, you need to adjust few additional CSS rules to compensate for the new buttons sizes. Below is an example of changing the size of buttons to 26x26 pixels (from the default 16x20 pixels) with a custom image for each one.

  • There are multiple ways of doing this. You can use specific theme(s) (e.g. "minimal"), option parameters like scrollbarPosition and/or edit the CSS rules directly. For more info see author's reply to a similar question in comments.

  • You can have a fixed size scrollbar that doesn't change its dimensions according to content length by following these steps:

    1. Set autoDraggerLength option to false
    2. Set your desired scrollbar height on line 106 of jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css, or in your own stylesheet using the "mCSB_dragger" class:
      .mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger{ height: 30px; }
      For horizontal scrollbars, set its width on line 177 of jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css, or in your CSS:
      .mCSB_scrollTools.mCSB_scrollTools_horizontal .mCSB_dragger{ width: 30px; }
  • You can use the live option parameter and call mCustomScrollbar function normally without having to wait for the dynamic elements to be available in the DOM.

    	live: "on"

    You can also use: live: "once" to disable the live option event after the first invocation.

    To disable the live option at any point set live option to "off":

    	live: "off"

    An alternative way to live is the liveSelector option parameter which you can define the matching set of elements (instead of the current selector) to add scrollbar(s) when available:

    	liveSelector: ".my-future-class"
  • Yes but for the horizontal scrollbar you'll need a couple of special CSS rules. See this comment for code examples.

  • Normally, if your content works with browser's default horizontal scrollbar, it should also work with the custom one. If you've already set axis: "x" (to enable horizontal scrollbar), there's a good chance you also need to set autoExpandHorizontalScroll option parameter to true. For example:

    	axis: "x",
    	advanced:{ autoExpandHorizontalScroll: true }
  • Yes. See this thread on github. You can do $(selector).data("mCS").opt.mouseWheel.scrollAmount=0; to disable it and $(selector).data("mCS").opt.mouseWheel.scrollAmount="auto"; to (re)enable it.

  • There are more than one ways available to start scrolling from the bottom at initialization:

    1. Chaining scrollTo method

        //your options...

    2. Using setTop option

  • If you're developing a right-to-left (RTL) text web page, the scrollbar will switch to the left side automatically (assuming you're using either HTML dir="rtl" or CSS direction: rtl). To set the scrollbar on the left manually, you need to change or overwrite the rules in lines 65 and 54 of jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css.

    For example, adding the following to your CSS will overwrite the above rules and set the default vertical scrollbar on the left of content:

    /* reset/remove right position so scrollbar appears on left */
    .mCustomScrollbar .mCSB_scrollTools{ 
      right: auto;
    /* switch margin from right to left */
    .mCustomScrollbar .mCSB_inside > .mCSB_container{ 
      margin-right: 0;
      margin-left: 30px;
  • You can do this by checking the viewport width and initializing or destroying the custom scrollbar accordingly. The condition to check viewport width should match CSS media queries and triggered on page load and browser resize. There are two ways you can do this:

    1. Using Window.matchMedia() (IE10+)

        $(window).on("load resize",function(){
            if(window.matchMedia("(min-width: 640px)").matches){
                $("#your-element-id").mCustomScrollbar({ /* scrollbar options */ });

    2. Checking a CSS rule that the media query changes (should always work)

    Assuming your element is #content-1:

    /* CSS */ 
    #content-1:after{ display: none; content: "custom-scrollbar"; }
    @media screen and (max-width: 640px){
        #content-1:after{ content: ""; }
    /* JS */
        $(window).on("load resize",function(){
            var selector="#content-1", //your element(s) selector
                $(selector).mCustomScrollbar({ /* scrollbar options */ });
  • Yes but you’ll need extra markup to separate thead from tbody and fixed-width (in pixels, percentage etc.) table cells. This is the best way to have a table with fixed header with or without a custom scrollbar.

    I've created a working example at which uses 2 separate tables (one for header and one for body) and 2 extra divs (one body wrapper and one overall wrapper).


Pages: 1 2 3 4


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Comments pages: 1 83 84 85

  1. Jahid Babu
    Posted on March 18, 2025 at 19:16 Permalink

    Wonderful and very helpful resources, thanks.

  2. Robert Rogers
    Posted on January 10, 2025 at 15:07 Permalink

    This looks like a great resource for web developers! A custom content scroller can be a valuable addition to many websites. I especially appreciate that it's built with jQuery, making it familiar and easy to integrate. Thanks for sharing this useful code!

  3. Brittany
    Posted on December 20, 2024 at 17:02 Permalink

    The jQuery Custom Content Scroller plugin is a flexible tool for custom scrollbars, supporting vertical/horizontal scrolling, touch, keyboard, mouse input, and RTL. It offers themes, CSS customization, and methods for actions like scroll-to and update, ideal for enhancing web scrolling.

  4. arimichi
    Posted on December 20, 2024 at 15:59 Permalink

    I want to get the amount of scrolling for a specific element with jQuery custom content scroller.

  5. CICIO
    Posted on December 19, 2024 at 07:49 Permalink

    CICIO OÜ, IT Outsourcing Company residing in Estonia developed with the cutting-edge technology and competent workforce has been all the through at top position in presenting our clientele with the best IT Solutions.

  6. Bristi
    Posted on October 24, 2024 at 14:08 Permalink

    This jQuery custom content scroller looks fantastic! The level of customization available is impressive, especially the ability to configure scrollbar themes and responsiveness. I can see how this would greatly enhance user experience on any website, especially those with lots of content. I can’t wait to implement this in my next project and explore all the features you’ve outlined. Thanks for sharing such a detailed guide!


  7. Bristi
    Posted on October 21, 2024 at 08:04 Permalink

    This passage introduces the jQuery Custom Content Scroller plugin, a highly customizable tool for creating custom scrollbars. It supports vertical and horizontal scrolling, adjustable momentum, and multiple input methods like mouse-wheel, keyboard, and touch. The plugin also offers ready-to-use themes, CSS customization, RTL support, and various option parameters for full control, along with methods for actions like scroll-to and update. It’s a versatile solution for developers looking to enhance their web scrolling functionality.


Comments pages: 1 83 84 85

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