jQuery custom content scroller
- Jul 11, 2016
- Jun 13, 2016
Updated plugin to version 3.1.4
- Added new jQuery custom expression:
. - Changed jQuery
functions for compatibility with jQuery version 3.0. - Increased mousewheel deltaFactor threshold which determines delta acceleration.
- Optimized the function that checks the accessibility if iFrames.
- Fixed issue #383.
- Fixed issue regarding scrollTo method percentage value.
- Fixed issue #391 (Firefox console error when dragging the scrollbar outside of window).
- Added new jQuery custom expression:
- Nov 17, 2015
Updated plugin to version 3.1.3
- Fixed issues regarding cross-domain iframes.
- Nov 10, 2015
Updated plugin to version 3.1.2
- snapAmount option can now be an array for setting different vertical and horizontal values (e.g. [y,x]).
- Fixed issues regarding scrollbar dragging when element is within an iFrame.
- New option added:
. - Fixed issue #321.
- Updated auto-update and primary scrolling functions to fix a bug regarding horizontal scrollbar resizing.
- Oct 27, 2015
Updated plugin to version 3.1.1
- New option added:
. - Fixed bug (/jquery-custom-content-scroller/comment-page-69/#comment-20179) regarding horizontal scrollbar dragging not triggering immediately.
- Fixed a minor conflict between clicking the dragger rail while snapAmount option is used.
- Fixed an issue regarding CSS max-height and media queries.
- Optimized/fixed mouse-wheel scrolling on OSX (esp. using magic trackpad/mouse).
- Included the latest version (3.1.13) of jquery-mousewheel plugin.
- New option added:
- Oct 7, 2015
Updated plugin to version 3.1.0
- Changed updateOnImageLoad option default value so it’s not triggered on vertical content.
- Extended autoExpandHorizontalScroll option.
- Updated/optimized auto-update function to prevent memory leak.
- New callbacks added:
. - Fixed issue #353 (https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/issues/353) regarding Ms Edge and IE on touch devices.
- Fixed issue regarding dragging text or elements out of the scrollable area (/jquery-custom-content-scroller/comment-page-69/#comment-20145).
- Plugin is now better at handling CSS flexbox and elements with max-height using CSS
- Jun 9, 2015
Updated plugin to version 3.0.9
- Pulled request #297 (fix Timers leaks – https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/pull/297).
- Auto-detect OSX “natural” scrolling setting (where supported) and invert mouse-wheel automatically (for Safari browser).
- New option added:
. - Fixed issue #303 (https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/issues/303) regarding mobile Google Chrome.
- Mar 10, 2015
Updated plugin to version 3.0.8
- Added Browserify support (https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/issues/234).
- Fixed touch-swipe and keyboard scrolling for iframes (https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/issues/253).
- Dec 29, 2014
Updated plugin to version 3.0.7
- Fixed issue regarding scrolling by touch-swiping content in touch-enabled Windows devices.
- Fixed bug regarding page scrolling when touch-swiping content with scrollbars in Android OS.
- Setting
option to1
will now keep scroll buttons visible. - Fixed issue https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/issues/240.
- Nov 30, 2014
Updated plugin to version 3.0.6
- Changed the timeout of binding the mouse-wheel event from 1000 to 100 milliseconds.
- Fixed a minor issue regarding iframes in Firefox (https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/issues/217).
- Change included mousewheel plugin version to 3.1.12.
- Fixed/optimized various private functions.
- New option added:
scrollButtons:{ tabindex }
. - New callbacks added:
. - Added new custom jQuery expressions:
. - Fixed scrolling while selecting content (https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/issues/146).
- Oct 21, 2014
Updated plugin to version 3.0.5
- Updated touch-swipe scrolling functionality. For example, the script will not prevent document scrolling when swiping vertically on elements with horizontal scrollbar or prevent zooming when 2 fingers are detected.
- Updated the script to allow using browser’s “find on page” functionality.
- Fixed issues regarding RequireJS.
- New callback added:
(triggers when the scrollbars have initialized). - New option added:
advanced:{ releaseDraggableSelectors }
. - Updated script’s custom js tween function.
- Sep 6, 2014
Updated plugin to version 3.0.4
- Fixed issue of scrolling being too fast on OSX trackpads (issue: https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/issues/187).
- Added mouse-wheel support for IE/Firefox over iframes that allow access.
- Added option timeout to scrollTo method in order to easily change scroll-to default 60 milliseconds delay.
- New callbacks added:
. - The plugin script will initialize mcs object without the need to trigger callbacks first.
- Jul 29, 2014
Updated plugin to version 3.0.3
- Added css and image files to main in bower.json file (https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/issues/189).
- Added support for RequireJS (https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/issues/183).
- Added an extra condition which checks if the scrollbar is ready to use mousewheel events (https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/issues/185).
- May 30, 2014
Updated plugin to version 3.0.2
- Fixed issue regarding scrolling over focused select element (https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/issues/170).
- May 30, 2014
Updated plugin to version 3.0.1
- Development script jquery.mCustomScrollbar.js appends jquery mousewheel plugin script in head tag (instead of body).
- Removed jQuery object
property (issue: https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/issues/173).Object.selector
will be used (if it exists) only when live option is true and liveSelector option is not set. - New option parameter added: liveSelector (specify a selector for the live option).
- May 21, 2014
Updated plugin to version 3.0.0
- Changed license to MIT
- Re-written/optimized code.
- Script adds scrollbars automatically on any element with class
. - Added object for detecting if custom scrollbar script is loaded:
. - Added object to allow setting plugin default options, e.g.
. - Changed
options tosetWidth
. - Changed
option toaxis
. - New option parameter added: scrollbarPosition.
- Dragger rail click scroll amount changed to match browser’s native scrollbar behavior.
- Fixed problems with scroll on input focus (issue: https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/issues/74).
- New option parameter added: deltaFactor.
- Deprecated mouseWheelPixels, scrollButtons:{scrollSpeed}, advanced:{normalizeMouseWheelDelta} options.
- Fixed issues and enhanced content touch-swipe scrolling function.
- Fixed IE8 issue: content gets selected upon scroll
- Added keyboard scrolling support.
- Extended alwaysShowScrollbar option parameter.
- New option parameters added: setTop and setLeft.
- Extended scrollTo method position parameter.
- Extended and fixed mcs variable (issue: https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/issues/149).
- Callbacks won’t trigger when scrolling is 0 or 100%.
- Removed window resize events and options.
- Added support for RTL direction.
- New option parameter added: alwaysTriggerOffsets.
- New option parameter added: autoExpandScrollbar.
- Added more ready-to-use themes.
- New option parameter added: live.
- New option parameter added: mouseWheel:{ invert }.
- New option parameter added: advanced:{ updateOnSelectorChange }.
- New option parameter added: advanced:{ updateOnImageLoad }.
- Changed
- May 19, 2014
Updated plugin to version 2.8.7
- Increased mouse-wheel “auto” scrolling amount.
- Fixed scrollbar dragging over iframes.
- Fixed sub-pixels related issues.
- May 14, 2014
Updated plugin to version 2.8.6
- Fixed timeouts/intervals not clearing when scrollbar is destroyed (https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/issues/163).
- Added extra condition preventing multiple plugin instantiations on a single element.
- May 8, 2014
Updated plugin to version 2.8.5
- Optimize scrolling when trackpad is used (issue: https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/pull/137).
- scroll to element by js/jquery element object (issue: https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/pull/153).
- Watch content size as well as container size (issue: https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/pull/73).
- Change max-height function to take into consideration any padding applied to the DIV container (issue: https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/pull/102).
- Fix window resize (issue: https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/pull/161).
- Small bugfix and Mousewheel version update (issue: https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/pull/154).
- Add ondragstart/ondragstop event handlers (issue: https://github.com/malihu/malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin/pull/129).
- Nov 19, 2013
Updated plugin to version 2.8.3
- Updated pointer events (more info) to comply with W3C specification.
- Fixed callbacks calls on destroyed scrollbars (github pull request #103).
- New option parameter added: alwaysShowScrollbar (when set to true, scrollbar will be always visible, even when there is no content to scroll – github pull request #93).
- May 9, 2013
Updated plugin to version 2.8.2
- Plugin license changed from GPL to L-GPL.
- Merged pull request which adds few extra options that allow a better scrollbar snapping to multiples of number of pixels.
- Mar 13, 2013
Updated plugin to version 2.8.1
- Plugin license changed from CC to GPL.
- Fixed few minor bugs and issues.
- Mar 7, 2013
Updated plugin to version 2.8
- Removed GSAP dependencies. Plugin does not require GSAP JS TweenLite/CSSPlugin anymore.
- Fixed CSS file for horizontal/vertical nested scrollbars.
- New option parameter added: normalizeMouseWheelDelta (normalizes mouse-wheel delta to -1/1).
- New option parameter added: contentTouchScroll (scrolling by touch-swipe content).
- Script unbinds window resize event for destroyed scrollbars.
- Feb 22, 2013
- Fixed an issue with max-height/width.
- Feb 20, 2013
Updated plugin to version 2.7
- Removed jQuery UI dependency. Plugin does not require jQuery UI anymore.
- Added support for jQuery version 1.9
- Added support for Microsoft Windows based touch devices (via MSPointer events).
- Added support for nested scrollbars (any amount, any level).
- Custom scrollbars can now be applied directly on body tag.
- Added GSAP JS TweenLite & CSSPlugin dependencies. All animations in the script have moved from jQuery $.animate to GSAP JS TweenLite. Scrolling is much smoother and performance is significantly better (at least twice the FPS). Callback functions also perform much better (with less code).
- Dragger bar has now the same animation easing effect as content.
- New method added: stop (stops current running scrolling animations).
- New option parameter added: autoHideScrollbar (hides scrollbar when idle and/or mouse-out).
- Mouse-wheel scrolls the document when a custom scrollbar has reached its scrolling limits (same behavior as browser native scrollbars).
- Mouse-wheel and scrolling buttons default speed is set to
(script auto-adjusts pixels scrolling amount according to content’s length). - Setting CSS max-height/max-width in percentages bug is fixed.
- All callback functions return the following values: this (the current element), mcs.top (content’s top position), mcs.draggerTop (scrollbar dragger’s top position), mcs.left (content’s left position), mcs.draggerLeft (scrollbar dragger’s top position), mcs.topPct (content vertical scrolling percentage), mcs.leftPct (content horizontal scrolling percentage).
- Added scrollInertia option parameter to scrollTo method (set your own scrollInertia values for each scrollTo call).
- Added a number of ready-to-use scrollbar themes. You can easily select a theme by setting the
option parameter to the one you want. - Updated jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css with themes and some minor CSS changes for
. - Other minor code optimizations and bug fixes.
- Dec 19, 2012
- Fixed code for elements with max-height/width.
- Nov 28, 2012
- Added content touch-scrolling support.
- Nov 26, 2012
Updated plugin to version 2.3
- Added touch support to custom scrollbar so it looks and functions the same on all devices (desktops, laptops, tablets, phones etc.) which support javascript touch events.
- New methods added: disable (temporarily disables the scrollbar) and destroy (completely removes the scrollbar).
- Auto-scrolling on element focus can now be enabled/disabled via option parameter.
- Changed mousewheel and buttons scrolling to a fixed pixels amount (same behavior as native scrollbars).
- Setting CSS max-height/max-width (without height/width) applies the custom scrollbar correctly when max-value is reached.
- New callbacks added: onScrollStart, onTotalScrollBack and whileScrolling.
- Changed few data objects names.
- Other minor code optimizations.
- Nov 7, 2012
- Added top limit for scrollTo method.
- Jul 27, 2012
- Fixed an issue regarding content position updating. Updated plugin to version 2.1.
- Jul 24, 2012
- Added support for Android version 2.xx plus minor code optimizations.
- Jul 19, 2012
- Changed auto-scroll to selected/active anchors, only if they have a tabindex attribute set.
- Jul 14, 2012
Updated plugin to version 2.0
- Plugin script completely re-written to support multiple selector types, option parameters and methods.
- Added user defined custom callback functions.
- Added support for touch devices.
- Fix for fast scrolling bug on Safari (OSX) is now included in the plugin script.
- Added scroll-to functionality via “scrollTo” method.
- Updated scroll buttons to scroll continuously or by number of pixels.
- Added some advanced parameters for auto-updating scrollbar on content resize and auto-expanding container width on horizontal content blocks.
- Added update method to update scrollbars manually when necessary.
- Fixed scrolling while page is zoomed in or out in webkit browsers.
- Selecting elements with the TAB key auto-scrolls content to the selected element position.
- Included additional demos and examples in the plugin archive.
- Dec 14, 2011
- Updated demo and download archive with the updated mousewheel plugin (version 3.0.6), in order for mousewheel to work with jquery 1.7
- Apr 13, 2011
- Fixed a bug regarding pressing-dragging-releasing scroll buttons
- Feb 23, 2011
- Automatically setting content width for horizontal scrollers is no longer calculated via javascript.
Instead of using jQuery.each()
statements, the width is now set by adding an additional div (.horWrapper) that wraps content and by setting the display of .container div to inline, expanding its width automatically (check the updated css file for details)
- Automatically setting content width for horizontal scrollers is no longer calculated via javascript.
Wonderful and very helpful resources, thanks.
This looks like a great resource for web developers! A custom content scroller can be a valuable addition to many websites. I especially appreciate that it's built with jQuery, making it familiar and easy to integrate. Thanks for sharing this useful code!
The jQuery Custom Content Scroller plugin is a flexible tool for custom scrollbars, supporting vertical/horizontal scrolling, touch, keyboard, mouse input, and RTL. It offers themes, CSS customization, and methods for actions like scroll-to and update, ideal for enhancing web scrolling.
I want to get the amount of scrolling for a specific element with jQuery custom content scroller.
CICIO OÜ, IT Outsourcing Company residing in Estonia developed with the cutting-edge technology and competent workforce has been all the through at top position in presenting our clientele with the best IT Solutions.
This jQuery custom content scroller looks fantastic! The level of customization available is impressive, especially the ability to configure scrollbar themes and responsiveness. I can see how this would greatly enhance user experience on any website, especially those with lots of content. I can’t wait to implement this in my next project and explore all the features you’ve outlined. Thanks for sharing such a detailed guide!
This passage introduces the jQuery Custom Content Scroller plugin, a highly customizable tool for creating custom scrollbars. It supports vertical and horizontal scrolling, adjustable momentum, and multiple input methods like mouse-wheel, keyboard, and touch. The plugin also offers ready-to-use themes, CSS customization, RTL support, and various option parameters for full control, along with methods for actions like scroll-to and update. It’s a versatile solution for developers looking to enhance their web scrolling functionality.