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jQuery custom content scroller

jQuery custom content scroller

Highly customizable custom scrollbar jQuery plugin. Features include vertical and/or horizontal scrollbar(s), adjustable scrolling momentum, mouse-wheel (via jQuery mousewheel plugin), keyboard and touch support, ready-to-use themes and customization via CSS, RTL direction support, option parameters for full control of scrollbar functionality, methods for triggering actions like scroll-to, update, destroy etc., user-defined callbacks and more.

Current version 3.1.5 (Changelog)
Upgrading from version 2

When upgrading from version 2.x to 3.x it’s important to use version 3 CSS and .png files. Version 3 is backwards compatible but it’s also a huge overhaul. One significant change is that you don’t need to call the update method manually (the script does it automatically). For more info see changelog.

Version 2 is still maintained and updated here.

How to use it

Get started by downloading the archive which contains the plugin files (and a large amount of HTML demos and examples). Extract and upload jquery.mCustomScrollbar.concat.min.js, jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css and mCSB_buttons.png to your web server (alternatively you can load plugin files from a CDN).

Instead of hosting the plugin files on your web server, you can load them directly from a CDN like jsdelivr, Github etc.

  • jsdelivr versioned/minified
    • //
    • //
    • //
  • Github latest/minified
    • //
    • //
    • //


Include jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css in the head tag your HTML document (more info)

jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css contains the styling of the custom scrollbar and themes. It should normally be included in the head tag of your html (typically before any script tags). If you wish to reduce http requests and/or have all your website stylesheet in a single file, you should move/copy scrollbars styling in your main CSS document.

mCSB_buttons.png contains all the button arrows (up, down, left and right) as image sprites for all scrollbar themes. The plugin archive contains the PSD source (source-files/mCSB_buttons.psd) so you can change them or add your own. This file should be in the same directory with plugin stylesheet.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css" />

Include jQuery library (if your project doesn’t use it already) and jquery.mCustomScrollbar.concat.min.js in the head tag or at the very bottom of your document, just before the closing body tag

Some frameworks and CMS include jQuery library in the head tag to make sure it’s loaded when other scripts request it. Usually, including .js files on the bottom of the HTML document (just before the closing body tag) is recommended for better performance. In any case, jQuery must be included first, before plugin scripts.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="/path/to/jquery.mCustomScrollbar.concat.min.js"></script>


The element(s) you want to add scrollbar(s) should have the typical CSS properties of an overflowed block which are a height (or max-height) value, an overflow value of auto (or hidden) and content long enough to require scrolling. For horizontal scrollbar, the element should have a width (or max-width) value set.

If you prefer to set your element’s height/width via javascript, you can use the setHeight/setWidth option parameters.


Initialize via javascript

After files inclusion, call mCustomScrollbar function on the element selector you want to add the scrollbar(s)


more info

The code is wrapped in (function($){ ... })(jQuery);. This ensures no conflict between jQuery and other libraries using $ shortcut (see Avoiding Conflicts with Other Libraries for more info). The plugin function is called in $(window).on("load") so it executes after all page elements (like images) are loaded.

You can change the function selector ".content" to any selector you want (an element id, class name, js variable etc.). For instance, if you want custom scrollbars to apply on the element with id content-1, you simply do:


You may also have multiple selectors by inserting comma separated values


The above code adds custom scrollbars to a)every element with class name content and b)the element with id content-1.

Additionally, you may want to call mCustomScrollbar multiple times within a page in order to set different options (configuration and option parameters explained below) for each selector


Initialize via HTML

Add the class mCustomScrollbar to any element you want to add custom scrollbar(s) with default options. Optionally, set its axis via the HTML data attribute data-mcs-axis (e.g. "x" for horizontal and "y" for vertical) and its theme via data-mcs-theme. For example:

<div class="mCustomScrollbar" data-mcs-theme="dark">
  <!-- your content -->

Basic configuration & option parameters


By default, the script applies a vertical scrollbar. To add a horizontal or 2-axis scrollbars, invoke mCustomScrollbar function with the axis option set to "x" or "yx" respectively

    axis:"x" // horizontal scrollbar
    axis:"yx" // vertical and horizontal scrollbar


To quickly change the appearance of the scrollbar, set the theme option parameter to any of the ready-to-use themes available in jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css, for example:



You can configure your scrollbar(s) using the following option parameters on mCustomScrollbar function
Usage $(selector).mCustomScrollbar({ option: value });

setWidth: false
Set the width of your content (overwrites CSS width), value in pixels (integer) or percentage (string).
setHeight: false
Set the height of your content (overwrites CSS height), value in pixels (integer) or percentage (string).
setTop: 0
Set the initial css top property of content, accepts string values (css top position).
Example: setTop: "-100px".
setLeft: 0
Set the initial css left property of content, accepts string values (css left position).
Example: setLeft: "-100px".
axis: "string"
Define content’s scrolling axis (the type of scrollbars added to the element: vertical and/of horizontal).
Available values: "y", "x", "yx".

  • axis: "y" – vertical scrollbar (default)
  • axis: "x" – horizontal scrollbar
  • axis: "yx" – vertical and horizontal scrollbars
scrollbarPosition: "string"
Set the position of scrollbar in relation to content.
Available values: "inside", "outside".
Setting scrollbarPosition: "inside" (default) makes scrollbar appear inside the element. Setting scrollbarPosition: "outside" makes scrollbar appear outside the element. Note that setting the value to "outside" requires your element (or parent elements) to have CSS position: relative (otherwise the scrollbar will be positioned in relation to document’s root element).
scrollInertia: integer
Set the amount of scrolling momentum as animation duration in milliseconds.
Higher value equals greater scrolling momentum which translates to smoother/more progressive animation. Set to 0 to disable.
autoDraggerLength: boolean
Enable or disable auto-adjusting scrollbar dragger length in relation to scrolling amount (same bahavior with browser’s native scrollbar).
Set autoDraggerLength: false when you want your scrollbar to (always) have a fixed size.
autoHideScrollbar: boolean
Enable or disable auto-hiding the scrollbar when inactive.
Setting autoHideScrollbar: true will hide the scrollbar(s) when scrolling is idle and/or cursor is out of the scrolling area.
Please note that some special themes like “minimal” overwrite this option.
autoExpandScrollbar: boolean
Enable or disable auto-expanding the scrollbar when cursor is over or dragging the scrollbar.
alwaysShowScrollbar: integer
Always keep scrollbar(s) visible, even when there’s nothing to scroll.

  • alwaysShowScrollbar: 0 – disable (default)
  • alwaysShowScrollbar: 1 – keep dragger rail visible
  • alwaysShowScrollbar: 2 – keep all scrollbar components (dragger, rail, buttons etc.) visible
snapAmount: integer
Make scrolling snap to a multiple of a fixed number of pixels. Useful in cases like scrolling tabular data, image thumbnails or slides and you need to prevent scrolling from stopping half-way your elements. Note that your elements must be of equal width or height in order for this to work properly.
To set different values for vertical and horizontal scrolling, use an array: [y,x]
snapOffset: integer
Set an offset (in pixels) for the snapAmount option. Useful when for example you need to offset the snap amount of table rows by the table header.
mouseWheel:{ enable: boolean }
Enable or disable content scrolling via mouse-wheel.
mouseWheel:{ scrollAmount: integer }
Set the mouse-wheel scrolling amount (in pixels). The default value "auto" adjusts scrolling amount according to scrollable content length.
mouseWheel:{ axis: "string" }
Define the mouse-wheel scrolling axis when both vertical and horizontal scrollbars are present.
Set axis: "y" (default) for vertical or axis: "x" for horizontal scrolling.
mouseWheel:{ preventDefault: boolean }
Prevent the default behaviour which automatically scrolls the parent element when end or beginning of scrolling is reached (same bahavior with browser’s native scrollbar).
mouseWheel:{ deltaFactor: integer }
Set the number of pixels one wheel notch scrolls. The default value “auto” uses the OS/browser value.
mouseWheel:{ normalizeDelta: boolean }
Enable or disable mouse-wheel (delta) acceleration. Setting normalizeDelta: true translates mouse-wheel delta value to -1 or 1.
mouseWheel:{ invert: boolean }
Invert mouse-wheel scrolling direction. Set to true to scroll down or right when mouse-wheel is turned upwards.
mouseWheel:{ disableOver: [array] }
Set the tags that disable mouse-wheel when cursor is over them.
Default value:
scrollButtons:{ enable: boolean }
Enable or disable scrollbar buttons.
scrollButtons:{ scrollAmount: integer }
Set the buttons scrolling amount (in pixels). The default value "auto" adjusts scrolling amount according to scrollable content length.
scrollButtons:{ scrollType: "string" }
Define the buttons scrolling type/behavior.

  • scrollType: "stepless" – continuously scroll content while pressing the button (default)
  • scrollType: "stepped" – each button click scrolls content by a certain amount (defined in scrollAmount option above)
scrollButtons:{ tabindex: integer }
Set a tabindex value for the buttons.
keyboard:{ enable: boolean }
Enable or disable content scrolling via the keyboard.
The plugin supports the directional arrows (top, left, right and down), page-up (PgUp), page-down (PgDn), Home and End keys.
keyboard:{ scrollAmount: integer }
Set the keyboard arrows scrolling amount (in pixels). The default value "auto" adjusts scrolling amount according to scrollable content length.
keyboard:{ scrollType: "string" }
Define the keyboard arrows scrolling type/behavior.

  • scrollType: "stepless" – continuously scroll content while pressing the arrow key (default)
  • scrollType: "stepped" – each key release scrolls content by a certain amount (defined in scrollAmount option above)
contentTouchScroll: integer
Enable or disable content touch-swipe scrolling for touch-enabled devices.
To completely disable, set contentTouchScroll: false.
Integer values define the axis-specific minimum amount required for scrolling momentum (default: 25).
documentTouchScroll: boolean
Enable or disable document touch-swipe scrolling for touch-enabled devices.
advanced:{ autoExpandHorizontalScroll: boolean }
Auto-expand content horizontally (for "x" or "yx" axis).
If set to true, content will expand horizontally to accommodate any floated/inline-block elements.
Setting its value to 2 (integer) forces the non scrollHeight/scrollWidth method. A value of 3 forces the scrollHeight/scrollWidth method.
advanced:{ autoScrollOnFocus: "string" }
Set the list of elements/selectors that will auto-scroll content to their position when focused.
For example, when pressing TAB key to focus input fields, if the field is out of the viewable area the content will scroll to its top/left position (same bahavior with browser’s native scrollbar).
To completely disable this functionality, set autoScrollOnFocus: false.
advanced:{ updateOnContentResize: boolean }
Update scrollbar(s) automatically on content, element or viewport resize.
The value should be true (default) for fluid layouts/elements, adding/removing content dynamically, hiding/showing elements etc.
advanced:{ updateOnImageLoad: boolean }
Update scrollbar(s) automatically each time an image inside the element is fully loaded.
Default value is auto which triggers the function only on "x" and "yx" axis (if needed).
The value should be true when your content contains images and you need the function to trigger on any axis.
advanced:{ updateOnSelectorChange: "string" }
Update scrollbar(s) automatically when the amount and size of specific selectors changes.
Useful when you need to update the scrollbar(s) automatically, each time a type of element is added, removed or changes its size.
For example, setting updateOnSelectorChange: "ul li" will update scrollbars each time list-items inside the element are changed.
Setting the value to true, will update scrollbars each time any element is changed.
To disable (default) set to false.
advanced:{ extraDraggableSelectors: "string" }
Add extra selector(s) that’ll release scrollbar dragging upon mouseup, pointerup, touchend etc.
Example: extraDraggableSelectors: ".myClass, #myID"
advanced:{ releaseDraggableSelectors: "string" }
Add extra selector(s) that’ll allow scrollbar dragging upon mousemove/up, pointermove/up, touchend etc.
Example: releaseDraggableSelectors: ".myClass, #myID"
advanced:{ autoUpdateTimeout: integer }
Set the auto-update timeout in milliseconds.
Default timeout: 60
theme: "string"
Set the scrollbar theme.
View all ready-to-use themes
All themes are contained in plugin’s CSS file (jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css).
Default theme: "light"
      onCreate: function(){}
A function to call when plugin markup is created.
      console.log("Plugin markup generated");
      onInit: function(){}
A function to call when scrollbars have initialized (demo).
      console.log("Scrollbars initialized");
      onScrollStart: function(){}
A function to call when scrolling starts (demo).
      console.log("Scrolling started...");
      onScroll: function(){}
A function to call when scrolling is completed (demo).
      console.log("Content scrolled...");
      whileScrolling: function(){}
A function to call while scrolling is active (demo).
      onTotalScroll: function(){}
A function to call when scrolling is completed and content is scrolled all the way to the end (bottom/right) (demo).
      console.log("Scrolled to end of content.");
      onTotalScrollBack: function(){}
A function to call when scrolling is completed and content is scrolled back to the beginning (top/left) (demo).
      console.log("Scrolled back to the beginning of content.");
      onTotalScrollOffset: integer
Set an offset for the onTotalScroll option.
For example, setting onTotalScrollOffset: 100 will trigger the onTotalScroll callback 100 pixels before the end of scrolling is reached.
      onTotalScrollBackOffset: integer
Set an offset for the onTotalScrollBack option.
For example, setting onTotalScrollBackOffset: 100 will trigger the onTotalScrollBack callback 100 pixels before the beginning of scrolling is reached.
      alwaysTriggerOffsets: boolean
Set the behavior of calling onTotalScroll and onTotalScrollBack offsets.
By default, callback offsets will trigger repeatedly while content is scrolling within the offsets.
Set alwaysTriggerOffsets: false when you need to trigger onTotalScroll and onTotalScrollBack callbacks once, each time scroll end or beginning is reached.
      onOverflowY: function(){}
A function to call when content becomes long enough and vertical scrollbar is added.
      console.log("Vertical scrolling required");
      onOverflowX: function(){}
A function to call when content becomes wide enough and horizontal scrollbar is added.
      console.log("Horizontal scrolling required");
      onOverflowYNone: function(){}
A function to call when content becomes short enough and vertical scrollbar is removed.
      console.log("Vertical scrolling is not required");
      onOverflowXNone: function(){}
A function to call when content becomes narrow enough and horizontal scrollbar is removed.
      console.log("Horizontal scrolling is not required");
      onBeforeUpdate: function(){}
A function to call right before scrollbar(s) are updated.
      console.log("Scrollbars will update");
      onUpdate: function(){}
A function to call when scrollbar(s) are updated.
      console.log("Scrollbars updated");
      onImageLoad: function(){}
A function to call each time an image inside the element is fully loaded and scrollbar(s) are updated.
      console.log("Image loaded");
      onSelectorChange: function(){}
A function to call each time a type of element is added, removed or changes its size and scrollbar(s) are updated.
      console.log("Scrollbars updated");
live: "string"
Enable or disable applying scrollbar(s) on all elements matching the current selector, now and in the future.
Set live: true when you need to add scrollbar(s) on elements that do not yet exist in the page. These could be elements added by other scripts or plugins after some action by the user takes place (e.g. lightbox markup may not exist untill the user clicks a link).
If you need at any time to disable or enable the live option, set live: "off" and "on" respectively.
You can also tell the script to disable live option after the first invocation by setting live: "once".
liveSelector: "string"
Set the matching set of elements (instead of the current selector) to add scrollbar(s), now and in the future.

Plugin methods

Ways to execute various plugin actions programmatically from within your script(s).


Usage $(selector).mCustomScrollbar("update");

Call the update method to manually update existing scrollbars to accommodate new content or resized element(s). This method is by default called automatically by the script (via updateOnContentResize option) when the element itself, its content or scrollbar size changes.

view examples

/* initialize plugin with auto-update options disabled */
    updateOnContentResize: false,
    updateOnImageLoad: false

/* at some point in your js script/code update scrollbar manually */


Usage $(selector).mCustomScrollbar("scrollTo",position,options);

Call the scrollTo method to programmatically scroll the content to the position parameter (demo).

position parameter

Position parameter can be:

  • "string"
    • e.g. element selector: "#element-id"
    • e.g. special pre-defined position: "bottom"
    • e.g. number of pixels less/more: "-=100"/"+=100"
  • integer
    • e.g. number of pixels: 100
  • [array]
    • e.g. different y/x position: [100,50]
  • object/function
    • e.g. jQuery object: $("#element-id")
    • e.g. js object: document.getelementbyid("element-id")
    • e.g. function: function(){ return 100; }

Pre-defined position strings:

  • "bottom" – scroll to bottom
  • "top" – scroll to top
  • "right" – scroll to right
  • "left" – scroll to left
  • "first" – scroll to the position of the first element within content
  • "last" – scroll to the position of the last element within content

view examples

Scroll to element with id “#el-1″


Scroll to top


Scroll by 100 pixels down or right

var val=100;

Scroll by 100 pixels up or left


Scroll by 100 pixels down and by 50 pixels right


Scroll to the fifth paragraph


Scroll to the last element within your content


Scroll to some variable value

var val=document.getelementbyid("element-id");

Scroll to 300 pixels


Method options

scrollInertia: integer
Scroll-to duration, value in milliseconds.
scrollEasing: "string"
Scroll-to animation easing, values: "linear", "easeOut", "easeInOut".
moveDragger: boolean
Scroll scrollbar dragger (instead of content).
timeout: integer
Set a timeout for the method (the default timeout is 60 ms in order to work with automatic scrollbar update), value in milliseconds.
callbacks: boolean
Trigger user defined callbacks after scroll-to completes.


Usage $(selector).mCustomScrollbar("stop");

Stops any running scrolling animations (usefull when you wish to interupt a previously scrollTo method call).


Usage $(selector).mCustomScrollbar("disable");

Calling disable method will temporarily disable the scrollbar (demo). Disabled scrollbars can be re-enable by calling the update method.

To disable the scrollbar and reset its content position, set the method’s reset parameter to true


view examples

/* initialize plugin */

/* at some point in your js script/code disable scrollbar */

/* re-enable scrollbar as needed */


Usage $(selector).mCustomScrollbar("destroy");

Calling destroy method will completely remove the custom scrollbar and return the element to its original state (demo).

view examples

/* initialize plugin */

/* at some point in your js script/code destroy scrollbar */

Scrollbar styling & themes

You can design and visually customize your scrollbars with pure CSS, using jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css which contains the default/basic styling and all scrollbar themes.

The easiest/quickest way is to select a ready-to-use scrollbar theme. For example:


View all ready-to-use themes

You can modify the default styling or any theme either directly in jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css or by overwriting the CSS rules in another stylesheet.

Creating a new scrollbar theme

Create a name for your theme (e.g. “my-theme”) and set it as the value of the theme option


Your element will get the class “mCS-my-theme” (your theme-name with “mCS” prefix), so you can create your CSS using the .mCS-my-theme in your rules. For instance:

.mCS-my-theme.mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_dragger .mCSB_dragger_bar{ background-color: red; }
.mCS-my-theme.mCSB_scrollTools .mCSB_draggerRail{ background-color: white; } 
/* and so on... */

In the same manner you can clone any existing theme (e.g. “dark”), change its selector (e.g. .mCS-dark) to your own theme name (e.g. .mCS-my-theme) and modify its CSS rules.

Scrollbar markup

The plugin applies specific id (unique) and/or classes to every scrollbar element/component, meaning that you can target and modify any scrollbar in more than one ways.

For example, every element with a scrollbar gets a unique class in the form of _mCS_1, _mCS_2 etc. Every scrollbar container element gets a unique id in the form of mCSB_1_scrollbar_vertical, mCSB_2_scrollbar_vertical etc. Every scrollbar dragger gets a unique id in the form of mCSB_1_dragger_vertical, mCSB_2_dragger_vertical etc. in addition to the class mCSB_dragger. All these mean that you can do stuff like:

._mCS_1 .mCSB_dragger .mCSB_dragger_bar{ background-color: red; }

._mCS_2 .mCSB_dragger .mCSB_dragger_bar{ background-color: green; }

#mCSB_3_dragger_vertical .mCSB_dragger_bar{ background-color: blue; }

#mCSB_1_scrollbar_vertical .mCSB_dragger{ height: 100px; }

#mCSB_1_scrollbar_horizontal .mCSB_dragger{ width: 100px; }

.mCSB_1_scrollbar .mCSB_dragger .mCSB_draggerRail{ width: 4px; }

Custom scrollbar layout

User-defined callbacks

You can trigger your own js function(s) by calling them inside mCustomScrollbar callbacks option parameter


function myCustomFn(el){

In the example above, each time a scroll event ends and content has stopped scrolling, the content’s top position will be logged in browser’s console. There are available callbacks for each step of the scrolling event:

  • onScrollStart – triggers the moment a scroll event starts
  • whileScrolling – triggers while scroll event is running
  • onScroll – triggers when a scroll event completes
  • onTotalScroll – triggers when content has scrolled all the way to bottom or right
  • onTotalScrollBack – triggers when content has scrolled all the way back to top or left

You can set an offset value (pixels) for both onTotalScroll and onTotalScrollBack by setting onTotalScrollOffset and onTotalScrollBackOffset respectively (view example).

The following will trigger the callback function when content has scrolled to bottom minus 100 pixels

            console.log("scrolled to bottom");

By default, onTotalScroll and onTotalScrollBack callbacks are triggered repeatedly. To prevent multiple calls when content is within their offset, set alwaysTriggerOffsets option to false (view example).

            console.log("scrolled to bottom");

Additional callbacks:

Returning values

The script returns a number of values and objects related to scrollbar that you can use in your own functions

  • this – the original element containing the scrollbar(s)
  • this.mcs.content – the original content wrapper as jquery object
  • – content’s top position (pixels)
  • this.mcs.left – content’s left position (pixels)
  • this.mcs.draggerTop – scrollbar dragger’s top position (pixels)
  • this.mcs.draggerLeft – scrollbar dragger’s left position (pixels)
  • this.mcs.topPct – content vertical scrolling percentage
  • this.mcs.leftPct – content horizontal scrolling percentage
  • this.mcs.direction – content’s scrolling direction (y or x)

view examples

Load more content when scrolled to bottom


Run code when at least half of the content is scrolled

            var pct=this.mcs.topPct;
              /* do something... */

Plugin-specific jQuery expressions

Select element(s) in your content that are within scrollable viewport.
As condition: $("#myID").is(":mcsInView");
Select overflowed element(s) with visible scrollbar.
As condition: $(".content").is(":mcsOverflow");
Select element(s) in your content that are in view of the scrollable viewport. Using the exact parameter will include elements that have any part of them (even 1 pixel) in view of the scrollable viewport.
As condition: $("#myID").is(":mcsInSight");, $("#myID").is(":mcsInSight(exact)");

Plugin dependencies & requirements


This work is released under the MIT License.
You are free to use, study, improve and modify it wherever and however you like.

Pages: 1 2 3 4


Post a comment

Comments pages: 1 35 36 37 38 39 85

  1. Andrea22k
    Posted on May 10, 2013 at 00:56 Permalink

    Hi malihu. I like your plugin so much. But i found some troubles using max-height. Trying and trying I found what doesn’t work.
    In my website I’m using the box-sizing:border-box property.
    So if my .container has:
    I can’t see my content when it exceeds 460px and scrollbar doesn’t appear until my content exceeds 500px;
    what can I do?
    Thank you

    • Andrea22k
      Posted on May 10, 2013 at 14:32 Permalink

      for now I had to manually subtract 40 in max height calculation in your script. But if you could help with a definitive solution it’d be so much better 🙂

  2. Marco Ghinassi
    Posted on May 9, 2013 at 19:46 Permalink

    Amazing script !!!!
    Really, it is so usefull !! You’ve saved me.

  3. michele
    Posted on May 9, 2013 at 18:09 Permalink

    Hi, really great work!
    I use jQuery to display external content in a div and i call mCustomScrollbars function every time i load new content.
    But i am doing saome wrong becouse new content is loaded in a blank page.

    $(document).ready(function() { $('a.lnk1').click(function() { var url = $(this).attr('href'); $('#inferiore-contenuti').fadeOut("slow").hide().load(url).fadeIn("slow",function(){ mCustomScrollbars(); return false; }) }); });

    What am I doing wrong?

    this the page:

    thanks in advance.

    • malihu
      Posted on May 9, 2013 at 18:21 Permalink

      I think you need to prevent the default browser behavior that opens the link URL:
      $(document).ready(function() { $('a.lnk1').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var url = $(this).attr('href'); $('#inferiore-contenuti').fadeOut("slow").hide().load(url).fadeIn("slow",function(){ mCustomScrollbars(); return false; }) }); });

      I’d also suggest using plugin’s update method each time your content changes.

      • michele
        Posted on May 9, 2013 at 19:19 Permalink

        Thank’s for your reply.
        Now i can load new content into div but after that mCustomScrollbars doesn’t work.
        I tried to use plugin’s “update”
        I don’t know js very well. What do you think about?

        $(document).ready(function() { $('a.lnk1').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var url = $(this).attr('href'); $('#inferiore-contenuti').fadeOut("slow").hide().load(url).fadeIn("slow",function(){ mCustomScrollbars(),function(){ $(this).mCustomScrollbar("update"); return false; } }) }); });

        I don’t know if it is the riht way.
        Thankyou for any answer.

        page link

  4. Chuong
    Posted on May 9, 2013 at 11:25 Permalink

    In a vertical scroller, the scrollbar is on the right side of the content by default. Is there any way to put it on the left side?

    • malihu
      Posted on May 9, 2013 at 14:04 Permalink

      The scrollbar styling is done via CSS. Edit jquery.mCustomScrollbar.css and change the properties of .mCustomScrollBox>.mCSB_scrollTools (for placement to the left change right:0 to left:0).

  5. Phil
    Posted on May 8, 2013 at 21:43 Permalink

    looks great and is exactly what i need – does it require jQuery 1.9? I got a project where there’s only 1.5 available… sadly no way to upgrade at the moment… did anyone test it with 1.5 ?

    • malihu
      Posted on May 8, 2013 at 23:34 Permalink

      It should work fine 🙂

      • Phil
        Posted on May 9, 2013 at 00:16 Permalink

        Just tried it with your Demo-Page (should have thought about this earlier…) and confirm that it works with jQuery 1.5 and 1.7 just as well. 🙂

        Thanks, great work that saved me a lot of sweat. 🙂

  6. Selim Ozkan
    Posted on May 8, 2013 at 16:37 Permalink

    Hi Malihu,

    Is it possible to scroll two containers together with mCustomScrollbar?

    I willl give some details. I have two divs and everyone holds some text with different languages. I want to scroll in sync this two containers when one of them is scrolled.

    I made this by onScoll event and scrolled the passive one with same percent as the active one is scrolled. Is it a correct way ? Or is there any other simpler way to do this.

    Here is the link of the page : click on the about menu and first picture to get the mentioned page. I can not give the direct link because the page element are coming by an ajax call.

    p.s.: my page is working only in chrome. I couldn’t not resolve this yet 🙂 Any advice is appreciated 🙂

    Thanks in advance, regards …

    • malihu
      Posted on May 8, 2013 at 23:31 Permalink

      If it works, it is the correct way!
      I can’t think of another way to do it. Good thinking 🙂

  7. Krishnan
    Posted on May 8, 2013 at 08:45 Permalink

    I faced a problem when we are using Jquery animate methods like, slideUp, slideDown, animate(), slideToggle the scroll bar not working properly anyone have solution for this??

    • malihu
      Posted on May 8, 2013 at 23:27 Permalink

      Check “Important notes” in “Detailed usage guide”. You probably need to call the update method after your animation are completed (or use the updateOnContentResize option parameter).

  8. Mikhail
    Posted on May 8, 2013 at 05:43 Permalink


    Thanks for your great plugin, but I have some problems with it. On one of the pages I used FORM with different inputs. Then I click on text field or text area or search field on the map, it will automatic scroll to top.
    Page with problem
    I don’t understand why it so. Please help 🙂


    P.S. Sorry for my bad English.

    • malihu
      Posted on May 8, 2013 at 23:26 Permalink

      Probably some positioning issue with the CSS.
      Set autoScrollOnFocus to false (see Configuration), which disables automatic scrolling when focusing on form fileds.

  9. Sina Z
    Posted on May 7, 2013 at 16:42 Permalink

    This is the only working cross-browser scroll I’ve ever seen thanks man. A quick question when I add horizontal scroll bar (horizontalScroll:true), the vertical one gets disabled. Is it normal?

    • malihu
      Posted on May 8, 2013 at 23:20 Permalink

      Yes. Both axis scrollbars on the same element is the only feature missing from the plugin. I’ll probably add it on the next major update.

  10. Jeff
    Posted on May 7, 2013 at 12:36 Permalink

    Plugin is great, but all users must be AWARE, that they CANNOT!!! use in any projects, where some code is not publicly available, or the will be breaking GNU General Public License v3 license conditions.
    GNU GPL v.3 can be used only! with code licensed by same license.

    In other words, if you use this plugin, I will be able to force you in court of law (if I want to bother) to give me source code of your entire project.

    I would suggest author use GNU LGPL (note leading L) or dual license it under GNU GPL v.3 / MIT

    GNU LGPL protects plugin same as GNU GPL v.3, but allows to use it with code, which is not open source.

    you may take a look here:

    • malihu
      Posted on May 7, 2013 at 12:47 Permalink

      I think I’ll add MIT license too. Thanks for the info.

      • Brian
        Posted on May 8, 2013 at 03:35 Permalink

        +1 for MIT license. Would really like to use this plugin as it is exactly what we need and very well done.

        Currently looking for an alternative as company says we can’t use GPL code.

        • malihu
          Posted on May 8, 2013 at 23:16 Permalink

          I’m thinking LGPL also.

    • Sina Z
      Posted on May 7, 2013 at 16:48 Permalink

      I’m a bit confused here, in previous comments someone named “Yusef” asked if he can use the plug-in but reference it and Malihu answered “Yeap”. Now here what I’m seeing is we cannot use it in any projects so… 😕

      Thanks for your answer in advance.

      • Kouji
        Posted on May 8, 2013 at 00:15 Permalink

        same here, but when i scroll to top i read this on the right blog panel

        Everything published on this blog is free.
        You’re more than welcome to use any plugin, script, template etc. on personal or commercial projects and modify it to suit your needs.

      • malihu
        Posted on May 8, 2013 at 23:19 Permalink

        You can use the plugin however you like. The comment above is for some special cases (where code is not publicly available). Anyway, I’ll update the license to cover everything.

        • Thomas
          Posted on May 9, 2013 at 01:47 Permalink

          Thanks! That would be cool!

      • malihu
        Posted on May 9, 2013 at 16:53 Permalink

        License updated to L-GPL.

  11. Christian
    Posted on May 6, 2013 at 18:00 Permalink

    First thanks for your plugin, I’ve been trying to use it in a website I have to make.
    However I’ve been facing a weird issue I can’t resolve.
    The scrollbar doesn’t show up properly unless I press the F12 button to show Firebug… I don’t really understand why the code understands that it doesn’t need the scrollbar
    (I’ve got the noScrollbar class and the scrollTools class as display none until I don’t press F12)
    Is there any chance you could help me ? Thanks 🙂

    • Tom
      Posted on May 8, 2013 at 21:27 Permalink

      I’m having a similar issue. When the page loads the scroll bar isn’t there, but as soon as I re-size the browser window, the scroll bar shows up.
      I tried adding the “update” method after I initialize the scroll bar on my div, but that doesn’t seem to help in this case.

      • malihu
        Posted on May 8, 2013 at 23:14 Permalink

        Try setting the updateOnContentResize option parameter to true (auto-calls the update method).

        • Tom
          Posted on May 9, 2013 at 23:02 Permalink

          That fixed it. Thanks for the assistance!

        • Christian
          Posted on May 11, 2013 at 14:06 Permalink

          That worked for me as well, thank you ! 🙂

        • fauzi
          Posted on June 26, 2013 at 20:39 Permalink

          Thanks malihu.

          It’s work for me, I’m using tab bootstrap and show scroll on content

  12. Cristina
    Posted on May 4, 2013 at 18:51 Permalink

    Hello Manos,
    I’m having a little trouble with the “update” method. Right now I have in the same page both your CustomScrollbar and Stu Nicholls’s “Show More” toggle for expanding blocks of text. The two scripts work together without problem, but the scrollbars don’t adapt to the changed dimensions of the page. Can you check out if I made some mistake with the method? The code is like this;
    (function($){ $(window).load(function(){ $(".content").mCustomScrollbar({ scrollButtons:{ enable:true } }); }); $(".show").click(function() { $(".content").mCustomScrollbar("update"); }); })(jQuery); </script> <script type="text/javascript"> /* ================================================================ This copyright notice must be untouched at all times. Copyright (c) 2009 Stu Nicholls - - all rights reserved. =================================================================== */ $(document).ready(function(){ $(".hidden").hide(); $(".show").html("show ...."); $(".show").click(function() { if (this.className.indexOf('clicked') != -1 ) { $(this).prev().slideUp(500); $(this).removeClass('clicked') $(this).html("show ...."); } else { $(this).addClass('clicked') $(this).prev().slideDown(500); $(this).html("... hide"); } }); });
    Thanks so much for the help!

    • Cristina
      Posted on May 5, 2013 at 11:50 Permalink

      I figured out the problem; I was using the old version of the scrollbar plugin, with the new release it works – now code’s like this;

      (function($){ $(window).load(function(){ $(".content").mCustomScrollbar({ scrollButtons:{ enable:true } }); }); $(document).ready(function(){ $(".hidden").hide(); $(".show").html("continua ...."); $(".show").click(function() { if (this.className.indexOf('clicked') != -1 ) { $(this).prev().slideUp(500); $(this).removeClass('clicked') $(this).html("continua ...."); $(".content .mCSB_container").append(data); //append new content inside .mCSB_container $(".content").mCustomScrollbar("update"); //update scrollbar according to newly appended content } else { $(this).addClass('clicked') $(this).prev().slideDown(500); $(this).html("... chiudi"); $(".content .mCSB_container").append(data); //append new content inside .mCSB_container $(".content").mCustomScrollbar("update"); //update scrollbar according to newly appended content } }); }); })(jQuery);

      There is still one thing amiss – in the example page with Ajax, when clicking on append new content the scrollbars resize themselves to show the new content. In my page they stay they same size, although they now scroll (very fast) to the end of the page… though once there they don’t immediately scroll upward again, you must either collapse the block or drag the bar upward with the mouse. How can I fix this?

      • Cristina
        Posted on May 5, 2013 at 11:54 Permalink

        And figured out that too 🙂 I had to replace ‘data’ with ‘clicked’. Now it work ^_^ Love the Custom content scroller!

        • Cristina
          Posted on May 5, 2013 at 12:00 Permalink

          Hmm nevermind the part about figuring out – turns out I didn’t. By replacing data with clicked the scroll adapts indeed (only when you collapse the blocks, though) but a “clicked” text appears on bottom of the page. Also the scroll *still* does not scroll upward once it reaches the end of the page. Frustrating… what am I doing wrong??

  13. Michal
    Posted on May 4, 2013 at 09:13 Permalink


    that is really great work! Has anybody figured out how to make the scroll always visible?

    It seems scroll appears only when there is something to scroll and I would like it to be always there if that is possible. I tried doing it on my own but even though my approach works in FF, Chrome and IE10, it crashes in IE8 and IE9 :(.


  14. Steph
    Posted on May 3, 2013 at 23:46 Permalink

    thank you very much for this great plug-in. I like it very much!
    Only IE7 makes troubles. Is there anybody who has the same problem and fixed it?
    Thank you very much

  15. Shyam Mohan
    Posted on May 2, 2013 at 21:21 Permalink

    Wow! great work.I’ve tried other plugins but found this one very useful…but i got some problems..When scrolling stops in a div the whole page starts to scroll.You can see this problem in the plugin’s demo page.How can i prevent this??Plz help me..Thanks in advance.. 🙂

    • malihu
      Posted on May 8, 2013 at 23:38 Permalink

      Hi and thanks for your comments,

      You can’t really prevent it (well, not unless editing the plugin script itself). I made the scrollbar so it behaves like the native browser’s one.

  16. Chris
    Posted on May 2, 2013 at 15:37 Permalink

    poli kalo file! bravo!

    • malihu
      Posted on May 8, 2013 at 23:39 Permalink

      Ευχαριστώ 🙂

  17. Andre Azzolini
    Posted on May 1, 2013 at 02:06 Permalink


    Would it be possible to have this plugin released under a different license?

    I work on an open-source framework that is used by commercial entities, and if we were to include this library, we would have to release our software under GPL licensing (instead of Apache 2), which would mean that our clients would have to open-source their commercial products.

    Thank you very much!

    • malihu
      Posted on May 8, 2013 at 23:40 Permalink

      I’ll either add MIT license or change it to LGPL.

  18. raghu
    Posted on April 30, 2013 at 22:57 Permalink

    I have applied this plugin for a horizontal image scroll slider, and the slider is lagging or stuttering when viewed in chrome and safari,But works fine in Firefox.The lagging increases with increase in total number of images appended to the horizontal scroll.
    Kindly help me out in this regard.

    • malihu
      Posted on April 30, 2013 at 23:43 Permalink

      Try changing your images CSS. Certain properties like box-shadow can decrease performance in webkit browsers.

      • raghu
        Posted on May 1, 2013 at 07:29 Permalink

        Thanks for your reply.I have cross checked the image CSS and no such performance reducing properties. The dragger bar is actually not sliding smoothly ,as one drags the dragger bar the image sliding stops for a second or two and then directly jumps to image corresponding to the position of dragger bar stop.
        Kindly suggest a solution.

        • raghu
          Posted on May 5, 2013 at 06:04 Permalink

          The bug was on my side and its fixed now.Thanks a lot for the wonderful plugin.

  19. Manjeet Singh
    Posted on April 30, 2013 at 11:32 Permalink

    M stuck in deep. Whenever i called the .mCustomScrollbar() inside the dynamic div content inside bootstrap popover it doesn’t work even after i tried destroy and then rebuild then update method. The worst thing is if anyhow i mange the scrollbar in right way even after it doesn’t work when popover called multiple times.
    Thanks in Advance 🙂

    • malihu
      Posted on April 30, 2013 at 23:45 Permalink

      Make sure you’re calling .mCustomScrollbar() on existing elements in your page. Also make sure bootstrap doesn’t remove them when running the popup.

      • Selim Ozkan
        Posted on May 8, 2013 at 16:26 Permalink


        Malihu, how can we use mCustomScrollbar() with dynamic objects which is getting by Ajax Calls. I’m using it with calling initScroll function which is calling mCustomScrollbar for the objects which is already loaded into the page. Is that the correct way ?

        I’m asking this question because, my project and the scrollbars are working very well on chrome browser, but not in Firefox or IE. Scrollbars are showing but not scrolling.

      • Manjeet Singh
        Posted on May 24, 2013 at 17:45 Permalink

        Thanks for your response Malihu, definitely the problem was occurring due to bootstrap because whenever the popover called multiple times bootstrap completely remove it’s content and then append to the body.
        Also we can use mCustomScrollbar within dynamic element and for this all we need to do is just called $(‘element’).mCustomScrollbar(); on Ajax success or wherever we are going to append new element.
        Last but not least I’m working as a web designer but my approach to learn jQuery is endless……:P

  20. Marky
    Posted on April 28, 2013 at 21:59 Permalink

    Hey, nice Plugin 🙂 I use the dark themes with buttons – the mouseover-button is white – in every browser – can you confirm this? I although could depends on my complete CSS – ist very complex. Thx Marky

    • Marky
      Posted on April 28, 2013 at 22:12 Permalink

      First think than write 🙂 with !import on the background sprite it works know. I think this should by in the standardversion. Thx Marky

  21. Sandrilyon
    Posted on April 28, 2013 at 15:56 Permalink

    Is it possible to bind scrolling on “onclick” event directly in the string?

    <p class="some-class" onlcik="mCustomScrollbar('scrollTo','bottom')"></p>

    • malihu
      Posted on April 30, 2013 at 23:47 Permalink

      Yes, but you need to specify the selector:

  22. Stamatisse
    Posted on April 26, 2013 at 19:54 Permalink

    Hi, Great plugin! thanks for sharing.

    Question, can the script start with the scroll bar disabled? like, $("#id").mCustomScrollbar("disable"); but on the first call of the function with its options.


    • malihu
      Posted on April 30, 2013 at 23:49 Permalink

      If you don’t call $("#id").mCustomScrollbar();, you don’t need $("#id").mCustomScrollbar("disable");.

  23. George
    Posted on April 26, 2013 at 18:50 Permalink


    First, I love your plugins and have used the first version of the custom scrollers fairly successfully in my site.

    Second – I am pretty much a weekend warrior/noob teaching my self on the weekends and have been having a little difficulty upgrading to the new versions.

    The problem I am struggling with is the scrollTo callback as follows… I have been trying to add a button that moves the scroller n number of pixels in addition to the current scroll location.

    This works for going to predefined location:

    $(“#content_1”).mCustomScrollbar(“scrollTo”, 200);

    But this moves the scroller in unpredicted ways – even though the scroller is at 100 – when I click the button it moves to random locations:


  24. Milan
    Posted on April 26, 2013 at 12:55 Permalink


    Firstly, I’d like to thakn for great pluginyou are sharng.

    Secondly, I would like to ask for little help. I am not able to find sollution to use customized plugins in case that content is smaller than container and overflow is set to Scroll.

    Thank you very much


  25. rushdi
    Posted on April 26, 2013 at 11:11 Permalink

    Man I am stuck
    Please help me.

    Problem: mscrollbar not working with slideToggle, slidedown.

    my html
    <div class="content"> <h1>Product Title</h1> <div class="product_info"> <div class="product_menu left"> <ul> <li id="a"><a>Overview</a></li> <li id="b"><a>How To Use</a></li> <li id="c"><a>Nutrition Info</a></li> <li id="d"><a>Ingredients</a></li> </ul> </div> <div class="nodisplay" id="ov"><h2>Overview</h2></div> <div class="nodisplay" id="hu"><h2>How to use</h2></div> <div class="nodisplay" id="nf"> <h2>Nutrition Facts</h2> <p><span class="left">Serving size 16 oz</span><span class="right">Serving per container 1</span></p> <table> <tbody> <tr><td colspan="2">Amount per serving<hr></td></tr> <tr><td>Calories 583<hr></td> <td> Calories from Fat 139<hr></td></tr> <tr><td colspan="2" >% Daily value*<hr></td></tr> <tr><td><b>Total Fat 16g</b><hr></td> <td>25%<hr></td></tr> <tr><td>Saturated Fat 12g<hr></td> <td> Calories from Fat 139<hr></td></tr> <tr><td> Trans Fat 1g<hr></td> <td> Calories from Fat 139<hr></td></tr> <tr><td>Cholesterol 63mg<hr></td> <td> Calories from Fat 139<hr></td></tr> <tr><td>Sodium 161mg<hr></td> <td> Calories from Fat 139<hr></td></tr> <tr><td>Total Carbohydrate 77g<hr></td> <td> Calories from Fat 139<hr></td></tr> <tr><td>Dietary Fiber 4g<hr></td> <td> Calories from Fat 139<hr></td></tr> <tr><td>Sugars 3g<hr></td> <td> Calories from Fat 139<hr></td></tr> <tr><td><b>Protein 33g<hr></b></td> <td> Calories from Fat 139<hr></td></tr> <tr><td>Vitamin A<hr></td> <td> Calories from Fat 139<hr></td></tr> <tr><td>Calcium<hr></td> <td> Calories from Fat 139<hr></td></tr> </tbody> </table> </div> <div class="nodisplay " id="ig"><h2>Ingredients</h2></div> </div> </div>
    my css
    .content { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;position: relative} .product_info{width: 950px;height: 420px; padding:5px 5px 0 5px;} .product_menu{ width:240px; height:auto; position: relative; top:70px;font-family:'Sofadi One', cursive; font-size: 1.4em; } .product_menu li {list-style: none; cursor: pointer} .product_menu li a{padding: 10px; display: block; border-bottom: solid 1px #999999;} .product_menu li a:hover{box-shadow: 0 0 5px #cccccc;} .nodisplay{display: none; box-shadow: 0 0 5px #cccccc; width:370px; height: 405px; padding:10px; overflow-x: auto; border-color:#999999; background-color: #fff; position: relative; -moz-border-top-left-radius: 10px; -moz-border-top-right-radius:10px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius:10px; border-top-left-radius: 10px; border-top-right-radius: 10px; font-size: 0.8em; position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 5px;} .facts { box-shadow: 0 0 5px #cccccc; width:370px; height: 405px; padding:10px; overflow-x: auto; border-color:#999999; background-color: #fff; position: relative; -moz-border-top-left-radius: 10px; -moz-border-top-right-radius:10px; -webkit-border-top-left-radius: 10px; -webkit-border-top-right-radius:10px; border-top-left-radius: 10px; border-top-right-radius: 10px; font-size: 0.8em; position: absolute; bottom: 0; right: 5px; } .facts h3, .facts h2, .nodisplay h3, .nodisplay h2 {color:#fff;background-color: #000; } .facts p {margin-bottom: 25px;} .left{float: left} .right{float: right} table {width:300px;margin: auto; border-collapse: collapse;background-color: #09C;} .content h1{margin: 20px;font-family: 'Wellfleet', arial;}
    my js
    $(document).ready(function() { if($('#ov').css('display', 'none')){ $('#ov').slideDown("slow").css('display', 'block'); }else{ $('#ov').css('display', 'none'); } $('#a').click(function(){ $('#ov').slideToggle("slow").addClass('facts'); $('#nf, #hu, #ig').slideUp(123); }) ; $('#b').click(function(){ $('#hu').slideToggle("slow").addClass('facts'); $('#nf, #ov, #ig').slideUp(123); }); $('#c').click(function(){ $('#nf') .slideToggle("slow") .addClass('facts') .mCustomScrollbar({scrollButtons:{enable:true},theme:"dark-thin",scrollInertia:100}); $('#hu, #ov, #ig').slideUp(123); }); $('#d').click(function(){ $('#ig').slideToggle("slow").addClass('facts'); $('#nf, #ov, #hu').slideUp(123); }); }); <code>

    • malihu
      Posted on April 26, 2013 at 12:52 Permalink

      You should call mCustomScrollbar function normally within your docyment ready fn:
      $(document).ready(function() { $('#nf').mCustomScrollbar({ scrollButtons:{enable:true}, theme:"dark-thin", scrollInertia:100 }); if($('#ov').css('display', 'none')){ ...

      and call its update method as a callback function on slideToggle:
      $('#nf').slideToggle("slow",function(){ $('#nf').mCustomScrollbar('update'); }) .addClass('facts');

      To see why your code doesn’t work as it is now, check “Important notes” in “Detailed usage guide” section.

  26. Marisa
    Posted on April 26, 2013 at 05:32 Permalink


    in the first place, congrats for the excellent plugin. I really love it!!!

    But I’m having a little problem using IE.

    When I scroll down the content, the div is going down too… lol… like the IE leave a white space where the content would be if the overflow was not hidden…

    You can check this online:

    Top box on the left…

    Could anyone help me… 🙁

    Thank you in advance

    Best regards.

    • malihu
      Posted on April 26, 2013 at 12:55 Permalink

      Seems to be working now (checked on ie10).

      • Marisa
        Posted on April 26, 2013 at 16:14 Permalink

        I’m testing on IE9 and I think that a lot of users dont use IE10 yet… 🙁

        Check this print:

        Is there any solution?

        Thank you so much for your time… 🙂

        • Marisa
          Posted on April 26, 2013 at 17:44 Permalink

          Hey! I solved the problem putting’ “position:absolute” on the div…

          I dont know if this is the correct way, but it worked… 🙂

          thank you again!

  27. Venkat
    Posted on April 25, 2013 at 13:18 Permalink

    is it possible to use scrollers in a scroller i want to change sites every scroll-bars .
    pls tell me this thing. ty

  28. Yusef
    Posted on April 22, 2013 at 22:26 Permalink

    Hello Malihu,
    Is it okay to use this plugin for commercial use? for free but I’ll provide credits for the scrollbar on the site’s source somewhere.


  29. Dione
    Posted on April 22, 2013 at 18:45 Permalink

    So when I view my website in google chrome the scroll bar lags badly and I don’t understand why. However, if I use Fire Fox or Internet Explorer it works perfectly. any ideas?

  30. jith
    Posted on April 22, 2013 at 16:45 Permalink

    I am using contenteditable div, scrolling is working fine. But i couldn’t find my cursor and characters (after overflow, its going down) while entering data. I had tried with (scrollTo,bottom), its working when i entering values in last line. Once i scroll top and entering values from first, then same problem obtained. how can i solve this issue


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