Page scroll to id
Page scroll to id is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that enables animated page scrolling to specific id within the document. The plugin replaces the default browser behaviour of “jumping” to page sections when links with href value containing hash (#) are clicked, by smoothly animating the page to those sections. You can use it for simple back-to-top links or complex, single-page website navigation and features include: adjustable animation speed, advanced animation easings, vertical and/or horizontal scrolling, ready-to-use classes for links highlighting etc.
Current version 1.6.8 (Changelog)
- Get started
- Configuration
- Methods
- Code examples & short tutorials
- Page scroll to id for WordPress
How to use it
The plugin works simply by connecting links in the form of <a href="#id">link</a>
, to sections within the document, in the form of <div id="id">target</div>
. Clicking the links will smoothly animate the page to the connected sections.
Get started by Downloading the archive which contains all plugin files and examples. Extract and upload jquery.malihu.PageScroll2id.min.js to your web server.
Include jQuery library (if your project doesn’t use it already) and jquery.malihu.PageScroll2id.min.js in your document’s head tag or at the very bottom of your html, just before the closing body tag (recommended for better performance)
<script src=""></script>
<script src="jquery.malihu.PageScroll2id.min.js"></script>
After files inclusion, call mPageScroll2id function on the matching set of elements (selectors) you want the plugin to handle
Using the a[rel='m_PageScroll2id']
selector above, means that the plugin will apply on links with m_PageScroll2id
rel attribute value (e.g. <a href="#id" rel="m_PageScroll2id">link</a>
). You can change the selector to anything you want (id, class name, js variable etc. – strings that represent ways of choosing elements in the DOM). For multiple selectors, use comma separated values: e.g. a[rel='m_PageScroll2id'], a.class-name, a[href*='#']
Your links href value should contain #
with the id of the section you want to scroll-to and your document should contain sections with such id.
By default, the plugin scrolls the page vertically. If your page layout is horizontal (demo), set the layout
option parameter to horizontal
To enable both vertical and horizontal scrolling (demo), set layout
to auto
Page scroll to id provides a ready-to-use class for the highlighted links (links whose target element is considered to be within the viewport). The default highlight class is mPS2id-highlight
, which you can use in your CSS to style your highlighted links (more info). For example:
background: #ff0;
This sums up the basics of implementing Page scroll to id in your project. For help and detailed usage guides see Code examples & short tutorials and FAQ.
Page scroll to id option parameters
Usage $(selector).mPageScroll2id({ option: value });
scrollSpeed: integer
- Sets the scroll animation speed in milliseconds (default:
$(selector).mPageScroll2id({ scrollSpeed: 900 });
autoScrollSpeed: boolean
- Auto-adjusts animation speed according to target element position and window scroll (default:
$(selector).mPageScroll2id({ autoScrollSpeed: true });
scrollEasing: "string"
- Sets the animation easing type when page is idle (easings).
$(selector).mPageScroll2id({ scrollEasing: "easeInOutQuint" });
scrollingEasing: "string"
- Sets the animation easing type while page is animating (easings).
$(selector).mPageScroll2id({ scrollingEasing: "easeOutQuint" });
pageEndSmoothScroll: boolean
- Adjusts automatically the scroll-to position so when scrolling to a target element that sits at the bottom of the document, the animation stops smoothly at bottom of the page, instead of breaking at an earlier point (default:
$(selector).mPageScroll2id({ pageEndSmoothScroll: true });
layout: "string"
- Defines the page scrolling axis.
Value can be"vertical"
$(selector).mPageScroll2id({ layout: "vertical" });
offset: integer, "string", object, function
- Defines the amount of pixels to offset the scroll-to position.
The value can a be a positive/negative number, an element selector as string, a js/jquery object, a function or an array.
Code examples
highlightSelector: "string"
- The matching set of elements already handled by the plugin that will be highlighted (by default, all selectors are eligible for highlighting).
Code examples
clickedClass: "string"
- Sets the class name for the link that’s been clicked (default:
targetClass: "string"
- Sets the class name for the (current) target element (default:
highlightClass: "string"
- Sets the class name for the (current) highlighted link (default:
Code examples
forceSingleHighlight: boolean
- Allows only one highlighted element at a time (default:
$(selector).mPageScroll2id({ forceSingleHighlight: true });
keepHighlightUntilNext: boolean
- Keeps element highlighted until next so at least one element always stays highlighted (default:
$(selector).mPageScroll2id({ keepHighlightUntilNext: true });
highlightByNextTarget: boolean
- Highlight elements according to their target and next target position (default:
Useful when targets have zero dimensions.
$(selector).mPageScroll2id({ highlightByNextTarget: true });
disablePluginBelow: boolean
- Disables plugin below [width,height] screen size: boolean, integer, array ([width,height]).
clickEvents: boolean
- Enable/disable click events for all selectors (default:
$(selector).mPageScroll2id({ clickEvents: false });
appendHash: boolean
- Append link’s href hash value to browser’s URL/address bar when clicked (default:
$(selector).mPageScroll2id({ appendHash: true });
- User defined callback function, triggered when scrolling animation begins.
Code examples
- User defined callback function, triggered when scrolling animation is completed.
Code examples
liveSelector: "string"
- The matching set of elements that will be handled by the plugin even if they’re not present in the DOM (e.g. dynamic elements that will be added later on).
$(selector).mPageScroll2id({ liveSelector: "" });
excludeSelectors: "string"
- The matching set of elements that will be excluded from the plugin (i.e. the plugin will not handle these elements).
$(selector).mPageScroll2id({ excludeSelectors: "a[href^='#tab-'], a[href^='#tabs-']" });
encodeLinks: boolean
- Encode links selector when their href/URL have encoded unicode characters, e.g. on internationalized domain names (default: false).
$(selector).mPageScroll2id({ encodeLinks: true });
inIframe: boolean
- Enable to run the script inside iframe.
$(selector).mPageScroll2id({ inIframe: true });
Plugin methods
Usage $.mPageScroll2id("scrollTo","#id");
Calling plugin’s scrollTo method will automatically scroll the page to the id specified in the second parameter.
Method option parameters
layout: "string"
- Defines the page scrolling axis.
$.mPageScroll2id("scrollTo","#id",{ layout:"auto" });
offset: integer
- Defines the amount of pixels to offset the scroll-to position.
$.mPageScroll2id("scrollTo","#id",{ offset:100 });
clicked: boolean
- The jQuery object to simulate the click event.
$.mPageScroll2id("scrollTo","#id",{ clicked:$(this) });
Usage $.mPageScroll2id("destroy");
Calling plugin’s destroy
method will completely remove Page scroll to id functionality from all links and targets, returning them to their original state. The method removes all plugin-specific classes, data objects and namespaced events.
Plugin dependencies & requirements
- jQuery version 1.7.0 or higher
This work is released under the MIT License.
You are free to use, study, improve and modify it wherever and however you like.
Donating helps greatly in developing and updating free software and running this blog
Hi guys,
Thanks for a great plugin. I have a question for you:
I’m creating a site where if you click different items on PAGE 1, you will be forwarded to an anchor on PAGE 2. I’m using the a[href*=’#’] selector.
The first #anchor I created works great. It is a smooth animation confirming that the plugin works for me. But the other anchors doesn’t work even though I use the exact same function. It doesn’t scroll so I can’t for my life understand what I’m doing wrong, since as far as I understand using the selector a[href*=’#’] it should replace all anchors?
Doesn’t the plugin support multiple anchors from another page? I just don’t get what the problem is since I’m making it the same way.
Any help or direction would be highly appreciated.
It should work. The plugin supports as many anchors as you like. Are the destination/target ids correct? When you say it doesn’t work, what happens? The page “jumps” to location hash or doesn’t scroll at all? I can’t really help unless I see your code (a simple link with your page should be enough).
Hi, I really like your plugin. I easily got it to work on 2 of my pages. However it doesnt work on my 3rd page and I cant figure out why. Could you please have a look at aou will see that it works on “Schule” and “Team”. My have to do with the submenu on the left side??? Ans suggestions. Thanx in advance. Ariane
We have not installed the plugin yet (because i do not know how to use it once that plugin is installed)
I have manually placed the codes in the css and header files
Can you advise a way out to get it working in wordpress?
We tried to implement your scroll bar titled non adjustable scroll bar with minor easing (the one with circle bar and blue in color)
While doing it in HTML, it was implemented well. However, the same code if we copied to wordpress, we not getting that scroll bar
Can you guide as to the steps to implement it on wordpress?
Hi Malihu,
Firstly, great plugin.
Secondly, I was wondering if you can help with an implementation issue.
It does work, however every time I scroll I get the console error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'i' of undefined jquery.malihu.PageScroll2id.js:353
The line is:
var o=opt["target_"],
Removing .i removes the error and it continues to seemingly work. Any ideas why this is originally occurring?
Can you send me a link with your implementation so I can check it? Or maybe the code where you call mPageScroll2id?
This plugin looks like it could be what I have been searching for. Is there a chance I could get the code for the vertical page demo? It would be easier for me to see how it is used and then modify your current layout. If this works for me I will be happy to donate because this is exactly what I want!!! Nice job =)
Sure. The archive contains all demos. You can also see the code in github repo.
This plugin looks like it will solve an issue that has frustrated me. A suggestion would be to write better instructions on how to use this plugin for the non-techy wordpress site builders. There are plenty of us out there :).
We’re trying to implement your WordPress plugin in a Windows server. However, we are always getting an internal server error whenever the plugin is activated. Would you kindly provide insights on how this could be resolved?
Thank you very much and congratulations to your plugin!
The plugin requires at least WP version 3.3 and PHP 5.2.
Could you please help?
The plugin works with the Div id = “footer-widget” but I can’t get it to work with any other ids i’ve got on my page.
Any ideas?
Hi, scrolling works great on the same page.
But when I am on a different page and click on a scroll id in my menu, it doesnt go to the same offset point. Both in IE and firefox you end up on totally different spots on the page, but both incorrect to where the id & offset is.
Can you help? I also posted this in a thread in your worpdress support page.
Hi, I’ve responded on WP forums, but I’m also posting the answer here.
Page scroll to id does not animate pages based on location hash (at least not directly).
When clicking a link in the form of ‘’ from another page, the browser “jumps” to the location hash (#id). This is the default browser behavior which the plugin does not affect at all.
To prevent this behavior and have the plugin handle it instead, you need to create a custom script and place it in your theme/page manually.
For reference, I’m posting a working script for scrolling to url hash on page load:
<script> (function($){ if(location.hash){ $(window).scrollTop(0); //stop jump to hash straight away setTimeout(function(){ //stop jump to hash again a bit later //for browser compatibility $(window).scrollTop(0); },1); } $(window).load(function(){ if(location.hash){ setTimeout(function(){ //use page scroll to id scrollTo method //to animate page to location hash $.mPageScroll2id("scrollTo",location.hash); },1); } }); })(jQuery); </script>
I used this script that you posted here but still in my website its jumping to that particular section having (#) Tag. I want to scroll it.
Please help me out.
This feature is now included in version 1.5.5 of WordPress plugin. Please update to the latest version.
Also Can I get this Functionality in my website
My Website is under construction :-
Please Please. Reply
i am loving it sofar, but there is one thing i am wondering.
Where do i set the ofset for the navigation so it does not scroll over my content?
I get your instructions with the code, but not where to put this code.
Nvm, i needed a break, found it. thanks for the plugin!
Hi Malihu,
I am using your “Page Scroll To Id” plugin for a small website of horizontal layout spread across 3 pages.
Right now, on loading the website lands on first section. I wish to have the second section as the landing page from where I can navigate to either on the left page or on the right by clicking on the respective links.
How do I change the section that the website lands on?
Hello Bragon,
You can do this quickly in 2 ways:
1. Use plugin’s scrollTo method when the page loads. For example:
2. Use jQuery scrollLeft function to immediately scroll the page (without plugin’s animation) to a pixel value. For example:
Hope this helps
Thanks Malihu.
But both the ways in the above solution provided by you, seem to work only for Chrome. For other browsers, the website lands on the first section. How do you think should I get them to work for other browsers?
Got it to work, using the script that uses the plugin! But one can see the page transition from slide-1 to slide-2 on website loading. I wish it happens so fast that the transition is not seen by the naked eye. Is there a way to set scrollSpeed differentl only for this instance?
Trying it myself. But any help will be appreciated!
If you don’t want any page animation use jQuery scrollLeft function:
(function($){ $(window).load(function(){ $("html,body").scrollLeft($("#section-2").offset().left); }); })(jQuery);
jQuery scrollLeft() function and plugin’s scrollTo method work on all browsers. Are you calling those on window load (after your page content is loaded)?
For example:
(function($){ $(window).load(function(){ $.mPageScroll2id("scrollTo","#section-2"); }); })(jQuery);
The jquery scrollLeft function works only in Chrome. The plugin’s scrollTo function works for other browsers too.
So for now I have put both of them, so as to work for both the cases.
Following is my code that works only for Chrome:
<script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function(){ $(document.body).scrollLeft($("#section-2").offset().left); }); </script>
I tried using $(‘html, body’) in case it is the problem regarding use of $(document.body). But it did not make any difference.
You might need to change:
, so the function triggers when your content is loaded.I suppose, technically (window).load triggers AFTER (document).ready. But I have still tried both of these already. The website behaves the same way in both the cases. I am baffled!
If you could send me a link with your implementation I could take a look and provide more help.
First, thank you for the great plugin! I have a couple small issues that may be my fault, but I can’t be certain… (Note: I am using the WordPress plugin.)
1. The scroll offset is different when scrolling from top to bottom than it is when scrolling from bottom to top. I think it may be offsetting based on current position. I am not sure though.
2. I need some clarification on the highlighting of the links… Do I have to add the classes to my CSS? I am just not sure how this is supposed to work and it’s not working by default for some reason.
Any help is appreciated! Thanks again!
It’s also not highlighting the “top” menu item by default or when you scroll back up to it. How can I get that to work?
1. If your offset value is a fixed pixels number, it should always be the same. If you’ve set its value to be an element (e.g. your menu) which is not fixed (e.g. changes its height when you scroll the page), then you might get a different offset.
2. Yes, you need to add the highlight class in your CSS to style the highlighted/active links. For example:
.menu-item a.mPS2id-highlight{ /* ... */ }
In order to properly highlight your links, the “Highlight selector(s)” field in plugin’s settings should be empty (default) or have your menu links selector as its value (e.g.
.menu-item a
).In addition, links highlighting might not work correctly if your target elements have zero height (e.g. if you’re using non-visible divs as your anchor points in the page).
I have a header nemu.
Menu changes its height when I scroll the page.
When I click on the link in the menu for the first time, it scrolls with the wrong offset. Menu overrides section content.
When I click on another link a second time, the offset is correct.
How to fix the wrong offset on the first click?
Hi Malihu,
The plugin is really nice, but I have a question.
Is it possible to change menu items to active state while scrolling manually the website?
Yes, the plugin does that by default.
The script highlights the active links and target elements while page is scrolling (either by clicking a link, scrolling via mouse-wheel, resizing the browser window etc.).
For more info please see “Links highlighting” in “Code examples & short tutorials”
I have followed all the instruction from this website:
and many more an I can get it to work
theme is wynn
I am using the newest version of wordpress
single page website using page builder
made sections and put in the id for each section
tried adding to each target location
under the menu made sure
– url:#section_1
– Link Relationship (XFN) is on and has ( m_PageScroll2id)
and all it does is jump to the location what am I missing?
website is
The plugin scrolls the root element (html,body) of the document. Your html is overflow-y:hidden as you’re using a custom scrollbar which scrolls a div (not the root element).
Love the plugin! Lifesaver.
I used it for a wesbite with Salient theme and it worked perfect. I made the selector:
and added this through the text tab of a page:
and finally tested by typing in the page url followed by /#about
Followed the exact same process for another website (using Themetastic Theme) and it doesnt scroll to where my anchor is. Do you have any idea why?
Thanks again!
I used it for a wesbite with Salient theme and it worked perfect. I made the selector:
and added this through the text tab of a page:
and finally tested by typing in the page url followed by /#about
This is what isnt showing up:
< div id="about"> </div>
I’d have to see your page in action in order to provide any help.
Does the page jump to the anchor without animation? Does the page animate but not exactly where you want? Do you get any console errors?
It does not even recognize the anchor, but there are no errors. So when I put in the “about” anchor on the Donette page. I then type in it just goes to Donette page, but does not recognize there was an anchor.
This is for Themetastic Theme for
I used the exact same method for the following website and it works great for Ministries page:
Just tested and it does jump to #flightstyle position (which is above the 3 grey boxes).
You need an element (e.g. div) on the page with id: about.
<div id="about"></div>
On it works because these id exist in the page.
Sorry if I’m missing something obvious, but I think I have done that. Eg, for the ‘Holistic Coaching’ I’ve done a screenshot of the backend text (see
However, if I go to it still does nothing
first of all congrats for your great work, this plugin is excellent!
I would like to ask is there is a way to scroll down and up using the navigation arrows of the keyboard, rather than clicking on the links. (Exactly as in demo, but going to the next section just by pressing “down”)
Should I be looking for something else, or is there a way to make the plugin work this way?
Any insights would be greatly appreciated!
Hello and thanks for your comments.
You could use plugin’s scrollTo method inside a custom script using keydown/up events. You can easily get the current target element by using the .mPS2id-target selector and its siblings using jquery next() and prev().
For example:
$("body").bind("keydown keyup",function(e){ //prevent arrows default behaviour on keydown if(e.type==="keydown"){ e.preventDefault(); } //scroll to next/prev sections on keyup (down arrow code is 40, up arrow code is 38) if(e.type==="keyup" && (e.keyCode===40 || e.keyCode===38)){ //get current section var current=$(".mPS2id-target"), //get the id of previous and next sections in an array siblings=[current.prev("._mPS2id-t").attr("id"),"._mPS2id-t").attr("id")], //scroll to previous or next section according to key code to=e.keyCode===38 ? siblings[0] : siblings[1]; //do the actual scrolling using plugin's scrollTo method $.mPageScroll2id("scrollTo",to); } });
This should work in a page like the demo
Hope this helps
It really does help..
And this script can be used with the wordpress version of the plugin as well?
Yes, of course. You just need to insert the script above in your theme manually (probably in your footer.php or header.php).
Sorry to bother you again, I bet you must be fed up with code noobs
So here is my test page
link1 [ps2id url=”#id1″ rel=”m_PageScroll2id”]link1[/ps2id] goes to target1 target1 and link2 [ps2id url=”#id2″ rel=”m_PageScroll2id”]link1[/ps2id] goes to target2 target2
this is the code I inserted in the footer
(function($) {
$(“body”).bind(“keydown keyup”,function(e){ //prevent arrows default behaviour on keydown//
if(e.type===”keydown”){ e.preventDefault(); } //scroll to next/prev sections on keyup (down arrow code is 40, up arrow code is 38)//
if(e.type===”keyup” && (e.keyCode===40 || e.keyCode===38)){ //get current section//
var current=$(“.mPS2id-target”), //get the id of previous and next sections in an array//
siblings=[current.prev(“._mPS2id-t”).attr(“id1”),“._mPS2id-t”).attr(“id2”)], //scroll to previous or next section according to key code
to=e.keyCode===38 ? siblings[0] : siblings[1]; //do the actual scrolling using plugin’s scrollTo method//
$.mPageScroll2id(“scrollTo”,to); } });
It works fine with clicking, but obviously I need to change something to make it work with the keys, I just can’t figure out what. If you feel like it, give me a heads up.
You have some typos in your code (see console errors in developer tools).
a) You skipped
at the end of the script andb) You should also change
as you don’t need to insert the exact ids (.attr(“id”) function gets the id of an element). The script automatically gets the next and previous ids according to the current target.The full script:
<script type="text/javascript"> (function($){ $("body").bind("keydown keyup",function(e){ if(e.type==="keydown"){ e.preventDefault(); } if(e.type==="keyup" && (e.keyCode===40 || e.keyCode===38)){ var current=$(".mPS2id-target"), siblings=[current.prev("._mPS2id-t").attr("id"),"._mPS2id-t").attr("id")], to=e.keyCode===38 ? siblings[0] : siblings[1]; $.mPageScroll2id("scrollTo",to); } }); })(jQuery); </script>
Love the plugin. Using it within the Elegant Theme’s ‘Divi’ theme. Question. In the settings, I can’t seem to get the offset to work & I’ve tried everything. I’m not too sure why it’s not loading the offset. Any ideas?
Is the offset value a number or an element selector? If it’s a selector, make sure it’s the correct one. I can’t really help unless I see your page.
Great plugin.
I’m using it on a responsive(css media queries) wordpress site I’m developing and have a question about offsets.
Is there a way I can use the offset functionality only when the browser window is below a certain pixel width.?
My layout changes below 800px and I only need the offsets for this point and below, (on desktop working fine).
I also have some stuttering during scrolling on iPhone – any thoughts as to what could be causing this?
Any help greatly appreciated.
If you have some way of differentiating your menu selector, e.g. a class that is only applied in your menu when the viewport is less than 800px, you could use that class in the ‘Selector(s)’ field in plugin settings.
If you don’t have a way of differentiating your menu selector, you could create a custom script that does this via
, but you’d have to implement it in your theme manually (let me know if you need help creating such script).I can’t really say why there’s a stuttering animation on iPhone. If scrolling works well on desktop, probably the iPhone struggles with some graphics and/or css rules (e.g. shadows). The animating performance usually depends on the content you’re animating.
Thanks for the reply. I think a custom script to differentiate menu selector would be needed. Any help in creating this would be very welcome.
Where do I start?
First, you’ll need a script that adds a class (e.g. “menu-with-offset”) to your menu, when the viewport is less or equal than 800 pixels:
$(window).bind("load resize",function(){ var viewport=$(this).width(), //window width menu=$("#navigation-menu"), //menu selector classname="menu-with-offset"; //the class to toggle if(viewport<=800){ menu.addClass(classname); }else{ menu.removeClass(classname); } });
Add the above script before the closing body tag or in your document’s head tag, after jquery inclusion.
Then, go to Page scroll to id settings page and insert the class selector in the Offset field:
This tells the script that the offset value is the .menu-with-offset element height, which exists only when the viewport <= 800px.
Thank you so much. That works perfectly.
Hi! Your plugin works really good, I really like it. Have you ever experienced issue with ipad?
I’m working on a website using a pro template from themeforest (salient), and your plugin works perfectly both desktop and iphone, but on ipad it start the animation and after few pixels it stops (keeps loading though). I’m using it for a single page, linking from the menu. this issue happens both landscape and portrait mode (this one uses the same kind of menu as iphone).
I was just curious about ipad issues, i know that with these few infos is not possible to solve..i checked your demos on ipad and they work fine. anyway great job!
I haven’t experienced any issues with iPad. I’ve tested the plugin on an iPad 2 (iOS 7). What iOS and iPad have you tested it on? If you’re page is based on responsive design, maybe the issue comes from some CSS rule (does it work well on desktop?).
Many thanks for your work, this plugin is awesome!
I have a question: how can I change the hash on the URL when the user scrolls with it mouse? (it only changes when the user click on the #navigation-menu’s buttons).
Thank you.
Are you using a deep-linking plugin (as in the demos)? Page scroll to id does not change the hash in the address bar, so you’d need to do this using the deep-linking plugin inside a window scroll event.
Actually i tried to use pushStates and location.hash to automatically change the url when scrolling from section to section, by the link or using the mousewheel.
The whole thing is counter-productive because the back button would store any targeted section. And produce contiguous sequences (1-2-3-4-5-4-3-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1-etc).
I’m going to try something else. With a timing, i would not catch the fly-by sections until i stay on one more than n seconds. Then, the back button would send me to the section i stationed on, long enough to lock my interest.
Hi Kir Kanos, did you try replaceState instead of pushState? ‘replaceState’ does not add an entry to the browser history.
Why can’t scroll with animation, just jump to the id, but no scroll.
Do I missed something?
This page:
Please help me check it, thanks!
You need to call mPageScroll2id function on your selectors (see “How to use it”):
I’m sorry for I’m a novice.
Where I need to put this code?
Would you like to let me know the detail?
I can’t understand clearly about “how to use”.
In your document’s head tag, after line:
<script src="js/jquery.malihu.PageScroll2id.min.js"></script>
add the following:
This tells the script that links with “m_PageScroll2id” rel attribute value are handled by Page scroll to id.
Still can’t got the scroll animation, just only jump to that position.
some code :
(function($){ $(window).load(function(){ $("a[rel='m_PageScroll2id']").mPageScroll2id(); }); })(jQuery);
<a href="#home" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="#drawing" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="#logocreator" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="#painter" rel="nofollow"></a> <a href="#comingsoon" rel="nofollow"></a>
I can’t see the code anywhere in your link (
Your links should also have rel attribute “m_PageScroll2id”, just like in the link you posted. If you have multiple rel values in your links, you can use the ‘~’ symbol in your selector(s).
<script src="js/jquery.malihu.PageScroll2id.min.js"></script> <script> (function($){ $(window).load(function(){ $("a[rel~='m_PageScroll2id']").mPageScroll2id(); }); })(jQuery); </script>
<a href="#home" rel="nofollow m_PageScroll2id"></a> <a href="#drawing" rel="nofollow m_PageScroll2id"></a> <a href="#logocreator" rel="nofollow m_PageScroll2id"></a> <a href="#painter" rel="nofollow m_PageScroll2id"></a> <a href="#comingsoon" rel="nofollow m_PageScroll2id"></a>
Oh, sorry. I removed the code from the online site, because when I add this code $(“a[rel=’m_PageScroll2id’]”).mPageScroll2id();
The icon link won’t work, when I remove the code, it worked. But no scroll, only jump. I don’t know why.
In any case, make sure you have the code I posted above in your page. The scripts go in the head tag and your links in the body.
I follow your steps to add scripts and uplaod to website:
But it can’t work, Please help me.
I really love your plugin so much.
I see. The thing is that the plugin cannot work because your body has overflow: hidden. Page scroll to id scrolls the entire page (the root element which is either the body or html tag) and not overflowed elements. In your page, you’re scrolling the #layout_center div.
If you remove the overflow: hidden css rule from the body and the overflow: scroll from #layout_center, you’ll see the page scrolling correctly. To make your menu sticky, you should use position: fixed on it.
Hi, Thank you so much for your patience.
But I removed hidden from body css, and add scroll for #layout_center, still can’t work.
Do I missed something?
Dear Sir,
Your plugin is really awesome…
But I am facing problem in changing scrolling direction to up.
I mean to say that I need to scroll up instead of scrolling down.
Are there any suggestions ?
Thanks in advance…
Praveen Agarwal
The plugin does not scroll by direction. It scrolls the page (up or down) according to your target element position. The page will scroll up when your target element is above your link or when page is already scrolled to the bottom.
Hi! First at all, the pluggin is awesome. But now, I just trying to fix the highlight in the menu primary. When I activate the pluggin every element of the menu are highlight I can’t force one highlighted element at a time. Is there a solution?
Thanks for your time.
Links highlighting depends on how the page is layed-out. When all links are highlighted, it means that all sections are within the viewport (all sections are visible).
If checking Force single highlight in plugin settings doesn’t fix it, you’ll probably need to add the plugin in your theme manually or use the
class (instead of.mPS2id-highlight
) which is added to a link when clicked.If you can edit your theme and add the plugin manually, you can define when each section is highlighted via the
option parameter (more info).Great! Thanks for that. I like the auto layout.
I am not getting the scrolling function on the site. It jumps and does not offset. Have set scrolling speed to 5000 to be slow enough to see and have offset things in the admin panel to 100px. Not working. What am I missing?
Replied here:
All is working
but… whatever my last page is the offset is different
Im using WP plugin
How can I change offset for last div or section of page
and why is the default offset for last page different?
Thanks – Jason
Hi Malihu,
Thanks for the smooth plugin.
Having an issue though with collapsing the Primary Navigation once a link is clicked.
Any idea on how to fix?
Can’t really see anything wrong in your link. Did you fix it?
I did, but I am not the best javascript developer.. I had to run two different scripts that basically did the same thing. One was based onResize, and the other onReady.
I love it! The only question I have is, can this be used in the main menu of your wordpress site? I have been able to use it within the same page, but not throughout the overall site. I’m looking for something kind of like – how can we do something like this?
Yes of course. You just need to add the full address in your links href (instead of just the hash with the id).
In WordPress menus, change the URL field value of your WP menu items from
to something like
.If your target sections are all on your homepage (just like in, you can simply change your links URL to
. The slash in front of the hash translates to your site root (same as
).Thank you so much for your response. 1 more question and I should be good to go, I think.
If i am using them in the main navigation menu, how would it scroll seamlessly from page to page if the pages are separate? I love your example here: – i want to keep all pages separate so i can easily call for each page to have separate colored backgrounds, etc. to fit nicely on the screen. i also would like to have the pages separate instead of just one continuous page.
What I’d probably do is create my pages normally in WP (as separate pages, so each one can have its own permalink) and create my index (or front-page) which would loop each page content. This way, I’d have a homepage like the demo and still be able to access each page individually.
As an example, to include a page in your index.php you could do:
$my_page_id = 2; // page id $my_page_data = get_page( $my_page_id ); echo $my_page_data->post_title; // page title echo apply_filters('the_content', $my_page_data->post_content); // page content
You could insert such code inside a div and style it accordingly with background, color etc.
Another approach, would be to create a single-page theme and use a deep-linking plugin but I think the method above is better and much easier to implement.
Thank you again for your reply. are you sure that php code is right? I plugged it in and changed the id # – it doesn’t show. I used a plugin to allow me to plant php code straight into the page itself. i did a simple echo “hello world”; to make sure it worked and that did, but the code above didn’t for some reason.
Yeah, it should work as long as you’ve set the correct page id.
From wp codex:
$page_id = 123; // 123 should be replaced with a specific Page's id from your site, which you can find by mousing over the link to edit that Page on the Manage Pages admin page. The id will be embedded in the query string of the URL, e.g. page.php?action=edit&post=123. $page_data = get_page( $page_id ); // You must pass in a variable to the get_page function. If you pass in a value (e.g. get_page ( 123 ); ), WordPress will generate an error. By default, this will return an object. echo '<h3>'. $page_data->post_title .'</h3>';// echo the title echo apply_filters('the_content', $page_data->post_content); // echo the content and retain WordPress filters such as paragraph tags. Origin:
And since get_page is deprecated, you better use get_post instead
Hi Malihu,
I am using your “Page Scroll To Id” plugin on a website for a client:, and I’m running into an issue with not being able to redirect back to the home-page where I am utilizing your plugin.
When I navigate away from the homepage to my projects pages under my “Sample of Properties,” my navigation menu, which uses the “#id” to find the DOM elements, is unable to go back and find the element on the homepage.
For example, when I navigate to I am unable to use any of the other menu-links in my top navigation bar. This seems like a pretty common type of set up, to use the one-page scrolling layout on the homepage, while still having other separate pages, so I was hoping you had a simple solution!
Thanks so much for the awesome plugin and any help would be GREATLY appreciated!
Houston Golden
I can’t see where you’re using page scroll to id in your link (the plugin isn’t loaded).
In any case, your links don’t work because they always point to their parent page. For example your “Home” link in “” points to “”. Its href should be “”.
Thanks for the update, the offset is very welcome.
However, there’s still an issue with any hardcoded offset. As soon as the browser window shrinks and for example a fixed navigation bar is split into two lines, the offset is no longer correct.
I therefore hacked the previous version of your script with the code posted in the 3rd post here, to dynamically get the heigth of fixed elements, see
Maybe this could be a feature for a future version of your excellent plugin.
In options, you can additionally set id or class of elements and script determines offset dynamically.
Best regards,
Herman Teeuwen
Thanks for the feedback and hack!
I’ll try adding such dynamic offsets on next version. I was also thinking of an additional data-offset attribute on links for defining specific offset per link in hml. I’ll work on this
Hi Malihu,
Any update on adding link specific offsets?
Really soon (2 day at most)doneAdded advanced offsets in version 1.5.1. The
option value now accepts numbers, strings, objects, arrays and functions. I’ve also added thedata-ps2id-offset
for link specific offsets.More info:
Thanks very much malihu, it works like a charm!