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jQuery thumbnail scroller

jQuery thumbnail scroller

A thumbnail/image scroller that can be used as standalone or alongside lightboxes, gallery scripts etc. Features include: scrolling by cursor movement, buttons and/or touch, vertical and/or horizontal scrolling, customization via CSS and option parameters, methods for triggering events like scroll-to, update, destroy etc., user-defined callbacks functions and more.

Current version 2.0.3 (Changelog) – Version 1.x.x (no longer actively maintained)

How to use it


Get plugin files. Extract and upload jquery.mThumbnailScroller.min.js and jquery.mThumbnailScroller.css to your web server (more info)

jquery.mThumbnailScroller.min.js is the minified version of the plugin script (jquery.mThumbnailScroller.js) and jquery.mThumbnailScroller.css holds the styling of scroller(s). The archive also contains a number of HTML examples and demos inside examples directory.

Include jquery.mThumbnailScroller.css in the head tag your html document

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/jquery.mThumbnailScroller.css">

Include jQuery library (if your project doesn’t use it already) and jquery.mThumbnailScroller.min.js in your document’s head or body tag

Some frameworks and CMS include jQuery library in the head tag to make sure it’s loaded when other scripts request it. Usually, including .js files on the bottom of the HTML document (just before the closing body tag) is recommended for better performance. In any case, jQuery must be included first, before plugin scripts.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="/path/to/jquery.mThumbnailScroller.min.js"></script>

Create the markup with your images, links, etc. which is basically an element (e.g. a div) holding an unordered list (ul)

<div id="my-thumbs-list">
    <li><a href="image-1-link"><img src="/path/to/image-1-file" /></a></li>
    <li><a href="image-2-link"><img src="/path/to/image-2-file" /></a></li>
    <li><a href="image-3-link"><img src="/path/to/image-3-file" /></a></li>
    <li><a href="image-4-link"><img src="/path/to/image-4-file" /></a></li>
    <!-- and so on... -->


Give your element (in the example above #my-thumbs-list) a width and/or height value and a CSS overflow value of auto or hidden. For example:

  overflow: auto;
  width: 800px;
  height: auto;

If you’re creating a vertical scroller, you’ll need to set a height (or max-height) value

  overflow: auto;
  width: 300px;
  height: 500px;


Initialize via javascript

Create a script and call mThumbnailScroller function on your element selector along with the option parameters you want

              axis:"x" //change to "y" for vertical scroller

more info

The code is wrapped in (function($){ ... })(jQuery);. This ensures no conflict between jQuery and other libraries using $ shortcut (see Avoiding Conflicts with Other Libraries for more info). The plugin function is called on $(window).load() so it executes after all images are loaded.

You can change the function selector "#my-thumbs-list" to any selector you want. For instance, if you want to create scrollers for all elements with class myClass, you simply do:


You may also have multiple selectors by inserting comma separated values

$(".myClass, #my-thumbs-list").mThumbnailScroller();

When you need multiple selectors with different options for each one, you can do:


Initialize via HTML

If you prefer to initialize the plugin without a script, you can simply give your element the class mThumbnailScroller and optionally set its orientation via the HTML data attribute data-mts-axis ("x" for horizontal and "y" for vertical). For example:

<div id="my-thumbs-list" class="mThumbnailScroller" data-mts-axis="x">
    <!-- your content -->

See code examples on Github

Basic configuration & option parameters

The 2 basic options are axis which defines the scroller orientation and type which defines how the user interacts with the scroller.


The default scroller orientation is horizontal, so if you don’t set an axis option value, it defaults to "x"

$("#my-thumbs-list").mThumbnailScroller({ axis:"x" });

To create a vertical scroller, set axis option to "y"

$("#my-thumbs-list").mThumbnailScroller({ axis:"y" });

or use data-mts-axis="y" if you’re initializing the plugin via HTML


You can set the type of scroller via javascript, for example:

$("#my-thumbs-list").mThumbnailScroller({ type:"hover-50" });

or using the HTML data attribute data-mts-type, e.g.:

<div class="mThumbnailScroller" data-mts-type="hover-50">...</div>

There are 4 basic scroller types:

  1. "hover-[number]" (e.g. "hover-33", "hover-80" etc.)

    Scrolling content in linear mode by hovering the cursor over the scroller edges. The edges are defined by the type name, where [number] indicates the percentage of the scroller area in which scrolling is idle. For example, setting "hover-50" (default value) on a 600 pixels wide horizontal scroller, means that scrolling will be triggered only when the cursor is over the first 150 pixels from the left or right edge. And when cursor is over the 50% of the scroller width (300 pixels), scrolling will be idle or stopped.

  2. hover-precise

    Scrolling content with animation easing (non-linear mode) by hovering the cursor over the scroller. The scrolling speed and direction is directly affected by the cursor movement and position within the scroller.

  3. "click-[number]" (e.g. "click-50", "click-90" etc.)

    Scrolling content by clicking buttons. The scrolling amount is defined by type name, where [number] indicates a percentage of the scroller area. For example, setting "click-50" on a 800 pixels wide horizontal scroller, means that each time you click the left or right arrow buttons, the content will scroll by 400 pixels (50% of 800px) to the left or right.

  4. click-thumb

    Scrolling each image/thumbnail at a time by clicking buttons.

"hover-[number]" and hover-precise types become disabled on touch-enabled devices and replaced by content touch-swipe scrolling.


You can configure your scroller(s) using the following option parameters when calling mThumbnailScroller function
Usage $(selector).mThumbnailScroller({ option: value });

setWidth: false
Set the width of the scroller (overwrites CSS width), value in pixels (integer) or percentage (string).
setHeight: false
Set the height of the scroller (overwrites CSS height), value in pixels (integer) or percentage (string).
setTop: 0
Set the initial css top property of content, accepts string values (css top position).
Example: setTop: "-100px".
setLeft: 0
Set the initial css left property of content, accepts string values (css left position).
Example: setLeft: "-100px".
type: "string"
Scroller type defines the way users interact with the scroller.
Available values:

  • "hover-[number]" (e.g. "hover-50")
    Scrolling content in linear mode by hovering the cursor over the scroller edges. The edges are defined by the type name, where [number] indicates the percentage of the scroller area in which scrolling is idle. Scrolling accelerates proportionally according to cursor position: e.g. scrolling speed increases as the cursor moves towards the edges and decreases as it moves towards the center of the scroller area.
  • "hover-precise" Scrolling content with animation easing (non-linear mode) by hovering the cursor over the scroller. The scrolling speed and direction is directly affected by the cursor movement and position within the scroller.
  • click-[number] (e.g. "click-80")
    Scrolling content by clicking buttons. The scrolling amount is defined by type name, where [number] indicates a percentage of the scroller area.
  • "click-thumb" Scrolling each image/thumbnail at a time by clicking buttons. Each click will scroll the content by the width/height of the next non-visible adjusted image.
axis: "string"
Define scroller axis (scrolling orientation).
Available values: "y", "x", "yx".

speed: integer
Set the scrolling speed (higher=faster). Default value is 15.
contentTouchScroll: integer
Enable or disable content touch-swipe scrolling for touch-enabled devices.
To completely disable, set contentTouchScroll: false. Integer values define the axis-specific minimum amount required for scrolling momentum (default value is 25).
markup:{ thumbnailsContainer: "string" }
Set the element containing your thumbnails. By default, this is an unordered list (ul).
markup:{ thumbnailContainer: "string" }
Set the element containing each thumbnail. By default this is a list-item (li).
markup:{ thumbnailElement: "string" }
Set the actual thumbnail element. By default, this is an image tag (img).
markup:{ buttonsPlaceholder: "string" }
Set the placeholder element of the buttons.
Set buttons HTML content. Default value is "SVG set 1". There are 5 ready-to-use SVG arrows set, that you can use with the values "SVG set 2", "SVG set 3" etc. If you want to use your own button icon, text etc., you can do for example:
      up:"&uarr;", //HTML up-arrow code
      down:"<img src='...' />", //a custom image
      left:">", //plain text
      right:"&rarr;" //HTML right-arrow code
SVG arrows will fallback to HTML codes on IE8.
advanced:{ autoExpandHorizontalScroll: boolean }
Auto-expand content horizontally (for "x" or "yx" axis).
If set to true (default), content will expand horizontally to accomodate any floated/inline-block elements (such as li, a, img etc.).
advanced:{ updateOnContentResize: boolean }
Update scroller(s) automatically on content, element or viewport resize. The value should be true (default) for fluid layouts/elements, adding/removing content dynamically, hiding/showing elements etc.
advanced:{ updateOnImageLoad: boolean }
Update scroller(s) automatically each time an image inside the element is fully loaded. The value is true by default.
advanced:{ updateOnSelectorChange: "string" }
Update scroller(s) automatically when the amount and size of specific selectors changes.
Useful when you need to update the scroller(s) automatically, each time a type of element is added, removed or changes its size.
For example, setting updateOnSelectorChange: "ul li" will update the scroller each time list-items inside the element are changed. Setting the value to true, will update the scroller each time any element is changed. To disable (default) set to false.
theme: "string"
Set a ready-to-use scroller theme (plugin’s CSS contains all themes).
      onInit: function(){}
A function/custom code to execute when the scroller has initialized (callbacks demo).
      console.log("scroller initialized");
      onScrollStart: function(){}
A function/custom code to execute when scrolling starts (callbacks demo).
      console.log("scroll started");
      onScroll: function(){}
A function/custom code to execute when scrolling is completed (callbacks demo).
      console.log("scroll completed");
      onTotalScroll: function(){}
A function/custom code to execute when scrolling is completed and content is scrolled all the way to the end (bottom and/or right) (callbacks demo).
      console.log("Scrolled to 100%");
      onTotalScrollBack: function(){}
A function/custom code to execute when scrolling is completed and content is scrolled back to the beginning (top and/or left) (callbacks demo).
      console.log("Scrolled back to 0%");
      onTotalScrollOffset: integer
Set an offset for the onTotalScroll callback option.
For example, setting onTotalScrollOffset: 100 will trigger the onTotalScroll callback 100 pixels before the end of scrolling is reached.
      onTotalScrollBackOffset: integer
Set an offset for the onTotalScrollBack callback option.
For example, setting onTotalScrollBackOffset: 100 will trigger the onTotalScrollBack callback 100 pixels before the beginning of scrolling is reached.
      whileScrolling: function(){}
A function/custom code to execute while scrolling is active (callbacks demo).
      alwaysTriggerOffsets: boolean
Control the way onTotalScroll and onTotalScrollBack offsets execute.
By default, callback offsets will trigger repeatedly while content is scrolling within the offsets.
Set alwaysTriggerOffsets: false when you need to trigger onTotalScroll and onTotalScrollBack callbacks only once.
live: boolean, "string"
Enable or disable the creation of scroller(s) on all elements matching the current selector, now and in the future.
Set live: true when you need to add scroller(s) on elements that do not yet exist in the page. These could be elements added by other scripts or plugins after some action by the user.
If you need at any time to disable or enable the live option, set live: "off" and "on" respectively.
You can also tell the script to disable live option after the first invocation by setting live: "once".
liveSelector: "string"
Set the matching set of elements to apply a scroller, now and in the future.

Plugin methods

Methods are ways to execute various scroller actions programmatically from within your script(s).


Usage $(selector).mThumbnailScroller("update");

Call the update method to manually update existing scrollers to accomodate new content or resized element(s). This method is by default called automatically by the script (via updateOnContentResize option) when the element itself and/or its content size changes.


Usage $(selector).mThumbnailScroller("scrollTo", position, {options});

Call the scrollTo method to scroll content to the position parameter. Position parameter can be a string (e.g. "#element-id", "bottom", "left" etc.), an integer indicating number of pixels (e.g. 100), an array for y/x axis (e.g. [100,100]), a js/jQuery object, a function etc. method demo

view examples

Scroll to right (end)

$(selector).mThumbnailScroller("scrollTo", "right");

Scroll to the last element within your content

$(selector).mThumbnailScroller("scrollTo", "last");

Scroll to element with id myID

var to="#myID";
$(selector).mThumbnailScroller("scrollTo", to);

Scroll by 200 pixels

$(selector).mThumbnailScroller("scrollTo", "-=200"); //scroll forward
$(selector).mThumbnailScroller("scrollTo", "+=200"); //scroll backward

scrollTo position parameter

Position parameter can be:

  • "string"
    • Element selector
      For example, scroll to element with id “element-id”:
    • Special pre-defined position
      For example, scroll to right:

      Pre-defined position strings:

      • "bottom" – scroll to bottom
      • "top" – scroll to top
      • "right" – scroll to right
      • "left" – scroll to left
      • "first" – scroll to the position of the first element within content
      • "last" – scroll to the position of the last element within content

    • Number of pixels less/more: (e.g. "-=100"/"+=100")
      For example, scroll by 100 pixels right:
  • integer
    • Number of pixels (from left and/or top)
      For example, scroll to 100 pixels:
  • [array]
    • Different y/x position
      For example, scroll to 100 pixels from top and 50 pixels from left:
  • object/function
    • jQuery object
      For example, scroll to element with id “element-id”:
    • js object
      For example, scroll to element with id “element-id”:
    • function
      For example, scroll to 100 pixels:
      $(selector).mThumbnailScroller("scrollTo",function(){ return 100 });

scrollTo method options

speed: integer
Scrolling speed.
$(selector).mThumbnailScroller("scrollTo", "-=200", {
  speed: 30
duration: integer
Scrolling animation duration, value in milliseconds.
$(selector).mThumbnailScroller("scrollTo", "right", {
  duration: 1000
easing: "string"
Scrolling animation easing, values:

  • "easeInOut"
  • "easeOut"
  • "easeInOutSmooth"
  • "easeOutSmooth"
  • "easeInOutStrong"
  • "easeOutStrong"
  • "easeInOut"
  • "easeInOut"


$(selector).mThumbnailScroller("scrollTo", 300, {
  easing: "easeOutSmooth"
callbacks: boolean
Trigger user defined callbacks after scroll-to event is completed, values: true, false.
$(selector).mThumbnailScroller("scrollTo", "top", {
  callbacks: false
timeout: integer
Method timeout (delay). The default timeout is 60 (milliseconds) in order to work with automatic scroller update functionality, value in milliseconds.
$(selector).mThumbnailScroller("scrollTo", "last", {
  timeout: 0 //no timeout


Usage $(selector).mThumbnailScroller("stop");

Stops running scrolling animations. Usefull when you wish to interrupt a previously scrollTo call.


Usage $(selector).mThumbnailScroller("disable");

Calling disable method will temporarily disable the scroller(s). Disabled scrollers can be re-enabled by calling the update method.

To disable a scroller and reset its content position, call the method by setting its reset parameter to true:

$(selector).mThumbnailScroller("disable", true);

method demo


Usage $(selector).mThumbnailScroller("destroy");

Calling destroy method will completely remove the scroller and return the element to its original state.

method demo

Scroller styling & themes

You can style your scroller(s) using jquery.mThumbnailScroller.css which contains the basic/default styling and few ready-to-use themes.

You can modify the default styling or an existing scroller theme directly, clone a theme and change it to your needs or overwrite the CSS in another stylesheet. If you wish to maintain compatibility with future plugin versions (that may include an updated version of jquery.mThumbnailScroller.css), I recommend using your own custom (or cloned) theme (creating your own custom theme), or overwriting the CSS. This way you can always upgrade jquery.mThumbnailScroller.css without having to redo your changes.


Plugin’s CSS includes a number of ready-to-use themes for quickly applying a basic styling to your scroller(s). To apply a theme, use theme option parameter:

    theme: "theme-name"

or the HTML data attribute data-mts-theme in your markup:

<div class="mThumbnailScroller" data-mts-theme="theme-name">...</div>

themes list


A theme to use in conjunction with any scroller type using buttons. Uses a specific SVG set of custom styled buttons placed inside the scrolling area (see the theme in the demo). Example:



A theme to use in conjunction with any scroller type using buttons. Uses a specific SVG set of custom styled buttons placed outside of the scrolling area (see the theme in the demo). The buttons in this theme are appended directly inside your element, meaning that the element must have a non-static CSS position (the plugin script changes this automatically) and a left/right (or top/bottom) padding in order for the buttons to display as intended. Example:

  position: relative;
  padding: 0 55px;


A theme which uses hover-precise scroller type (overwrites type option). It applies a left/right (or top/bottom) margin on the first and last images for better usability (see the theme in this example). Example:



A theme which uses hover-85 scroller type (overwrites type option) and specific scrolling speed (see the theme in the demo). Example:


creating your own custom theme

Create a name for your theme, e.g. “my-theme” and set it as the value of the theme option


Your element will get the class “mTS-my-theme” (your theme-name with the prefix “mTS”), so you can create your CSS using the .mTS-my-theme in your rules. For instance:

.mTS-my-theme{ padding: 10px; }
.mTS-my-theme .mTSThumbContainer{ margin: 0 5px; } 
/* and so on... */

User-defined callbacks

You can trigger your own js function(s) by using plugin’s callbacks option parameter (see all availbale callbacks in configuration section). Some examples:

        onScroll: function(){ /* do something */ }
        onTotalScroll: function(){ myFunction(); }

function myFunction(){
   /* do something */

The plugin returns a number of values and objects that can be used inside the callbacks

  • this – the scroller element
  • this.mts.content – the scrollable element containing the content (e.g. the ul element) as jquery object
  • – content’s top position (pixels)
  • this.mts.left – content’s left position (pixels)
  • this.mts.topPct – content vertical scrolling percentage
  • this.mts.leftPct – content horizontal scrolling percentage
  • this.mts.direction – content’s scrolling direction (returns "x" or "y")

view code examples

Get the scrolling percentage of a horizontal scroller while scrolling is active

        whileScrolling: function(){
          var result=this.mts.leftPct;

Append new content when scrolling reaches scroller’s right edge

        onTotalScroll: function(){

function appendData(el){
   el.append("<li>new data</li>");

Plugin dependencies & requirements

  • jQuery version 1.6.0 or higher


This work is released under the MIT License.
You are free to use, study, improve and modify it wherever and however you like.

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Comments pages: 1 12 13 14

  1. Manmal
    Posted on January 29, 2023 at 05:26 Permalink

    Great code!

  2. yaron
    Posted on May 14, 2022 at 18:44 Permalink


    there seems to be a problem with jQuery v3.6.0
    When page is loaded, I get e.typeof is undefined.
    The workaround that was to install the following:

    Is there any plans to upgrade the jQuery thumbnail scroller to fully support jQuery v3.6.0 and above ?

  3. krushna
    Posted on September 13, 2019 at 08:02 Permalink

    i was searching a vertical scroller and got your code. thanks a lot.
    i have one question. how can i show content/text on right side when i click on the thumbnail. is it possible?

  4. sandy
    Posted on January 9, 2019 at 12:40 Permalink

    Hi, Nice & Informative article. Web designing company in Hyderabad is one of the best practices nowadays most of the organizations from startup to big brands are using. It’s very helpful in showcasing our business to the right person in right time. Very nice article. Found informative for me.

  5. Carla
    Posted on September 28, 2018 at 18:00 Permalink

    Hi… Thank you so much for your plugin. You have no idea how you’ve saved me. It works great. But I was wondering… is it possible to also make the thumbnails scroll by using the mouse-wheel, that is, in addition to the hovering over the edges??

    Kind regards,


  6. Hassan
    Posted on September 11, 2018 at 15:49 Permalink

    Hey Guys!
    Any idea how to implement this in a Shopify store? I know I have to add the jv and css files in the assets but what should I do next?

    Please help

  7. Tri Bagus Soleman
    Posted on May 18, 2018 at 10:10 Permalink

    Why I can’t load data if my data more than 21 data from database ?

  8. Repl Rex
    Posted on January 9, 2018 at 17:02 Permalink

    Trying to figure out how to change the scroll speed. Integer and ‘scrollSpeed’ do not work for me. Any ideas? I am changing it in jquery.thumbnailScroller.js file. Thanks in advance.
    It’s 2018 btw, not sure what changes have been made in the last couple years to warrant any code not working.

  9. genius
    Posted on September 30, 2017 at 23:20 Permalink

    how can do that slider will auto-scroll

  10. Maulik Patel
    Posted on June 8, 2017 at 15:34 Permalink

    Harsh Prajapati

  11. kaji
    Posted on February 7, 2017 at 08:53 Permalink

    Can we stop scrolling on mouse click or hover wherever we need.

  12. Ameen Shan
    Posted on February 6, 2017 at 21:02 Permalink

    Great plugin,Working perfectley ,
    Is it possible to add multi[le scrolling methord for a single id.

    like both click and hover
    axis:”y” ,//change to “y” for vertical scroller,
    contentTouchScroll :50

    axis:”y” ,//change to “y” for vertical scroller,


  13. Alex
    Posted on December 5, 2016 at 20:48 Permalink

    .mTS_horizontal .mTSContainer { margin-left: auto !important; margin-right: auto !important; }

  14. Alex
    Posted on August 16, 2016 at 06:49 Permalink

    Malihu, thank you for such a great js plugin!

    I have only a small issue: can’t center thumbnails if their overall width is less than of the container. So they are aligned to the left.

    If I’m not blind (don’t see in config section) and such feature is not implemented in this version of the plugin, I’m requesting such feature in new releases! 🙂

    Yes, this can be achived with callbacks-counting-offset, but it becomes complicated.

    What do You think, Malihu?

    • Matthew
      Posted on October 19, 2017 at 23:06 Permalink

      Old comment I know, but wanted the same thing. Simply css your img to be display:block and margin:auto.

      img {
      display: block;
      margin: auto;

  15. Hills
    Posted on August 10, 2016 at 08:22 Permalink

    hi Thanks for this great Job!
    I want to scroll a grid box of 15 list items and display 9 list items first and 6 list item… when scroll is activated.
    Can u help me please

  16. sap netweaver training in hyderabad
    Posted on August 1, 2016 at 15:25 Permalink
  17. Hyginus
    Posted on June 28, 2016 at 07:33 Permalink

    Hi this is a great script for me. please could you explain how I can get this to work on desktop using hover and same time on Mobile using touch

    • malihu
      Posted on June 28, 2016 at 09:33 Permalink

      The plugin works with regular mouse and touch (you don’t have to do anything). In touch devices you just touch swipe thumbnails. Do you have a particular issue with a device?

      • Ashish
        Posted on August 2, 2016 at 12:30 Permalink

        The scroller goes on infinite scroll on touch devices. It won’t stop at the end of the list but keep on scrolling white no any elements inside, just white background.

  18. Alek
    Posted on June 8, 2016 at 15:41 Permalink

    Great plugin!

    Have a question about optimalization. When I use a multilevel thumbnails grid to move entire website from left to right there is a problem with smothness. There’s little of shaking. When I use 32gb ram, i7 pc its works fine but in regular pc’s there is a problem with that. Have any suggestion?:)


  19. Daan
    Posted on April 21, 2016 at 23:01 Permalink

    If wanted to initially scroll to the middle of thumbnail (or other) content, how would i do that? element.scrollLeft(n) doesnt seem to work and seems to be overwritten?

    My div is 5000 px wide and i want to initially show it @ 2500 px.

  20. Marc
    Posted on April 11, 2016 at 13:30 Permalink

    Hi, thanks for this great script.

    But I have a question: Is it possible, that the images are continuing scrolling while holding down the mouse button over the arrows instead of clicking the button?

  21. Marcin
    Posted on March 1, 2016 at 10:51 Permalink

    how to turn on infinitve scrolling?

  22. Nadir Latif
    Posted on February 11, 2016 at 14:40 Permalink

    Excellent plugin. It works well. I used it to implement horizontal scrolling playlist for JWPlayer 7. See screenshot:×410.png.

    Thanks for your plugin.

    Nadir Latif


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