Simple jQuery fullscreen image gallery
The code
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html xmlns=""> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>malihu jQuery Image Gallery</title> <style type="text/css"> <!-- @import url(; html,body{height:100%;} *{outline:none;} body{margin:0px; padding:0px; background:#000;} #toolbar{position:fixed; z-index:3; right:10px; top:10px; padding:5px; background:url(fs_img_g_bg.png);} #toolbar img{border:none;} #img_title{position:fixed; z-index:3; left:10px; top:10px; padding:10px; background:url(fs_img_g_bg.png); color:#FFF; font-family:'Josefin Sans Std Light', arial, serif; font-size:24px; text-transform:uppercase;} #bg{position:fixed; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; width:100%; height:100%;} #bgimg{display:none; -ms-interpolation-mode: bicubic;} #preloader{position:relative; z-index:3; width:32px; padding:20px; top:80px; margin:auto; background:#000;} #thumbnails_wrapper{z-index:2; position:fixed; bottom:0; width:100%; background:url(empty.gif); 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-khtml-opacity:0.8; opacity:0.8;} .nextImageBtn{right:0; background:#000 url(nextImgBtn.png) center center no-repeat;} .prevImageBtn{background:#000 url(prevImgBtn.png) center center no-repeat;} --> </style> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script> </head> <body> <div id="bg"><a href="#" class="nextImageBtn" title="next"></a><a href="#" class="prevImageBtn" title="previous"></a><img src="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_denebola.jpg" width="1680" height="1050" alt="Denebola" title="Denebola" id="bgimg" /></div> <div id="preloader"><img src="ajax-loader_dark.gif" width="32" height="32" /></div> <div id="img_title"></div> <div id="toolbar"><a href="#" title="Maximize" onClick="ImageViewMode('full');return false"><img src="toolbar_fs_icon.png" width="50" height="50" /></a></div> <div id="thumbnails_wrapper"> <div id="outer_container"> <div class="thumbScroller"> <div class="container"> <div class="content"> <div><a href="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_denebola.jpg"><img src="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_denebola_thumb.jpg" title="Denebola" alt="Denebola" class="thumb" /></a></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div><a href="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_lux.jpg"><img src="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_lux_thumb.jpg" title="Lux Aeterna" alt="Lux Aeterna" class="thumb" /></a></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div><a href="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_dk.jpg"><img src="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_dk_thumb.jpg" title="X-Wing on patrol" alt="X-Wing on patrol" class="thumb" /></a></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div><a href="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_albireo.jpg"><img src="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_albireo_thumb.jpg" title="Albireo Outpost" alt="Albireo Outpost" class="thumb" /></a></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div><a href="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_church.jpg"><img src="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_church_thumb.jpg" title="Church of Heaven" alt="Church of Heaven" class="thumb" /></a></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div><a href="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_Decampment.jpg"><img src="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_Decampment_thumb.jpg" title="Decampment" alt="Decampment" class="thumb" /></a></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div><a href="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_Hibernaculum.jpg"><img src="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_Hibernaculum_thumb.jpg" title="Hibernaculum" alt="Hibernaculum" class="thumb" /></a></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div><a href="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_lucernarium.jpg"><img src="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_lucernarium_thumb.jpg" title="Supremus Lucernarium" alt="Supremus Lucernarium" class="thumb" /></a></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div><a href="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_moons.jpg"><img src="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_moons_thumb.jpg" title="Aurea Mediocritas" alt="Aurea Mediocritas" class="thumb" /></a></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div><a href="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_praedestinatio.jpg"><img src="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_praedestinatio_thumb.jpg" title="Praedestinatio" alt="Praedestinatio" class="thumb" /></a></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div><a href="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_transitorius.jpg"><img src="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_transitorius_thumb.jpg" title="Transitorius" alt="Transitorius" class="thumb" /></a></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div><a href="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_victimofgravity.jpg"><img src="images/Universe_and_planets_digital_art_wallpaper_victimofgravity_thumb.jpg" title="Victim of Gravity" alt="Victim of Gravity" class="thumb" /></a></div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <script> //config //set default images view mode $defaultViewMode="full"; //full, normal, original $tsMargin=30; //first and last thumbnail margin (for better cursor interaction) $scrollEasing=600; //scroll easing amount (0 for no easing) $scrollEasingType="easeOutCirc"; //scroll easing type $thumbnailsContainerOpacity=0.8; //thumbnails area default opacity $thumbnailsContainerMouseOutOpacity=0; //thumbnails area opacity on mouse out $thumbnailsOpacity=0.6; //thumbnails default opacity $nextPrevBtnsInitState="show"; //next/previous image buttons initial state ("hide" or "show") $keyboardNavigation="on"; //enable/disable keyboard navigation ("on" or "off") //cache vars $thumbnails_wrapper=$("#thumbnails_wrapper"); $outer_container=$("#outer_container"); $thumbScroller=$(".thumbScroller"); $thumbScroller_container=$(".thumbScroller .container"); $thumbScroller_content=$(".thumbScroller .content"); $thumbScroller_thumb=$(".thumbScroller .thumb"); $preloader=$("#preloader"); $toolbar=$("#toolbar"); $toolbar_a=$("#toolbar a"); $bgimg=$("#bgimg"); $img_title=$("#img_title"); $nextImageBtn=$(".nextImageBtn"); $prevImageBtn=$(".prevImageBtn"); $(window).load(function() { $"imageViewMode",$defaultViewMode); //default view mode if($defaultViewMode=="full"){ $toolbar_a.html("<img src='toolbar_n_icon.png' width='50' height='50' />").attr("onClick", "ImageViewMode('normal');return false").attr("title", "Restore"); } else { $toolbar_a.html("<img src='toolbar_fs_icon.png' width='50' height='50' />").attr("onClick", "ImageViewMode('full');return false").attr("title", "Maximize"); } ShowHideNextPrev($nextPrevBtnsInitState); //thumbnail scroller $thumbScroller_container.css("marginLeft",$tsMargin+"px"); //add margin sliderLeft=$thumbScroller_container.position().left; sliderWidth=$outer_container.width(); $thumbScroller.css("width",sliderWidth); var totalContent=0; fadeSpeed=200; var $the_outer_container=document.getElementById("outer_container"); var $placement=findPos($the_outer_container); $thumbScroller_content.each(function () { var $this=$(this); totalContent+=$this.innerWidth(); $thumbScroller_container.css("width",totalContent); $this.children().children().children(".thumb").fadeTo(fadeSpeed, $thumbnailsOpacity); }); $thumbScroller.mousemove(function(e){ if($thumbScroller_container.width()>sliderWidth){ var mouseCoords=(e.pageX - $placement[1]); var mousePercentX=mouseCoords/sliderWidth; var destX=-((((totalContent+($tsMargin*2))-(sliderWidth))-sliderWidth)*(mousePercentX)); var thePosA=mouseCoords-destX; var thePosB=destX-mouseCoords; if(mouseCoords>destX){ $thumbScroller_container.stop().animate({left: -thePosA}, $scrollEasing,$scrollEasingType); //with easing } else if(mouseCoords<destX){ $thumbScroller_container.stop().animate({left: thePosB}, $scrollEasing,$scrollEasingType); //with easing } else { $thumbScroller_container.stop(); } } }); $thumbnails_wrapper.fadeTo(fadeSpeed, $thumbnailsContainerOpacity); $thumbnails_wrapper.hover( function(){ //mouse over var $this=$(this); $this.stop().fadeTo("slow", 1); }, function(){ //mouse out var $this=$(this); $this.stop().fadeTo("slow", $thumbnailsContainerMouseOutOpacity); } ); $thumbScroller_thumb.hover( function(){ //mouse over var $this=$(this); $this.stop().fadeTo(fadeSpeed, 1); }, function(){ //mouse out var $this=$(this); $this.stop().fadeTo(fadeSpeed, $thumbnailsOpacity); } ); //on window resize scale image and reset thumbnail scroller $(window).resize(function() { FullScreenBackground("#bgimg",$"newImageW"),$"newImageH")); $thumbScroller_container.stop().animate({left: sliderLeft}, 400,"easeOutCirc"); var newWidth=$outer_container.width(); $thumbScroller.css("width",newWidth); sliderWidth=newWidth; $placement=findPos($the_outer_container); }); //load 1st image var the1stImg = new Image(); the1stImg.onload = CreateDelegate(the1stImg, theNewImg_onload); the1stImg.src = $bgimg.attr("src"); $"nextImage",$(".content").first().next().find("a").attr("href")); $"prevImage",$(".content").last().find("a").attr("href")); }); function BackgroundLoad($this,imageWidth,imageHeight,imgSrc){ $this.fadeOut("fast",function(){ $this.attr("src", "").attr("src", imgSrc); //change image source FullScreenBackground($this,imageWidth,imageHeight); //scale background image $preloader.fadeOut("fast",function(){$this.fadeIn("slow");}); var imageTitle=$"imageTitle"); if(imageTitle){ $this.attr("alt", imageTitle).attr("title", imageTitle); $img_title.fadeOut("fast",function(){ $img_title.html(imageTitle).fadeIn(); }); } else { $img_title.fadeOut("fast",function(){ $img_title.html($this.attr("title")).fadeIn(); }); } }); } //mouseover toolbar if($toolbar.css("display")!="none"){ $toolbar.fadeTo("fast", 0.4); } $toolbar.hover( function(){ //mouse over var $this=$(this); $this.stop().fadeTo("fast", 1); }, function(){ //mouse out var $this=$(this); $this.stop().fadeTo("fast", 0.4); } ); //Clicking on thumbnail changes the background image $("#outer_container a").click(function(event){ event.preventDefault(); var $this=$(this); GetNextPrevImages($this); GetImageTitle($this); SwitchImage(this); ShowHideNextPrev("show"); }); //next/prev images buttons ${ event.preventDefault(); SwitchImage($"nextImage")); var $this=$("#outer_container a[href='"+$"nextImage")+"']"); GetNextPrevImages($this); GetImageTitle($this); }); ${ event.preventDefault(); SwitchImage($"prevImage")); var $this=$("#outer_container a[href='"+$"prevImage")+"']"); GetNextPrevImages($this); GetImageTitle($this); }); //next/prev images keyboard arrows if($keyboardNavigation=="on"){ $(document).keydown(function(ev) { if(ev.keyCode == 39) { //right arrow SwitchImage($"nextImage")); var $this=$("#outer_container a[href='"+$"nextImage")+"']"); GetNextPrevImages($this); GetImageTitle($this); return false; // don't execute the default action (scrolling or whatever) } else if(ev.keyCode == 37) { //left arrow SwitchImage($"prevImage")); var $this=$("#outer_container a[href='"+$"prevImage")+"']"); GetNextPrevImages($this); GetImageTitle($this); return false; // don't execute the default action (scrolling or whatever) } }); } function ShowHideNextPrev(state){ if(state=="hide"){ $nextImageBtn.fadeOut(); $prevImageBtn.fadeOut(); } else { $nextImageBtn.fadeIn(); $prevImageBtn.fadeIn(); } } //get image title function GetImageTitle(elem){ var title_attr=elem.children("img").attr("title"); //get image title attribute $"imageTitle", title_attr); //store image title } //get next/prev images function GetNextPrevImages(curr){ var nextImage=curr.parents(".content").next().find("a").attr("href"); if(nextImage==null){ //if last image, next is first var nextImage=$(".content").first().find("a").attr("href"); } $"nextImage",nextImage); var prevImage=curr.parents(".content").prev().find("a").attr("href"); if(prevImage==null){ //if first image, previous is last var prevImage=$(".content").last().find("a").attr("href"); } $"prevImage",prevImage); } //switch image function SwitchImage(img){ $preloader.fadeIn("fast"); //show preloader var theNewImg = new Image(); theNewImg.onload = CreateDelegate(theNewImg, theNewImg_onload); theNewImg.src = img; } //get new image dimensions function CreateDelegate(contextObject, delegateMethod){ return function(){ return delegateMethod.apply(contextObject, arguments); } } //new image on load function theNewImg_onload(){ $"newImageW",this.width).data("newImageH",this.height); BackgroundLoad($bgimg,this.width,this.height,this.src); } //Image scale function function FullScreenBackground(theItem,imageWidth,imageHeight){ var winWidth=$(window).width(); var winHeight=$(window).height(); if($"imageViewMode")!="original"){ //scale var picHeight = imageHeight / imageWidth; var picWidth = imageWidth / imageHeight; if($"imageViewMode")=="full"){ //fullscreen size image mode if ((winHeight / winWidth) < picHeight) { $(theItem).attr("width",winWidth); $(theItem).attr("height",picHeight*winWidth); } else { $(theItem).attr("height",winHeight); $(theItem).attr("width",picWidth*winHeight); }; } else { //normal size image mode if ((winHeight / winWidth) > picHeight) { $(theItem).attr("width",winWidth); $(theItem).attr("height",picHeight*winWidth); } else { $(theItem).attr("height",winHeight); $(theItem).attr("width",picWidth*winHeight); }; } $(theItem).css("margin-left",(winWidth-$(theItem).width())/2); $(theItem).css("margin-top",(winHeight-$(theItem).height())/2); } else { //no scale $(theItem).attr("width",imageWidth); $(theItem).attr("height",imageHeight); $(theItem).css("margin-left",(winWidth-imageWidth)/2); $(theItem).css("margin-top",(winHeight-imageHeight)/2); } } //Image view mode function - fullscreen or normal size function ImageViewMode(theMode){ $"imageViewMode", theMode); FullScreenBackground($bgimg,$"newImageW"),$"newImageH")); if(theMode=="full"){ $toolbar_a.html("<img src='toolbar_n_icon.png' width='50' height='50' />").attr("onClick", "ImageViewMode('normal');return false").attr("title", "Restore"); } else { $toolbar_a.html("<img src='toolbar_fs_icon.png' width='50' height='50' />").attr("onClick", "ImageViewMode('full');return false").attr("title", "Maximize"); } } //function to find element Position function findPos(obj) { var curleft = curtop = 0; if (obj.offsetParent) { curleft = obj.offsetLeft curtop = obj.offsetTop while (obj = obj.offsetParent) { curleft += obj.offsetLeft curtop += obj.offsetTop } } return [curtop, curleft]; } </script> </body> </html>
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Thanks for the code it was really helpful, But is there any way to make the transition to next image little more animated or smooth so that the black loading screen doesnt show up… It will look much smoother if the next image transition becoms little smooth and eye catchy. Could anyone plz help me out.. tried my brains out but couldnt figure it out..
Hello Malihu.
I have an album with 300 images in it. It is undesirable to have that many images to scroll through on one page. Is it possible to have buttons somewhere on your fullscreen Image Gallery page, say top right, which link to pages within my album. Say, for example, five clickable pages with 60 images for each gallery of the album?
I have read through the hundreds of comments and saw that you had planned to do something like this back in 2012. Did you manage that? I hope you have time to reply to this comment and possible have a solution for me.
Tried to edit my comment, but couldn’t. I meant a drop down menu on the top toolbar, where I asked for ‘buttons’.
I’ve used the big image as a link to another page. Is there any way to modify the code so that, when the visitor returns to the gallery, the queue of images doesn’t reset:
The clicked-on image is the current image on returning, courtesy of a php session variable.
Thanks for sharing. This image gallery looks great and very helpful. Here is another one tutorial for ligthbox image gallery using bootstrap and jquery.
I will wish to retrieve the tag “alt” to each image to display below the variable “title”
How do I adjust the JS code?
Thank you very much for all answers and this lovely gallery
Good and helpful tutorial there is another tutorial of how to create you own image gallery using jquery and css
Thanks for this, finally a gallery that (after a bit of finetuning) can be turned in the minimalistic gallery I’ve been after for quite a while.
I’ve taken the liberty to adjust the index page to include some php code, so no adjustments have to be made to make a new gallery.
The page has to be changed into a index.php page and these bits of code have to added:
at the beginning:
<?php $images=scandir('images'); array_shift($images);array_shift($images); ?>
(the double array_shift is needed to delete the ‘.’ and ‘..’, that are the first two results of the scandir)
right after the tag, this has to be added/changed:
<?php $exif=exif_read_data('images/'.$images[0]); ?> <div id="bg"><a href="#" class="nextImageBtn" title="next"></a><a href="#" class="prevImageBtn" title="previous"></a><img src="images/<?php echo $images[0];?>" title="<?php echo $exif['Title'];?>" id="bgimg" /></div>
A simple loop then reads the filenames and the titles (this presumes you add titles in the exif)
<?php foreach ($images as $image) {$exif=exif_read_data('images/'.$image); echo '<div class="content">'; echo '<div><a href="images/'.$image.'"><img src="thumbs/'.$image.'" title="'.$exif['Title'].'"'; echo 'class="thumb" /></a></div></div>'; } ?>
This presumes the thumbnails go in a folder ‘thumbs’, which I personally prefer, becuase they can have the same names then. But this of course can be adjusted to whatever one prefers.
Hello thanks for the great script…
HOW to go to a specific slide through text links?
Would be cool if you could add something like –>
$(document).keydown(function(ev) {
if(ev.keyCode == 38) { //up arrow
} else if(ev.keyCode == 40) { //down arrow
Thanks for sharing your great work.
It seems like there is an issue that the last thumbnail doesn’t appear properly.
I modified the code below, and it works fine now.
var totalContent=$tsMargin;
Thank you.
Hey Malihu,
Firstly, I love this plugin. And its very important for the temple website I’m designing. But there’s some modification I need to do. I tried understanding the code and the css as well but no luck. I want to limit the div with class container to fit inside the screen. I have integrated another javascript file to allow user to swipe through the thumbnails. This script creates buttons so that desktop users can scroll through the thumbnails using these arrows(buttons). So the main problem is limiting the width of the div with class container to the screen width of the device.
Thanks for the plugin and thanks in advance for your support.
Hi, Awesome slider and thanks for sharing.
Isn’t possible to add “play & pause button”? I’m use this to creating my photo gallery. Hope you can help.
GREAT CODE! , one question, it’s possible center thumbs, my gallery it’s only 3 photos, thks!!!
PLz guide me how to coneect this template contact form directly to the specified email address……
Hello ,plzzzz help me out .I had used yor Excellent Template for my client .but as if not I cannot able to connect Contact Form Directly to Email,Outlook is opening..Plz help me out..
Thank You Very Mush keep going……………………
This is an awesome blog post, this image slider looks just awesome that I created and put on my site.
It would be nice if you can have a link to every image in the gallery, because there is only a link to the gallery, but a link to single images would be nice.
it would be also great it there was a possibility to have different gallery categories
This is NOT fullscreen like I hoped! It’s merely full window. Dissapointing!
How do I hide the thumbnail completely? Remove it from the entire slider altogether?
Also, is there anyway to enable Autoplay within the script?
Is there any way to check if an image comes in vertical format and then bypass the image scaling block so such images will be displayed fully (not scaled)?
Thanks for your reply!
Hello Malihu, first of all, thanks.
I mixed version 1 and version 2, but I’m having an issue with the “bgimg” display tag, when I load the website or click a thumbnail, the style gets to “display:none;”. Is there a way to fix this within the “gallery.js”?
Thanks in advance.
I did a workaround just set the background style as !important on the CSS file…
At the moment I’m having issues with:
When an image is clicked it doesn’t fade in or fade out, just quick change.
Where in the code can I check this, thanks.
Is there any way changing the size of the thumbnails??
You can use Css for it.
#outer_container .thumbScroller img {}
Hi there, great work on this gallery. The only thing I find that would make this really perfect is the ability to sort the images. Right now I find that they are displayed based on file name and not based on the order in which they were added. Is it possible to make the images display in the order that that they were uploaded? ie the latest images show first and the older ones display later? Thanks in advance.
I have tried to create a separate JS sheet for this great design – but i cannot separate the code from the html page and keep it functional. Wanted to use in multiple pages with one js sheet download for efficiency. Can the js code be done in a separate .js sheet? And yes I have deleted the in my attempts – nothing but js code on the page. In my attempts – the scroll bar appears but not the background image.
Can anyone help?
Thank You
Put the call to the .js file at the end of the page, before the ending body tag
Tried it – could not get it to work – have you tried this? If yes, and it works let me know I will happily retry.
on page script is the only way I could get it to function
Thank you for your great work!
I modified the code so I could have the large image link to a specific page based on a custom attribute added to the thumbnail image (attr = data-link).
Here’s the updated JQuery code if someone is interested:
The only things that would need to change in the HTML example is you would have to wrap the large image in the
div in an<a href="" class="parent-link">
tag and then add adata-link
attribute with your URL to the thumbnail image like<img src="your-thumbnail.jpg" alt="alt" title="title" data-link="link-to-your-page.html">
Hi Malihu
AWESOME Gallery!
Is it possible to have more than one gallery on the same site… is there a good solution for this… ?
Cheers, T
Is it posible to obtain the images path from a sql database?
I already resolve how to get the path from my database and use it in the img, when I click on the next button change to the next picture, when I get to the last picture and click next it show me the first picture but when you click next again show the first again and again.
I’m sorry but I forgot to include part of the code
<div class="content"> <div><a href= <%= photo1 %> ><img src=<%=Session("Foto1")%> title="David Auto Sales" alt="" class="thumb" /></a></div> </div> <div class="content"> <div><a href= <%= photo2 %>><img src= <%= photo2 %> title="David Auto Sales" alt="" class="thumb" /></a></div> </div>
This is AMAZING thank you. I was just wondering, is there a way NOT to enlarge photos that are not big enough by default to fill the screen. Currently, smaller pictures just get enlarged (and so become blurry)
thank you
You can set the $defaultViewMode to “normal” or “original” in the first line of the script.
thank you for the answer. I was more referring to a case, where we have 10 images in the gallery 8 are big enough to be fullscreen, but 2 are small (800×600).